Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10
Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23

Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.
On the blog ...
Online Resource Roundup: July
Check out this awesome list of online classes, programs, and resources offered by entrepreneurial women to help you live your best life. If you have an online offering available in that supports women entrepreneurs please share in the comments. If you’d like to be included in the August roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!
This month we are shining the spotlight on Find Your True Voice Workshop with Lisa Robbin Young. Congrats on the launch Lisa!
Find Your True Voice Workshop
With: Lisa Robbin Young
Price: Free mini-workshop July 5 & 9, $275 for 4 week intensive beginning July 16
Description: Learn to communicate your unique Essential Why statement to your Perfect-Fit Customers, and discover that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. More Info
Sales Close: Limited seating.
And now, on to the full list…have fun, grow, learn, explore, live!
Business Growth
E-Book Brainstorming Sessions
With: Christie Halmick
Price: Free
Description: I’ll review your PDF freebie/e-book with an emphasis on content, design, audience, the bigger picture of your brand and the market. Then, we’ll meet for a 15 minute chat and you’ll leave with tips to take your e-book/freebie up a notch. If you don’t have an e-book/freebie, we’ll talk about audience, marketing goals and how an e-book fits into your brand, types of e-books and what best fits your particular marketing goals, writing, editing, design and PDF production issues. More Info
Sales Close: July 5 and 12, 2012. Limited spots.
Video Rockstar University
With: Share Ross
Price: $595
Description: Video Rockstar University is a 4 week online course where female entrepreneurs learn to unleash their inner rockstars on camera! Connect with more clients and build trust quickly by doing your own dynamic and engaging DIY videos! More Info
Sales Close: at 30 attendees, class starts July 9, 2012
Double Your Income with Teleseminars
With: Rebecca Snowball
Price: Free Call, $197 for paid program
Description: How to double you income, grow your list, and put your yoga business on the map, now, with teleseminars. More Info
Sales Close: July 16, 2012
The Brushstroke Business Masterclass
With: Kat Bouchard & Susan Wiggins
Price: $300
Description: For entrepreneurs who are ready to move their businesses to the next level, the brushstroke master class is a 1/2 day one-on-one business coaching intensive. It is for motivated business owners to fill in knowledge gaps surrounding revenue target setting, sales empowerment, organizational systems and planning for growth. More Info
Sales Close: July 30, 2012
Open Office Hours
With: Christie Halmick
Price: Free
Description: Get answers to your most pressing online business branding, content, and design questions in this free, 30-minute Skype session. July 31, by appointment only. More Info
Sales Close: July 31, limited to 10 spots.
Six Month Planning Package
With: Michelle Nickolaisen
Price: $750
Description: Want to never plan anything – again? Working together, we’ll create a plan for the next six months of your business and set it up in a project management tool for you + your team; all you have to do is show up & do what you do best. (Package available for July only includes additional follow-up & modification hours; normal package is $500 without those bonuses.) More Info
Sales Close: July 31, 2012
Dating & Relationships
How to Find Prince(ess) Charming and Stop Kissing Frogs!
With: Kellie J. Walker
Price: $10
Description: Join Kellie Walker, dating & relationship coach, for a 90-minute tele-class on how to use common sense and a bit of self-awareness to make better choices in your dating life. More Info
Sales Close: Friday, July 23, 2012, 1 hour before class begins
Christyna Lewis
Price: $197
Description: Video Get new habit of nurturing your financial life in 5 weeks. When the fear and anxiety are released, you have room for clarity and confidence!
More Info
Sales Close: July 7, 2012
Health & Wellness
The Abundant Veggie Patch System
With: Nicola Chatham
Price: $295
Description: The Abundant Veggie Patch System is a 6-week live interactive organic gardening course, packed with practical videos, audios, checklists and resources to help you design, create and upkeep your own veggie patch so you can enjoy an abundance of fresh, organic food right outside your back-door. More Info
Sales Close: July 12, 2012
Personal Development
Sensual Confidence Now
With: Marna Schwartz
Price: $125
Description: Do you ever feel uncomfortable, silly, or embarrassed when it comes to sensuality? Do you ever wish you could experience more pleasure? More Info
Sales Close: July 17, 2012
The Busy Mum’s Guide to making Life Easy
With: Marissa Roberts
Price: $65 AU
Description: A 6 week online video course designed to give you practical skills at handling everything motherhood throws at you. Learn how to balance work, life and family and be an organised, happy Mum! More Info
Sales Close: July 20, 2012
Business Growth
the eCourse Team Experience
With: Dayna House
Price: $249
Description: If you are ready to create an ecourse or program and need a little help getting started and staying on track you need this group coaching program. Over the duration of the 4 weeks we will spend together I am going to share everything I know about how to create inspiring, effective and professional training courses and programs. More Info
Sales Close: August 6, 2012
The PDF Workshop
With: Christie Halmick
Price: $200 through July 25th, price increases to $250 on July 26th.
