
Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10

Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here


The Brand Workshop

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23



Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.

On the blog ...

Printable: December 2014 Calendar

15 Minutes Per Day = Progress

What tiny step can you take each day (think 15 minutes of focused action) to move one (or two or three) of your business projects forward in December?


Download this printable (PDF) calendar, priority projects planner, and tiny steps tracker, commit to take one tiny action to take per day, and see how much progress you can make.

Imagine the Possibilities

Fifteen minutes of focused action, 5 days per week throughout December = more than 5 hours of work on one or more of your most important projects (even if you take a few days off for the holidays)!

What are you working on in December?

Share your #1 project in the comments!

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Thankful 2014


In honor of Thanksgiving, I asked my friends and fellow entrepreneurs to tell me what they are thankful for in business and in life.

Their lovely, heartfelt responses are a testament to the joys of life as an entrepreneur.

What are you thankful for?

Click to tweet and share what you are thankful for this year.

I’m thankful to be making a difference in the way people feel!

I launched this 30 day yoga challenge and participants are seeing great progress. They feel stronger and more confident in their practice.

I’m learning so much through the process about what works online and how to improve. I love the learning process, and I’m always learning… while I do my best helping others learn too.

I’m also thankful that my business allows me a more flexible schedule so I can be with my kiddos when I want & need to be. And that we are all healthy, happy, and safe. That we are able to enjoy the small things in life.

~ Cara Maclean

I am thankful that I get to see the difference a healthy diet can make to someone’s life. This is a very humbling experience, our bodies truly are incredible.

In my life I am thankful for my supportive husband and daughter, who are proud of me and nourishing pantry.

~ Virginnia Thomas Nourshing Pantry

I’m grateful for the fabulous people I meet when networking, in person and online: building business through building relationships has blessed my life.

~ Jacqueline Fairbrass

I am so thankful to you Christie for you feedback on my opt- in gift, I am thankful for B-School & all the wonderful B-Schoolers on Facebook.

I am thankful for my health, my family, that I am alive and generally chirpy!

~ Mary-Pat O’Malley Talk Nua

I’m thankful for my health and the beautiful, generous souls who bring so much joy to my world.

I’m also grateful to be at a place in my entrepreneurial life where I no longer feel the need to look outward for inspiration or direction. I have everything I need.

~ Sue Ann Gleason Conscious Bites Nutrition

I’m so thankful that I have the freedom to do work that I love, and to do it from anywhere with a computer and a phone (I can’t believe I actually get to SAY that after a lot of years of dreaming it).

And since you also asked what I’m thankful for in life — well, I’m thankful for my amazing (kind, funny, incredibly smart) son, and for close friends who’ve been there for me and loved me, unconditionally and without judgment, through good times and bad. Sappy, but true.

~ Helen Hunter Mackenzie

I’m thankful to finally have found my groove with offerings I love and am attracting so many amazing, ideal clients my way.

I’m also incredibly thankful for the support I have in my growing business, including my amazing business manager and new project manager, my referral partners, mastermind groups, and my close friends who love and support me and my business when I need it most.

~ Stephenie Zamora

I am thankful for my health and for the support of colleagues and friends.

I’m truly grateful for the amazing clients and projects that come my way. I am entering year 9 as a writer/consultant/entrepreneur and I couldn’t be happier! I’m doing work I love, with people who do good work — I am blessed!

~ Shanna Trenholm

Thankful for new additions and adventures.

Thankful for creating a life full of freedom, ease, fun, and a business based on my talent and skills, rather than having to mold and bend to the tune of someone else’s song.

~ Jessica Kupferman

There’s so much that I’m thankful for!

The sounds of nature, silence, that we can connect to people all over the globe instantly using the magic that is the internet, the friends I’ve made through different online communities, the local farmer’s market, trains, wildflowers, the smell of rain on dry ground, movers to carry furniture, bubble wrap, warm beds and warm showers, time to play in the kitchen, good books and cozy reading nooks, the kindness of strangers, my leopard print scarf, rain boots and puddles, youtube and google, foam rollers and so much more!

Earlier this year, I listened to my intuition about a shift in my work, and that has become some of the most fulfilling work I’ve ever done. I am deeply grateful for that. It feels so good to be in that place, and I’m so glad that I listened to that voice.

I’m also deeply thankful for my man who has supported me through so much over the last year, who has encouraged me when I needed it, and who has celebrated all of my successes with me. I’m so happy to have him by my side.

~ Claudia Olivié Magnificent Mornings

I am incredibly thankful for adventures, new beginnings and solid endings; this year is wrapping up with some unexpected highs and possibilities in both work and life.

I am grateful for the amazing support of family, friends, clients, and colleagues who have helped me through it all. And, I am thankful to be reminded on a daily basis that life is so very sweet.

~ Stormy Sweitzer Maoomba

I’m thankful for technology and being able to connect with clients all around the globe.

I think it’s the coolest thing ever to be able to coach someone on the other side of the world!! Also super thankful I get to work for myself. I’m definitely happiest when I get to be my own boss!!

~ Carla Holden Her Business Boutique

I’m thankful for my customers. They are what truly keeps us in business.

In life, I’m thankful for comforts often taken for granted like hot running water, a soft warm place to sleep at night, and enough food to get me and my family full every day.

~ Valerie Adams My Hemp Craft

I’m thankful for the freedom to work from home and to enjoy my personal sanctuary!

It doesn’t hurt that I can do a load of laundry or two while I work, too. For the fact that new doors always open!

For clients and peers who share appreciation for the way my business helps them grow–knowing that everything has a domino effect in the world.

