
Welcome to the Opt-in Planner!

The Opt-in Planner covers four key areas: audience, content, design/branding, and marketing. Each section has questions for you to answer that will help you get started creating your next freebie or content upgrade.

Type your answers in the boxes below. Once you’ve answered all the questions and submitted your answers, you’ll get a pdf of your Opt-in Plan in your inbox.

1 Audience
2 Content
3 Design/Branding
4 Marketing
  • Before you dive right in to creating your PDF freebie, stop for a few minutes and take a big picture view of the project. Doing this ground work that will set the foundation for creating a beautiful and useful PDF that will get downloaded and used (not downloaded and forgotten)! The questions below will help you do this. They cover four key areas: audience, content, design/branding, and marketing.
  • Audience

  • Picture someone reading your PDF and smiling and nodding and taking notes. Who is it?
  • What questions do they have that you can answer?
  • Inspired, empowered, curious, entertained?
  • Why are they reading your PDF? What do they want to know, learn, or become from reading?