Description: Create a beautiful, branded PDF for your target market (in iWork Pages) that will increase engagement with your ideal clients and help you grow your list. Boost your online business confidence by learning skills that you must have to get noticed online (writing, design, content strategy, marketing & follow through). Save money learn the skills to create any kind of PDF document. Starts August 27, 2012 More Info
Sales Close: August 27, 2012 or at 25 participants
Personal Development
Foundations for Unshakable Joy
With: Stephenie Zamora
Price: $395
Description: A 6-week online program that helps women take an honest look at their life, discover what they really want and create an easy-to-implement plan to make it happen fast. If you’re ready to experience fulfillment, passion and unshakable JOY, this course is for you! More Info
Sales Close: August 31, 2012
Soul Work & Creativity
The Book Within
With: Amy Scott
Price: $447 / $747
Description: A remarkable 12-week journey to finish the book only you can write, with support from a professional book coach and editor (Amy Scott of Nomad Editorial) and a small community of women writers just like you. Begins August 20, 2012; get a free 30-minute call with Amy every four weeks from the time you sign up until the program starts! More Info
Sales Close: August 19, 2012
Health & Wellness
Clueless in the Kitchen
With: Sue Ann Gleason
Price: $297
Description: From beleaguered cook to culinary rock star, this online course will transform your kitchen experience. We’ll look at flavor balancing, herbs, spices, kitchen tools, and the nourishing aspects of creating delicious meals that are elegantly easy and FUN to prepare. And I’ll hold your hand every step of the way. More Info
Sales Close: September. 15, 2012
The Well Nourished Woman
With: Sue Ann Gleason
Price: $697
Description: This online program will encompass all aspects of leading the life of a well nourished woman– food, art, creativity, the psycho-spiritual nature of nourishment. We’ll begin with a 30-day kitchen exploration and then move into the deeper wisdom of our eating experience This program runs for three months. More Info
Sales Close: September. 15, 2012
Business Growth & Personal Development
3, 2, 1 Launch BOOTCAMP
With: Anastasia Valentine
Price: $497
Description: 3, 2, 1 Launch BOOTCAMP is a hands on program for entrepreneurs and small businesses to guide them through everything from Idea through Launch! Ideation for Profit, Social Media, Online Marketing, Soft Launches, PR and Go to Market all included in the price of this fabulous program! More Info/
30-Day Fast-Action Coaching Program
With: Shay de Silva
Price: $697
Description: A one-on-one 30-day program to get you totally clear on where you want to be and how to get there. We’ll work together to create a detailed action plan and I’ll keep you accountable every step of the way! More Info
Business Planning for the Average Human
With: Amber Goodenough
Price: $349
Description: The Business Planning for the Average Human video ecourse is an 8 week online course that covers all the stuff you need in business plan in a fun, creative, exciting format! Everything is in plain english! No confusing jargon, no complicated spreadsheets…just the essentials. And visual aids and templates galore. More Info
Editor On Call
With: Lauren Forest
Price: Monthly Packages start at $97
Description: Make sure your online content is as professional as it can be – have it edited and proofread by your own “Editor On Call.” Send your weekly blog posts, guest articles, whatever you need…even Facebook updates and tweets and they’ll be polished and refined – usually within 72 hours (for short pieces); monthly package prices are based on word count. More Info
Free 15 Minutes Pow-wow
With: Yvette Syversen
Price: Free
Description: Free 15 Minutes Powwow chats with Yvette Syversen of EZ Business Growth {on Skype}. These no-hold barred conversations will help you liberate yourself from the daily grind of your business, so you can finally OWN your business and not the other way around! Result, more freedom + more cashola. Available: By appointment throughout July/August. More Info
The Girl’s Guide to Web Design
