Thankful 2012

In honor of Thanksgiving, I asked my friends and colleagues to tell me what they are thankful for in business and in life.

Their lovely, heartfelt responses are a testament to the joys of life as an entrepreneur.

What are you thankful for?

I’m thankful to be here now, alive, writing and living. And to be able to use my gifts to support people to heal and see their magic in the world.

I’m thankful for Morning Whip and to know you! I’m thankful for so many things, but to have thrived through our first year as detailed here: so thankful!

~ Grace Quantock

I am thankful for my growing family, my fabulous team and my supportive and fun friends.

I am grateful for health, creativity, opportunity and unbelievable freedom.

~ Cathy Brown Sykora

I am grateful for my family and friends – for the love that embraces me and the souls that remind me who I am and how I want to show up in this world.

I am grateful for work that allows me to witness my clients shape a new, peaceful reality, own their power and step unapologetically into their own skin.

~ Wokie Nwabueze

Looking back on the last year, I see so much I am thankful for; first is for the personal trauma I went through a year ago. It was the basis for me to align my life with my beliefs then have the courage to ask for and get what I need and want.

If you asked me last year if I was grateful for what I was going through at the time the answer would be “no way” followed by a lot of crying.

Now I look back and I want to cry for all that I have achieved in my personal development. I am right where I am supposed to be.

~ Cheryl Bigus

Always and deeply, I am thankful for my awareness to Spirit. For being awake at my wheel. For the gift of knowing how to open my heart, face to the sun, and trust the sail.

The ability to see the wonder in children, the pain on another’s face, the magnificence of our human containers that we call bodies … and the beauty of us being here time and time again, in these incarnations at all.

~ Rosa Conti

I am grateful and appreciate all my clients and students past and present, my followers and friends. Each day they remind me that my passion is to share the power of Happiness in our lives and bring joy to millions, and each and every one is a stepping stone to that goal.

In life in general I each day feel blessed to live here and now and give thanks for technology. I met hubby via an internet dating site and now live in a lovely town where I have met new friends and colleagues. I keep in touch with clients, students, colleagues and friends using social media; as well as getting to meet lovely new people daily.

And the best one yet…I get to Skype with my beautiful daughters and grand-daughters, seeing their faces and sharing love and laughter regularly.

~ Jacqueline Fairbrass

In business I am grateful for the spirit-rich women who show up in my well-nourished woman program trusting me with their deepest desire to elevate their relationship to food and their bodies.

And in life, I am deeply grateful for the improvement in my dad’s health over the past six months. He went from Hospice to greatly restored health. And at ninety one, he’s looking pretty good in “a room with a view” where he is, once again, enjoying chocolate for breakfast.

~ Sue Ann Gleason and

I am grateful and blessed to share this journey of awakening health and wholeness with the beings, young and old, that are my clients. I am grateful that CranioSacral healing helps 3 week old babies with birth trauma feel expansive and safe in their bodies.

Being present daily with my own humanity and multiple sclerosis helps me compassionately support families with a child with muscular dystrophy. I am thankful to support women experiencing loss of a precious physical ability whether it’s hearing or balance due to an accident or illness.

And in my own life, I am grateful to be shown the doorway, right below the surface of my constrictive physical body, into the expansive ocean of F L O W. Now I can feel F L O W in my own body and guide others into the source of pure self love

~ Barbara Coon

In my business, I am thankful for the wonderful people I am able to serve. I am thankful for the freedom my career gives me. In my personal life, I am thankful for my family who give me the freedom to simply be. It’s all about the people in my life and freedom.

~ Theresa Reed

I am so thankful for the love notes that fill my inbox each week from my amazing clients, and for the chance to be a witness to the phenomenal transformations that my clients experience.

I have the best clients — they motivate and inspire me every day!

