Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10
Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23

Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.
On the blog ...
Start Something
My friend April has opened up shop in an old country store in Bem, Missouri.
She sells antiques, handmade soap, local honey and my sister’s pottery. She has a knack for putting together displays, draping burlap across shelves, whitewashing old bureaus and generally making things look like pictures in a home magazine.
She raises sheep and cows and ducks and chickens. She can pull herself together in a simple white dress, put on some lipstick and select wines and cheeses from the menu at a nice restaurant and then go rock out at an Eddie Vedder concert.
I think she is the epitome of coolness.
When we visit the store my kids play with April’s daughter, balancing ostrich feathers, which they’ve pulled from a vase, on their noses and running from room to room, their foot steps echoing off the wooden floors.
Up until a few months ago the old store had been sitting vacant, full of memories, waiting for someone with some know-how to come and give it some attention. Waiting for someone to start something. Now it is full of laughter and taking on again a life of its own.
People come in to look around. They walk through the rooms and admire the ceiling which has been opened to expose the rafters. They have one of April’s cinnamon rolls and then they have another. They buy squares of lavender soap and jars of honey.
They bring their stories, their memories triggered by the sight of the long counter and the bottles of soda displayed in white washpans. They used to come here as kids and drink cool soda pops in the shade of front porch.
They are glad April started something here again.
Read MoreCustomer Love
As part of the Customer Love Challenge I’m offering two great deals.
Free Ebook Brainstorming Sessions – Monday, July 18th Monday, July 25th
& $25 On-Call Design Specials – Tuesday, July 19th Tuesday, July 26th
Ebook Brainstorming Sessions – July 25
You: want, need, must have an ebook but can’t figure out what to write.
Me: I see your website as a puzzle to be sorted, edited and put together in an awesome ebook or two.
Us: We’ll examine your website together, shine light on the content you have and plan how to repackage it as an ebook.
This is brainstorming, impromptu, messy, spontaneous, fun.
No appointment necessary, jump on Skype, find me (jewelsbranch), connect and we’ll chat for 30 minutes.
Monday, July 25th, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST.
Skype: jewelsbranch
$25 On-Call Design Specials – July 25
Tuesday, July 19th, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST (or longer if needed) Full details here.
Read MoreGood Reads
A quick roundup of articles on writing, content and branding.
Judy Dunn’s The Myth of Fairy Dust: One Reason I Never Get Blogger’s Block
“Let me just share one insanely simple reason I don’t get blogger’s block.
I read.”
5by5 ’s podcast Content Talks with Kristina Halvorson
Weekly “talks with special guests about content strategy, intelligent and persuasive content, IA, microcopy, and more.”
Hivelogic’s Why Your Avatar Matters
“One way you can stand out, especially on sites like Twitter, is to have a great avatar. A great avatar will help people remember you instantly.”
To get your avatar set up, go to Gravatar
How to find your good reads
Mashable’s 10 Ways to Find Blogs You’ll Love
What are you reading this week?
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