With: Amanda Aitken
Price: $597
Description: The fun and feisty online course for creative women who want to ditch their fear of code, unleash their inner designer and create an awe-inspiring WordPress blog or site! More Info
more EVOLution
With: Leona Mizrahi
Price: $136
Description: More evolution sessions are personalized private one-on-ones that reframe the self-help concept. Your private session is accompanied with straight forward and provocative questions that are results-oriented to help keep your heart warm and mind calm. More Info
Morning Whip
With: Erika Lyremark
Price: $595
Description: 30 days of whip-crackin’ action + luxurious support to whip UP your business confidence with Erika Lyrmark author of the forthcoming Think Like A Stripper: How to Hustle Like You Mean It! More Info
Sales Close: at 25 attendees
With: Victoria Prozan McGlinn
Price: $275
Description: You can’t sell it if you haven’t named it! Stop wasting time and start making money! More Info
On the Edge of Exceptional
With: Dr Laura Ciel
Description: The Dr Laura Ciel Show is a global talk show with the intent to inspire people who find themselves in a place of frustration, sadness, despair, grief, anger, crisis or chaos to move from this edge into the exceptional life they want to live. Each show will offer inspiration for those On The Edge of Exceptional in areas of Personal Achievement, Relationships, Career+Money and/or Health+Body. More Info
With: Jessica Kupferman
Price: $199
Description: An online course that helps business owners get started using Pinterest for business, branding, SEO, website traffic, and more! More Info
Redefining Beauty Transformation Program
With: Kat Kim
Price: $295-$497
Description: Learn how to lose weight and leverage your personal image a s a tool to help you attract what you want into your life. Find clarity, breakthrough success, transform your body and LOVE your image. More Info
Shift into Genius
With: Lauren Forest
Price: $1197
Description: A genius doesn’t fight her current situation: she shifts out of it and into a place that’s above & beyond it – she shifts into her own place of personal genius. This 6 week process teaches women entrepreneurs how to use this system to solve problems, overcome obstacles, and free themselves from self-defeating thoughts & feelings so that they can create the relationships, life, and businesses of their dreams. More Info
SquareOne Custome
With: Christyna Lewis
With: $550
Description: In 4 one-on-one private coaching sessions, we will take a snapshot of where you are now, explore your vision of where you want to go, and develop a plan to get you there. The plans we create will support your unique financial situation and emotional journey. Plus, you’ll be able to text or call me between sessions for personalized support and celebration More Info
Track This!
With: Brittni Mehlhoff
Price: $27
Description: Track This! is packed with actionable worksheets, charts, and questions designed to help you figure out what your true (and very specific) goals are when it comes to your business, and how to stay on track and accomplish those goals once they are set. More Info
Vlogging Made Simple
With: Jalanda James
Price: $99
Description: Learn how to record and edit your own videos like a PRO! NYC Videographer teaches “non-techie” women entrepreneurs or those who want to create “non crappy” videos in this quick, online video course. (Launch July 9th) More Info
Wealth of the Self Program
With: Evelyn Kalinosky
Price: $997, ongoing enrollment – 12 month program
Description: When you have built your inner wealth, your wealth of the self — when financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, relationship, and creativity are all balanced, congruent and firing on the same cylinders–surprise events that pull at your attention no longer eclipse your well being. More Info
WordPress Play Day
With: Loralee Hutton
Price: pay what you can
Description: A light and carefree place to spend time with like minded people who are also working on their WordPress websites. It’s a great place to focus on this 1 project for a few hours with no other distractions. We meet every Thursday evening, and every 2nd Tuesday during the day.