In life, I am thankful for all the choices! What to eat, where to travel to, how to learn+grow. I am thankful for the simple pleasures of dancing, sunsets, red wine and laughing so hard you cry!

~ Jaclyn Mullen Jaclyn Mullen Media

I’m thankful for all the support I have while trying to create my dream business.

I have a husband who is willing to do anything from take the night shift (although he was a 9-5), to knocking out some awesome graphics for a last minute promo I decide to do. I’m also grateful for awesome clients and the other women biz owners who are always there when I need some feedback or just someone to say, “keep going, you can totally do this!

~ Patricia Talavera Save Your Time Biz Solutions

I’m thankful that I had the ability to say to myself “you can do this” and actually do it!

I have been met with more success than I could have possibly imagined, just because I believed in myself and went for it.

~ RB Fast Beeline Consulting

I am thankful for my clients who inspire me every day with their commitment to making the changes that will improve their health and lives.

I am thankful that I was able to turn my health around by losing over 200 pounds without surgery so that I can enjoy a healthy, active life again. I am thankful for all the difficulties I’ve overcome because I know now how strong I am.

I am thankful that I survived and ended an emotionally abusive marriage and learned how to love myself again. I’m thankful that I’m happy, healthy and whole.

~ Loren Manheimer A Joyful Healthy Life

I’m blown away that in just over a year since releasing Pure Natural Diva products we’ve shipped orders to over 37 states!

Grateful that I’m able to spread the Safe Scents message literally around the country! I’m so blessed to be able to do this work and that I can still “be there” for my amazing children!

~ Tania Reuben Pure Natural Diva

I’m thankful that I found a career that not only uses my variety of talents, but enables me to be my own boss and set my own hours which fit in with my family.

I’m grateful to do meaningful work that helps mothers feel happier and more fulfilled. Every day I wake up excited to work! How fabulous is that?!

~ Kelly Pietrangeli My Project Me

I’m thankful for people who share their courage and vulnerability with me each and every day.

I’m grateful that I get to live out my mission of living life on my own terms while inspiring others to do that as well. I’m thankful for teachers, supporters, healers and friends.
I’m thankful that I have built a business around being me that offers freedom, connection, love, learning and so much more. Just stating these things is giving me the warm and fuzzies. So much gratitude.

~ DeAnna Lynn Englezos Create Your Great Life

I am thankful for life and the wonderful experiences it brings. I am so thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for my businesses and the fulfillment self employment gives to my life.

~ Kris Crowley Millie Ruth Naturals

I’m thankful that as a woman, I live in a country where I have the opportunity to be educated and to forge my own path. That I can share the message of “growing beautiful” with others.

~ Jeannie Marcucci Greenjean Gardens

I’m thankful for my life for so many different reasons. I’m thankful that I finally have the confidence to start branching out on my own.

I’m thankful for all of the support I have from my partner. I’m thankful for my good health. I’m thankful that even when the going gets tough, life always seems to throw up positive reactions in return!

~ Dee Trethewey Passionate Life Project

I’m thankful for funny people.

~ Linda Morrison

I am grateful for the challenges in life that have brought me to this moment of greatness. Without them I would have remained in the same place for the rest of my life.

I face these challenges both in my business and my personal life ~ and they have all made me the master that I am today.

~ Katie Kozlowski Play With Katie K

I’m thankful for the freedom to serve clients I love with joy and ease.

~ Lisa Robbin Young

I’m thankful for having the medium to show others the things I know can benefit their businesses (I hate sitting on knowledge or experiences without having it do some good for others!).

I’m also thankful for having the drive to carry me through the highs AND the lows in life and business.

~ Kamila Gornia

I’m thankful that my business not only serves me with the work/life balance that I have yearned for, but also serves so many others.

I’m thankful for the gifts I have that seriously impact people’s lives in a huge way by being able to guide them to what they truly desire. I’m thankful for the amazing people I have in my life including friends/family/business buddies all over the world and my kick ass clients. I’m truly blessed.

~ Laura Ann Laura’s Life Coaching

I’m thankful for oil paints and a family who let’s me takeover the living room.

~ Mic Boekelmann Mic B Studio

I’m thankful for having the courage to pursue my dreams and live the life I was meant to live… helping women who struggle with food/weight issues.

~ Jenn Hand

I’m endlessly thankful that I work from home and have many hours each day to show my kids, by example, how to be good citizens of the world.

I get to talk to them about the clients I work with and why the projects we work on are so important. That’s priceless!

~ Liv Campbell Unleash Your Impact

I’m thankful that I’m safe and warm. I’m thankful for everyone who listens when I talk about eating well to live well. I’m grateful for everyone who tries.

~ Diana Pagnucco Green Start Health

I’m thankful for a super supportive family and the freedom to create a business that allows me to be all of me.

I’m proud of all the ladies who’ve taken creative courses with me. It takes courage to step up and learn something new. I’m thankful for clients who choose me and trust me to help show the world their brilliance.

~ Christie Halmick Jewels Branch

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for? Comment below.

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Jewels Branch at Club Med

Branding with Intention
I headed to Florida in early November for The Health Coach Group mastermind retreat to talk about my favorite topic: Branding with Intention (more on that here).


Met a great group of health coaches, who are building life-changing businesses, and got to listen to their brand stories.

Got to see the design and branding work I did for the retreat (posters and banners) in action, which is a rare treat! Plus, I relaxed by the pool and in the cabana, and paddle boarded for the first time.

Thanks to Cathy Sykora of The Health Coach Group and her team for putting on a great event!

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