~ Claudia Olivié

I’m thankful for all the lessons I have learned this year after quitting my day job, for all the connections I have made doing this work, for my Lovely Boyfriend who has been the best supporter ever, for Lulu the Krazy Kitty for bringing such joy in our home, for the roof above my head and the food in my fridge. Thankful for YOU! 😉

~ Emmanuelle Lambert

I’m thankful that I’m finding a way to combine all of the things I love the most, and the strengths which come most naturally to me, into this itty bitty biz I’m building.

Supporting and lifting up others while being authentically myself is deeply meaningful.

~ Allegra Stein

I’m thankful for the freedom in life and business to be able to travel and work from anywhere with my amazing husband at my side.

~ Amy Scott

I’m thankful that I live in a country where I can vote and get education without risking my life, health, or safety.

I’m thankful that I live in an era with the technology to make friends all over the world – including my clients! And that that same technology lets me leverage my skills, passions, and genius into a sustainable business.

I’m thankful for my family and friends and their unwavering support, and my dog that thinks I’m awesome no matter what. And, I’m always thankful for dark chocolate!

~ Michelle Nickolaisen

I am so very thankful that in the midst of great challenges, I was able to bring my business to a place where I can support my family when we need it most.

~ Kimberely Arana

I am thankful I’ve created a business doing what I enjoy: traveling, cooking and writing. I am grateful for stepping into my power more and more and watching my dreams unfold.

I am grateful for my daughter, wonderful friends, a thriving life, living in NYC, and after Hurricane Sandy, not sweating the small stuff at all.

~ Tracey Ceurvels

I’m thankful for the INCREDIBLE community I have access to. The warmth, support, intelligence, passion and understanding from like-minded business women has helped me uncover and appreciate my own brilliance, as well as the joy of supporting other women along their own paths.

~ Zsofi Koller

Thankful for love+space to create+abundance+blessings!

~ Bri Saussy

I am so very thankful for the renewing and self-affirming power of the Creative Spirit…the knowledge that we are all Creative Beings, forging unique and awe-inspiring lives for ourselves in this World.

I am so thankful for Art to express myself through and make me feel of serve in my life.

~ Parisa Eithne Roohipour

I am thankful for the daily opportunity to grow beyond my perceived comfort zone and discover new skills, abilities and creative solutions that I would have never discovered otherwise.

~ Carla Golden

I am most thankful for my family!!! And I am thankful for all the people that have touched my life this year, inspired me beyond belief, taught me things, helped me be a better me.

~ Ursula Markgraf

I’m grateful for the chance to squish my kids every day, and to be able to get back to a calm center (eventually…) no matter how much craziness is going on in my outside life. A peaceful heart rocks! LOL

~ Julie Apolinario

I am very grateful I started my revamped business after having my daughter. I am thankful that little voice inside me always reminds me to put family before work.

If I had been successful before being a parent I know I would put ambition above all.

~ Amanda Burris

I am thankful for the freedom to make bold moves: from my marriage, our international transition, and jumping into new friendships with both feet.

I’m grateful for my health, my ability to create, and the people who support and cheer me on.

~ Nathalie Lussier

I’m thankful that I get to co-create with amazing clients – and that I get to support their transformation and growth on a global platform.

~ Michelle Martello

I am grateful to have the opportunity to teach kids about the importance of living a life of confidence, courage and compassion.

I am grateful to be a mom and to help my kids see the good in them and in others, to live fully and to make a difference.

~ Chantelle Adams

I am grateful for my true friends – those people whom I know are there for me regardless of the time or distance that has us physically apart.

I am grateful for all the love in my life. I am grateful that in every raindrop, there is a glimmer of light.

~ Nancy Lamb

I’m thankful for the freedom to build the business I love.

I’m thankful for my family – my kids and my adorable grandkids. And I’m thankful for learning and growth in my life.

~ Leanne Chesser

I am thankful for all the lessons I learned this year. I am truly thankful + honored to have worked with incredible souls as clients.

This provided me a refining of my heart + soul to keep on this path of awakening. Oh, and I’m grateful for all the support I had to make it all happen.