Accountability + Support = WordPress Play Day. More Info
Conscious Bookkeeping Method: Home Study Program
With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $300
Description: This self-guided, step-by-step and comprehensive online home study course is packed with Tools for Financial Transformation. Charged with practical action steps, teeming with deep reflection cues, and guided by a nurturing curiosity – you’ll be guided your relationship with money on every level, at your own pace. More Info
Tools for Financial Transformation: Introductory Video Course
With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $45
Description: This 4-part video series presents Bari Tessler Linden’s Conscious Bookkeeping method in lively, bite-sized morsels of transformative genius. If you’re ready for a jump start into a more conscious and fulfilling relationship with money, you won’t want to miss it! More Info
Wake Up With Mint Course
With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $65
Description: This multi-media training course has everything you need to start a money practice with the hip & handy web-based personal finance app, Mint.com. You’ll get a comprehensive video training guide to Mint, plus a soulful guide through the psychological, emotional, and spiritual considerations of tracking your finances. More Info
Health & Wellness
28-Day Fat-Blaster Challenge
With: Shay de Silva
Price: $149
Description: A comprehensive program that will get you in tip-top shape in just 28 days. The challenge includes a workbook for changing your habits, three workout videos (each one less than 25 minutes long and requiring no weights or other equipment), a meal plan, a day-by-day guide, and a tracker so you can chart your progress. More Info
The BFF Formula- Body Food Freedom Formula
With: Shelley Chapman
Price: $97
Description: A digital experience for women. Lose the Weight. Gain your Life by being your Body’s Best Friend. More Info
Casual Fridays
With: Paige Lysaght
Price: July discounted rate: $295 (price to increase after that)
Description: A focused but flexible four week one-on-one coaching experience for busy professional women. Learn to be healthier, happier, and more productive in work AND in life. More Info
The Cut The Crap 7 Day Guided Cleanse
With: Carol Galanty
Price: $45
Description: Cut the crap out of your diet, give yourself a big energy boost, improve your focus and sleep like a baby by cleansing your mind, body and soul for 7 days. (There is an optional juice delivery service or you can make your juices yourself). More Info
Fast Fitness to Go
With: Shay de Silva
Price: $80/month
Description: Get fit and firm in 25 minutes anytime, anywhere…no equipment needed! This unique program delivers three new 25-minute workout videos directly to your inbox each month. More Info
Inspired Running
With: Christy Lambert
Price: $10 a month
Description: Inspired Running is an online community of beginning runners/walkers, offering personalized support, motivation & feedback. The intent is to inspire as many people as possible to reach their fitness and life goals using inspiration to pave the way. More Info
Paleo Power Lunch
With: Stormy Sweitzer
Price: $27.50
Description: Paleo Power Lunch: Easy, Filling & Delicious Workday Meals is a strategic cookbook with a set of how-to videos and quick guides designed to help you create meals that power your active and busy life. Recipes are based on Paleo dietary principles and are naturally free of dairy, grains, legumes, and processed ingredients. All resources are electronic so you can easily download and use them wherever you need them. More Info
Season to Run
With: Jeanne Andrus
Price: $197/$347
Description: This program is perfect for you if you never thought you could be a runner, if you’ve tried and failed to be a runner, or if a 5k (or longer!) is on your “someday” list! Season to Run is a ZERO to 5k running program that teaches you everything you need to know to become a runner and supports you every step of the way! Minimum age – 9, maximum age – 95! More Info
Sugar Recovery Program
With: Claudia Olivie
Price: $175
Description: If you’ve been struggling with sugar addiction and the energy rollercoaster, this program will help you get off once and for all in just 2 weeks. You’ll learn how to deal with cravings and withdrawal, as well as how to reintroduce it into your life without starting the cycle all over again. Doors will open the first week of July! More Info
Your Health Path
With: Wendy Sailor
Price: $28, $98, $224 per month
Description: Three levels of coaching programs and classes: e-course and site membership, the aforementioned as well as email coaching, all of the aforementioned and 4 half hour coaching calls a month. Health and wellness coaching geared to the individual. This is not about what I want for you but helping you to decide what YOU want for you. More Info
Soul Work & Creativity
Bling Your Brilliant Idea
With: Cara Moulds
Price: $275/$1500
Description: Are you stalled with a divine idea that wants to be born? Get individual coaching and consulting to get out of the muck that’s weighing you down. 1 Carat Bling and 6 Carat Bling options for creating an online program or retreat, branding or opt-in ideas, writing an e-book, crafting a speech or presentation, or whatever brilliant idea is swirling within you! More Info
With: Melissa Horne
Price: $55.00 (AUD)
Description: Breathe-Focus-Centre, is a beautiful soulful on-line program, all about connecting in with the breath, to reduce stress & become more self aware – all in the name of building a life that you actually want to live. More Info
Introduction to Tarot
With: Eliza Fayle
Price: $40
Description: YA common sense approach to learning the Tarot, with no memory work involved. Tarot opens up your intuition and creativity to enhance not just your personal life, but your business life as well. More Info
The Merry Inksters
With: Amy Scott and Shanna Trenholm
Price: $30/month
Description: The Merry Inksters is a place for writers to connect and support one another with guidance from a professional writer (Shanna) and a professional editor (Amy). In the Merry Inksters you can share your struggles AND your successes. This summer, let us help you rediscover the joy of writing, complete your projects, and have fun doing it! More Info
Please share anyone who would benefit from this information.
If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!
Read MorePlanning Your Brilliant PDF Freebie
Freebies, Big Bananas, Pink Spoons…Got Yours?
Having a freebie, something awesome your website visitors can download or use for free, in exchange for signing up for your newsletter list, is key to growing your opt-in list and online business. If you don’t have one it’s time to get busy and get this done!
