
Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10

Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here


The Brand Workshop

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23



Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.

On the blog ...

Portrait of a Lady


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Lovely Dingbats for Girly Girls

Dingbats are the flourishes in typographic design. In traditional typesetting they were used to fancy up type-heavy pages, spice up titles and separate sections of text.

You’ve probably used the most common dingbat fonts, like Wingdings, Webdings, or Zapf Dingbats to add bullet points or check boxes to presentations or papers.

These are fine for serious business communication, but sometimes your audience is a bit more girly.

The following fonts offer sets of dingbats with bits of flowery, swirly fun for use in marketing pieces that need to speak to a feminine audience.

They are free for commercial use via FontSquirrel.

Go check out the full character set for these lovely dingbat fonts: Aierbazzi, Floralia, Nymphette, Kalocsai Flowers.

Post below to let me know how you’ve used these fonts to add some girly spark to your marketing materials.

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Lessons from my first month of full-time blogging

In February I decided to challenge myself to blog every weekday in March.

No excuses. I had to post every weekday.

I did this to get myself unstuck and over my fear of blogging. Today I’ve accomplished my goal!

The first week was torture. I second guessed myself at every turn. Hated my editorial calendar. Wanted to quit.

But I didn’t quit. Here are a few reasons why:

1>  I found accountability partners.

I announced my goal to two people who would help keep me accountable, my husband, Jamie and my good friend, Jenn Morgan. We didn’t have any formal agreement for them to check up on me. But I did not want to come back to them today and say that I hadn’t finished my goal. I did not want to let them, or myself, down.

2> I gave blogging “important” status.

I started treating my blogging project with the same emphasis and attention that I give to my client work. My client work gets done. Period. No excuses. On time. I gave blogging equal weight in my list of priorities. At the end of February, I blocked out time on my schedule everyday for writing blog posts.

3> I made it fun.

I spent time crafting posts, selecting fonts, editing photos, thinking up funny titles. All the stuff that I like to do. I made it a creative endeavor instead of a chore to check off.

4> I made an editorial calendar.

I like to write whatever is on my mind each day. But on those days when the muse doesn’t show up, the editorial calendar was key to getting something posted.

5> I gave myself permission to be a writer.

I started to accept how much I love to write and to embrace that part of me. Writing this month gave me the push I needed to sign up for a writing conference.

Here’s a roundup of my posts for March. I hope you find something here to inspire you to think about design and writing as a tool to tell your business’s story

March Blog Post Roundup

Talking About Design

I Love Fonts And So Can You

Look Ma, I’m a Writer

Taking Care of Business

Life in Photos

Life in Words

Thanks for reading!

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