~ Hillary Rubin

In my life, I am thankful for God’s salvation, thankful that His mercy and kindness continue to pour blessings into my life even when I don’t deserve them. I’m thankful for the blessing of my amazing family, my daughters especially and for great friends like the Tribe.

In my business, I am thankful for every experience this year – good and bad. Especially thankful for the blessing of becoming a best selling author and of course for my husband’s never-ending support. Even though he still doesn’t fully understand what I do, he’s always incredibly supportive and willing to invest whatever is needed.

I’m also beyond thankful for all my clients and community of subscribers. Without them, I’d have no business.

~ Rachel Luna

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for? Comment below.


  1. I am most grateful for my beautiful, loving family – a helpful, hardworking husband and three energetic, healthy young boys. This past year has brought many blessings and challenges but each of them has helped me grow as a person and several have allowed me to help others grow. Thankful I have chosen this path in life and very grateful for my loving family and friends that surround me and support me every single day.

  2. Such a great post idea! I’m grateful to have been able to contribute to it. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I’m grateful for SO much! Here’s just a small sampling…

    *My amazingly supportive man, friends, and family who lift me up and show me the way, even when it’s not entirely clear at the time
    *My health – mind, body, and soul – and all the beautiful growth that I’ve gone through on my journey to create and grow my life coaching practice
    *Winks from mother nature that remind me how interconnected we all are
    *Pure, radiant joy – experiencing it and expressing it so that others can feel the same 🙂
    *YOU – for allowing me one more opportunity to share my gratitude!

  4. Julie Geigle on at

    Gratitude always moves me into the NOW and opens the gateway to unending abundance and prosperity. I am grateful to be a work-from-home entrepreneur with a thriving business which gives me the opportunity to home school my incredibly precious 13 yr old daughter. Most people think when your kids are little it’s the most important time of their life, and I agree it is, but when your kids are teenagers is when they REALLY need you to be present in their life.

  5. Cheryl Bigus on at

    Christie, Thanks so much for letting me participate. I am blown away by all the amazing women I’ve met in the last year; I am inspired every single day.

  6. Mindy Crary on at

    I can actually feel the shift happening as I read this, SO amazing to have such a fantastic cross section of women who are making it happen for themselves. Reading this made me chime in with every single one, “me too, I am thankful for that in my own life!” Maybe this should be required reading to get my mornings started for the rest of the year!

  7. What I love so much about this post is that a lot of people cite freedom and very few cite money. You’ve got yourself one helluva tribe, Christie. 🙂

  8. Anja on at

    I am thankful for my spiritual growth this year and that I’ve finally learned to completely trust in the universe.
    I am thankful for all the freedom I have created in my life and business and for the exciting opportunities the universe keeps throwing my way.
    And I am grateful for all the new, wise and loving friends I’ve made this year.

  9. Leah Shapiro on at

    I am grateful all the lessons, growth and expansion I’ve experienced this year, and for my amazing friends!

  10. Cathy on at

    This is wonderful. This is something I didn’t say I was thankful for…having such a group of brilliant women to inspire me daily. Thanks! ~Cathy

  11. Megan Flatt on at

    Thank you for this Christie! I literally got chills reading this. I am grateful for all of these amazing woman who are changing the world and I get to be a tiny part of the transition. I am so grateful for all the amazing information and opportunities we have access to. AND I am grateful for my amazing family that support me and two adorable kids that make me laugh, smile and remind me why I do what I do.

  12. Pam Pearson on at

    I’m grateful for the journey of life. And, for all those who travel with me on that journey. For the lessons and stops I make along the way. I know it is not about the destination, but rather the journey. I try to appreciate every part of it regardless. Oh yeah…and my dog and dark chocolate too!!

  13. Tina Pruitt on at

    Ooo-wee! That is some powerful stuff! LOVE all the gratitude here.

    I am thankful that we have the freedom to express ourselves – both in our personal and our business lives. And do it INTERNATIONALLY! It is an amazing experience! I am thankful for all the people I love and all the people that love me….known and unknown! I am thankful for my son. I am thankful for this body and this lifetime. All is a blessing indeed.