In interest of full disclosure, I’ll tell you that it took me f-o-r-e-v-e-r to finally get a downloadable freebie up on my site. Why? I’m so busy making big bananas for other lovely ladies that it is hard to find time to do my own stuff AND I was procrastinating like crazy.
Since I put my freebie up (see it over there on the right?) my list has grown 34 percent! So…do it!
Your freebie (also called a big banana or pink spoon) can take many forms: discount coupons, videos, audio lessons, courses, e-books, worksheets, downloadable PDFs, etc. Today we’ll be talking about PDF freebies.
Before you dive right in to creating your PDF freebie, stop for a few minutes and take a big picture view of the project. Doing this ground work that will set the foundation for creating a beautiful and useful PDF that will get downloaded and used (not downloaded and forgotten)!
The questions below will help you do this. They cover four key areas: audience, content, design/branding, and marketing.
Here we go. Grab a notebook and jot down your answers.
1. Who is this PDF for?
Picture someone reading your PDF and smiling and nodding and taking notes. Who is it?
2. How can you make this just for them?
What questions do they have that you can answer?
3. What step will they be able to take after reading your freebie? What will it help them do?
Why are they reading your PDF? What do they want to know, learn, or become from reading?
4. How do you want them to feel when they see/read your PDF?
Inspired, empowered, curious, entertained?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
1. What is the topic of your pdf?
What are you going to write about my dear? Start with what your audience needs to know in order to hire you or buy your product.
2. What do you have to say about this topic that no one else does?
Now’s the time to differentiate yourself from everyone else. Say something new. Say something YOU.
3. What format is the content going to take?
How To
Look Book
Product/Service Comparison
Process Explanantion
411 – Industry Jargon Explained
4. Where is the content coming from?
Is this new content, a blog post you are expanding, old content that you are converting to a new format?
5. What ancillary info can you include to add more value to your content?
Will it include links to extra materials (videos/mp3/blog posts on your website)? Bonus resources/tips?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
1. How do you want this freebie to look?
Heavily designed or basic?
Bold or understated?
Fun or serious?
Will it include photos or illustrations?
Will it include charts?
2. How are you going to maintain your current branding in the design?
What colors, fonts, and design elements from your website and other branding can you use to keep the look consistent?
3. How does this PDF fit into your business mission/goals?
Is it helping you expand into new areas, reinforcing your expertise in your niche?
How does it fit in with the rest of your content/marketing materials.
Does this lead into a product or service you have? Is it an introductory piece for people who are new to your brand or something meatier for your loyal fans?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
1. Why do you want to create this freebie?
Why you, why now? What makes this the right time to be creating this?
2. What results do you want?
Do you want more signups for your list, do you want to drive traffic to a sales page, etc?
3. How can you measure the results?
What’s your subscriber count now? Twitter followers, FaceBook fans? How are you going to keep track of the results this PDF brings?
4. What will success look like?
What increase/changes would make you ecstatic?
5. How can you take this up a notch and really make it a one-of-a-kind pdf that only you could create?
What skills, talents, background, unique perspective on the topic do you bring to the table?
6. How is this pdf going to be presented to your audience?
Opt-in, free, only to your list as premium content, as part of a product launch, as an add-on to an existing program/service, as a bonus for someone else program?
7. What kind of promo activities are you going to do to make sure your audience knows this resource is available to them?
Blog posts, guest posts, Tweets, status updates. Make a plan now to get this out in the world!
Woo! That’s a lot of questions!
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
As you are writing, designing, producing your freebie your answers to these will help you keep the freebie focused and on track.
Come back to these answers if you get stuck while writing. Read through your first draft with these answers in mind. Use your answers as a checklist to align the intentions you have for the freebie with the final result.
You can use these planning questions to help you plan freebies in other formats, too.
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Want to learn how to write, design, produce your own PDF freebie?
Come learn how to write, design and promote an opt-in that’s perfect for your clients during Opt-in Brilliance. The next live session of the workshop starts September 23.
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Have an a-ha! moment while reading this post? Tell me about it in the comments.
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Read MoreOnline Resource Roundup: June
Check out this awesome list of online classes, programs, and resources offered by entrepreneurial women to help you live your best life. If you have an online offering available in that supports women entrepreneurs please share in the comments. If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!
This month we are shining the spotlight on The Merry Inksters with Amy Scott and Shanna Trenholm.
Congrats on the launch Amy and Shanna!
