Full-hearted Results
“If you make a full-hearted effort, then you get full-hearted results.” – Susan Hyatt, life coach
Design is Intelligence
“Design is intelligence made visible.” – Alina Wheeler, brand identity designer
10 Brand Style Guides for You to Steal
Steal Like An Artist
Steal like an artist is a concept from Austin Kleon’s book of the same name. To steal like an artist you don’t just copy and use someone else’s work, instead you transform and remix the inspiration you find to make it your own.
With that concept of stealing like an artist in mind, here are 10 brand style guides you can remix to create your own brand visuals. Grab the typography, hex color, and design element specs from the details section of the brand that inspires you and remix away!
About the Brand
Jenna Isabell is a tech geek. She has a thing for bright pops of color, patterns, and circles. Her clients choose her because they know she can rescue them from any tech tragedy and have them laughing at the crazy situation.
Logo: Roboto Condensed Bold
Tagline: Roboto Light
Hex Colors: #151515, #fff300, #fff888
Circle Pattern: Photoshop Pattern Overlay
About the Brand
Poppy Haydon writes copy for eco brands. She has a thing for the redwood trees, ferns, and moss. Her clients choose her because she helps them craft messages that express their eco passions in modern, hip ways.
Logo: Vast Shadow
Tagline: Oswald
Hex Colors: #8c6043, #d3d568, #ede9ce, #ece690, #ac9979
Floral Elements: Aierbazzi font
About the Brand
Katja Darrow helps entrepreneurs manage their finances. She has a thing for pinstriped suits, consistency, and money. Her clients choose her because she helps them understand financial basics in fresh ways and helps them implement systems so their financial bases are covered automatically.
Logo: Bickham Script Pro
Tagline: Arial
Hex Colors: #efefef, #d2d5d5, #b8a38f, #e77b5f, #2f333b
Design Elements: flourishes and patterns available in Photoshop.
Logo: Linotype Didot from MyFonts.
Hex Colors: #2a2a45, #ece8d9, #e5626d
Design Elements: Triangle elements created in Photoshop. Seamless gold patterns available on Etsy and Creative Market.

About the Brand
Beatrix Marie is an interior designer with a focus on custom upholstery. She has a thing for pastels, patterns, and the past. Her clients choose her because they know she can rescue their favorite pieces of furniture and take them from frumpy to fab.
Logo: Playfair Display Regular
Tagline: Playfair Display Italic
Hex Colors: #823762, #d15c82, #ffbd62, #dcfa6b, #afeeea
Pattern: from Creative Market. Search for “patterns” and look for designs that strike your fancy. This specific pattern is “Confetti Hand Drawn Patterns”.
About the Brand
Nora Luella creates custom heirloom jewelry. The kind of jewelry that mothers buy for their daughters to mark special occasions in their lives.
Nora wants her customers to know that she understands their desire to document and honor their connection with their daughters. She wants them to feel warmth radiating off her branding.
She’s infused her own personality into her branding. Her brand colors remind her of grandmother’s favorite bracelet and the texture she’s chosen reminds her of the leaves falling from her favorite childhood tree.
Logo: Great Vibes
Tagline: Josefin Sans
Colors: #f87f66, #ba3e34, #a49294, #b7d1ca, #fecfa5
Texture: Photoshop custom shape
About the Brand
Whitfoot LLP is a law firm that helps families with estate planning. Many of their clients are making these decisions because they are older and wanting to get their estates settled before they start experiencing major health issues.
They want their customers to know that they understands their concerns about keeping as much of their estates intact as possible. They want their clients to feel confidence, competency, and wealth radiating from their branding.
They are a very traditional company. Their choice of gray tones for brand colors and very traditional looking fonts is a nod to the seriousness of the topics they help their client with and the care they take in handling these issues for their clients.
Logo: Caslon 540
Tagline: Univers Light
Colors: #e7e7e7, #5e5e5e, #3a3a3a, #000000
Texture: Photoshop vintage patterns, search for “vintage patterns Photoshop” on Creative Market (affiliate link).
About the Brand
Irina Shardo is a fitness coach for busy moms. Many of her clients want to have a regular fitness routine, but are having trouble finding time in their busy lives.
Irina wants her customers to know that she has been where they are: happy to be at home with their kids, but unhappy with their exercise routine. She loves to use her scheduling and logistics skills, learned while running a busy office, along with her fitness coaching skills to help moms find time for exercise in and around being the kind of moms they want to be.
Irina has always signed her name with tiny circles above the “i” and loves pink. She believes pushing your kids on the swinging and chasing soap bubbles is exercise and works to help moms find fun ways to incorporate more movement like that into their days.
Logo: Sacramento
Tagline: Open Sans
Colors: #f2f0d7, #ffd2c0, #f18bac, #ce415a, #519b91, #a8d2c4
Confetti Texture: Photoshop brush, search for “confetti brush” on Creative Market (affiliate link).
About the Brand
Georgia Port helps brick and mortar businesses manage their social media profiles. Many of her clients are overwhelmed by the decisions they need to make to take advantage of social media and want an expert to handle their profiles for them.
Georgia wants her customers to know that she has serious tech chops and marketing strategy skills. She loves to break down social media jargon into easy to understand pieces and takes a custom approach to crafting social media plans for her clients.
Georgia loves bright colors. She believes social media can be fun and profitable for her clients. She wants her branding to reflect the fun she has coming up with social media strategies for her clients.
Logo: Zantroke
Tagline: Century Gothic
Colors: #ec471e, #821518, #ed298f, #d8c600
Texture: Photoshop shapes, search for “pixel backgrounds” on Creative Market (affiliate link).
About the Brand
Annie Hirvi is an app developer for entrepreneurs. She has a thing for neon colors, geometric patterns, high top Converse, and coding. Her clients choose her because she consistently delivers apps that sail through apps store approvals and get downloaded and used by their clients.
Logo: Zambajoun
Tagline: Exo
Colors: #2ddfea, #fd893b, #f5424c, #ea3333, #5f4c86, #18b89e
Blended Texture: custom designed in Photoshop, search for “geometric” on Creative Market (affiliate link).
Learn how to choose fonts and colors to best tell your brand story and build a website to match in The Brand Workshop