The Merry Inksters
With: Amy Scott and Shanna Trenholm
Price: Free for month of June, $30/month thereafter
Description: The Merry Inksters is a place for writers to connect and support one another with guidance from a professional writer (Shanna) and a professional editor (Amy).
In the Merry Inksters you can share your struggles AND your successes. It’s a place to rediscover the joy of writing, complete your projects, and have fun doing it.
More Info: http://themerryinksters.com
And now, on to the full list…have fun, grow, learn, explore, live!
Business Growth
Authentic Marketing Group Coaching Program
With: Annika Martins
Price: $300
Description: This program is designed for creative entrepreneurs who are sick of slimy sales tactics and are ready to create a marketing plan they can be proud of – one based on authenticity, honest communication and ease. You’ll walk away with a marketing strategy that not only attracts your right people but also keeps you in integrity every step of the way.
More Info: http://annikamartins.com/work/authentic-marketing-group-coaching/
Sales Close: June 1, 2012
Rocket Your Revolution
With: Erin Giles
Price: $249 Beta Price in June / Full Price $595 in August
Description: A four week group coaching program that teaches you how to create and launch your revolution, build philanthropy into your business model, and CHANGE the world.
More Info: http://www.eringiles.com/work-with-me/
Sales Close: June 5, 2012 (beta session) and August 3, 2012
Play Bigger 2012
With: Amber
Price: $195 (Early bird ends June 2)
Description: In Play Bigger 2012 you’ll get the tools you need to lead your people and your life on your terms. Push through the obstacles, get clear on your strengths, learn how to leverage them, and develop an action plan to play bigger. You have a revolution to lead after all…!
More Info: http://bit.ly/IS3A5f
Sales Close: June 9, 2012
Twitter Brilliance
With: Alicia Cowan
Price: $234
Description: A 3 week online group learning programme that will help you find more business, leads, and raise your profile using Twitter in a planned, strategic, time effective way. No fluff, no BS. Just honest, realistic results.
More Info: http://TwitterBrilliance.com
Sales Close: June 15, 2012
Automate Your Empire – Elevate Your Life
With: Yvette Syversen
Price: $395
Description: A 30-day virtual program designed to FREE you from the busy-ness of your business, add a zero (or two) to your bank account and teach you how to be the CEO of a smooth-operating infrastructure that supports YOU.
More Info: http://bit.ly/KJW6D8
Sales Close: at 15 attendees, program starts June 24, 2012
Sell Like a Goddess
With: Robin Fletcher
Price: $595 for Coaching Package of 4
Description: A set of 4 high-octane coaching sessions designed to shift your attitude about sales; liberate your magic; and learn how to infuse it into your sales calls, over and over again. It’s about getting results AND feeling the joy!
More Info: http://selllikeagoddess.com
Sales Close: Introductory price of $595 for applications before June 30th, 2012
E-book Brainstorming Sessions
With: Christie Halmick
Price: Free
Description: Brainstorming one-on-one with Christie Halmick of Jewels Branch Creative. Let’s shine a light on your knowledge and explore the best ways to showcase that brilliance in an ebook or PDF product.
More Info: E-book Brainstorming Session
On: By appointment through June.
Health & Wellness
Healing Energy Retreats
With: Barbara Coon
Price: $399 or 3 payments of $150
Description: Come on Retreat each month for 3 months. In this complete retreat series, a circle of women will come together monthly so each can speak, move, and listen to each other’s authentic healing story. Witness your deeper self expression through sharing, meditation, and CranioSacral Healing.
More Info: http://barbaracoon.com/living-energy-retreat/
Sales Close: June 19, 2012
Personal Development
Shift into Genius
With: Lauren Forest
Price: $397 small group level / $997 private, 1-to-1 level
Description: Women entrepreneurs can experience the Genius Effect in their businesses and lives – solving problems, overcoming obstacles, and stepping out of self-limiting thoughts & beliefs by shifting into their own Genius. This 6-week hands-on workshop teaches them a method of making that shift a habit so they consistently approach their businesses & lives from this place of personal genius.
More Info: www.ShiftIntoGenius.com
Sales Close: Small group registration ends mid-June; individual registration is ongoing.
The Soul*Full Summit
With: Catherine Just
Price: free
Description: This is a Free online Summit June 18th-29th offering 24 video interviews with inspiring life leaders. Danielle Laporte, Alexandra Franzen, Dyana Valentine, Anne Samoilov, Kim Anami, Emelie Archer and more, all sharing how to get through fear so you can create your biggest dreams. Get Fearless! Join the movement!
More Info: http://www.catherinejust.com/the-soulfull-summit/
Sales Close: June 17, 2012
Business Growth
Video Rockstar University
With: Share Ross
Price: $595
Description: Video Rockstar University is a 4 week online course where female entrepreneurs learn to unleash their inner rockstars on camera! Connect with more clients and build trust quickly by doing your own DIY videos!
More Info: http://www.videorockstaruniversity.com
Sales Close: at 30 attendees, class starts July 9, 2012
Soul Work & Creativity
The Book Within
With: Amy Scott
Price: $447 / $747
Description: A remarkable 12-week journey to finish the book only you can write, with support from a professional book coach and editor (Amy Scott of Nomad Editorial) and a small community of women writers just like you. Begins August 20, 2012; get a free 30-minute call with Amy every four weeks from the time you sign up until the program starts!
More Info: http://nomadeditorial.com/work-with-me/online-programs/
Sales Close: August 19, 2012
Business Growth & Personal Development
3, 2, 1 Launch BOOTCAMP
With: Anastasia Valentine
Price: $497
Description: 3, 2, 1 Launch BOOTCAMP is a hands on program for entrepreneurs and small businesses to guide them through everything from Idea through Launch! Ideation for Profit, Social Media, Online Marketing, Soft Launches, PR and Go to Market all included in the price of this fabulous program!
More Info: http://sandboxpm.traindom.com/
30-Day Fast-Action Coaching Program
With: Shay de Silva
Price: $697
Description: A one-on-one 30-day program to get you totally clear on where you want to be and how to get there. We’ll work together to create a detailed action plan and I’ll keep you accountable every step of the way!
More Info: http://solutiongarden.com/action-planning/
Business Planning for the Average Human
With: Amber Goodenough
Price: $349
Description: The Business Planning for the Average Human video ecourse is an 8 week online course that covers all the stuff you need in business plan in a fun, creative, exciting format! Everything is in plain english! No confusing jargon, no complicated spreadsheets…just the essentials. And visual aids and templates galore.
More Info: http://theonramp.com/business-plans-for-the-average-human/
The CoWorking Collective
With: Andrea Lewicki
Price: $15 per work cycle
Description: A Virtual CoWorking system for independent solopreneurs. Gentle accountability and support without the distractions.
More Info: http://thelewickiagency.com/cwchome/
The Dr Laura Ciel Show
With: Dr Laura Ciel
Description: Anyone have a question they want to ask on radio? If you feel frustrated, depressed, overwhelmed, hopeless and lack energy in your personal life, relationships, career/money and/or your health/body you may be on the edge of an exceptional leap!
More Info: http://www.wsradio.com/radio_showspage.aspx?id=120
The Girl’s Guide to Web Design
With: Amanda Aitken
Price: $397
Description: The fun and feisty online course for creative women who want to ditch their fear of code, unleash their inner designer and create an awe-inspiring WordPress blog or site!
More Info: http://girlsguidetowebdesign.com/enroll
Morning Whip
With: Erika Lyremark
Price: $595
Description: 30 days of whip-crackin’ action + luxurious support to whip UP your business confidence with Erika Lyrmark author of the forthcoming Think Like A Stripper: How to Hustle Like You Mean It!
More Info: http://www.dailywhip.com/the-morning-whip.html
Sales Close: at 25 attendees
With: Jessica Kupferman
Price: $199
Description: An online course that helps business owners get started using Pinterest for business, branding, SEO, website traffic, and more!
More Info: http://www.pinterruption.com
With: Victoria Prozan McGlinn
Price: $175
Description: You can’t sell it if you haven’t named it! One part learning + one part coaching + one part brainstorming = your perfect name without grief and anxiety. Give your offering the best name possible and watch it shine!
More Info: http://www.victoriapm.com/namestorming/
Redefining Beauty Transformation Program
With: Kat Kim
Price: $295-$497
Description: Learn how to lose weight and leverage your personal image a s a tool to help you attract what you want into your life. Find clarity, breakthrough success, transform your body and LOVE your image.
More Info: http://revolutionselfimage.com/start-redefining-beauty-now/
Track This!
With: Brittni Mehlhoff
Price: $27
Description: Track This! is packed with actionable worksheets, charts, and questions designed to help you figure out what your true (and very specific) goals are when it comes to your business, and how to stay on track and accomplish those goals once they are set.
More Info: http://papernstitchblog.com/trackthis/
Wealth of the Self Program
With: Evelyn Kalinosky
Price: $997, ongoing enrollment – 12 month program
Description: When you have built your inner wealth, your wealth of the self — when financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, relationship, and creativity are all balanced, congruent and firing on the same cylinders–surprise events that pull at your attention no longer eclipse your well being.
More Info: http://www.evelynkalinosky.com/wealth/
WordPress Play Day
With: Loralee Hutton
Price: pay what you can
Description: A light and carefree place to spend time with like minded people who are also working on their WordPress websites. It’s a great place to focus on this 1 project for a few hours with no other distractions. We meet every Thursday evening, and every 2nd Tuesday during the day.
Accountability + Support = WordPress Play Day
More Info: http://www.loraleehutton.com/wordpress-day/
Conscious Bookkeeping Method: Home Study Program
With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $300
Description: This self-guided, step-by-step and comprehensive online home study course is packed with Tools for Financial Transformation. Charged with practical action steps, teeming with deep reflection cues, and guided by a nurturing curiosity – you’ll be guided your relationship with money on every level, at your own pace.
More Info: http://baritessler.com/programs/home-study-program
Tools for Financial Transformation: Introductory Video Course
With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $45
Description: This 4-part video series presents Bari Tessler Linden’s Conscious Bookkeeping method in lively, bite-sized morsels of transformative genius. If you’re ready for a jump start into a more conscious and fulfilling relationship with money, you won’t want to miss it!
More Info: http://baritessler.com/programs/transformation-video-course
Wake Up With Mint Course
With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $65
Description: This multi-media training course has everything you need to start a money practice with the hip & handy web-based personal finance app, Mint.com. You’ll get a comprehensive video training guide to Mint, plus a soulful guide through the psychological, emotional, and spiritual considerations of tracking your finances.
More Info: http://baritessler.com/programs/mint-course
Health & Fitness
The BFF Formula- Body Food Freedom Formula
With: Shelley Chapman
Price: $97
Description: A digital experience for women. Lose the Weight. Gain your Life by being your Body’s Best Friend.
More Info: http://bit.ly/KqfB1d
The Cut The Crap 7 Day Guided Cleanse
With: Carol Galanty
Price: $45
Description: Cut the crap out of your diet, give yourself a big energy boost, improve your focus and sleep like a baby by cleansing your mind, body and soul for 7 days. (There is an optional juice delivery service or you can make your juices yourself).
More Info: http://www.getsomezen.com/detoxcleanse/
Fast Fitness to Go
With: Shay de Silva
Price: $80/month
Description: Get fit and firm in 25 minutes anytime, anywhere…no equipment needed! This unique program delivers three new 25-minute workout videos directly to your inbox each month.
More Info: http://fastfitnesstogo.com/monthly-packages/
Inspired Running
With: Christy Lambert
Price: $10 a month
Description: Inspired Running is an online community of beginning runners/walkers, offering personalized support, motivation & feedback. The intent is to inspire as many people as possible to reach their fitness and life goals using inspiration to pave the way.
More Info: http://inspiredrunning.com/join/
Paleo Power Lunch
With: Stormy Sweitzer
Price: $27.50
Description: Paleo Power Lunch: Easy, Filling & Delicious Workday Meals is a strategic cookbook with a set of how-to videos and quick guides designed to help you create meals that power your active and busy life. Recipes are based on Paleo dietary principles and are naturally free of dairy, grains, legumes, and processed ingredients. All resources are electronic so you can easily download and use them wherever you need them.
More Info: http://www.paleopowerlunch.com/
Season to Run
With: Jeanne Andrus
Price: $197/$347
Description: This program is perfect for you if you never thought you could be a runner, if you’ve tried and failed to be a runner, or if a 5k (or longer!) is on your “someday” list! Season to Run is a ZERO to 5k running program that teaches you everything you need to know to become a runner and supports you every step of the way! Minimum age – 9, maximum age – 95!
More Info: http://www.runignited.com/learn-to-run.htm
Your Health Path
With: Wendy Sailor
Price: $28, $98, $224 per month
Description: Three levels of coaching programs and classes: e-course and site membership, the aforementioned as well as email coaching, all of the aforementioned and 4 half hour coaching calls a month. Health and wellness coaching geared to the individual. This is not about what I want for you but helping you to decide what YOU want for you.
More Info: http://wendysailor.com/work-with-me
Soul Work & Creativity
Introduction to Tarot
With: Eliza Fayle
Price: $40
Description: YA common sense approach to learning the Tarot, with no memory work involved. Tarot opens up your intuition and creativity to enhance not just your personal life, but your business life as well.
More Info: http://silverandgrace.com/workshops-courses
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