Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10
Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23

Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.
On the blog ...
Reading: 8 Slow, Difficult Steps to Become a Millionaire
8 Slow, Difficult Steps to Become a Millionaire
The most successful people I know – both financially and in other ways – are shockingly helpful. They’re incredibly good at understanding other people and helping them achieve their goals. They know their success is ultimately based on the success of the people around them.
By Dharmesh Shah via Entrepreuner
**Video autoplay alert!
What have you read lately that struck a chord? Please share in the comments. Read More
Reading: Why “Stop Playing Small” is Bullshit
Why “Stop Playing Small” is Bullshit
The rental rate for being alive is not that we become well known and speak in front of 100,000 people with our ‘message‘ (though that is for certain how some people are meant to serve). We’re not all here to become big names with big followings (though that might be your fate). Becoming well known is not necessarily better than living a quiet life. Being big is no better than being small.
By Tad Hargrave via Marketing for Hippies
What have you read lately that struck a chord? Please share in the comments. Read More
Online Resource Roundup: March 2015
If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!
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Business Growth & Personal Development
From Headache to Harmony
With: Joanna Byrne
Price: $249
Description: 28 days to business bliss. Constantly on social media trying to “connect” with potential customers? Work longer hours than you did for your old boss? Check your email repeatedly in case an appointment is scheduled? OR, you’ve heard your husband suggest you find a ‘real’ job? Then join us for 4 weeks and learn an easier way.
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Join By: March 3, 2015
From Start to Star: An Experience in Video Confidence
With: Holly Gillen
Price: $299
Description: A fully immersive experience in video confidence taking you from total newbie to business superstar in 15 days flat! Talk about an extreme makeover. You’ll build the confidence you need to start making videos that will take your business to the next level. The full LIVE experience begins on March 16th & runs through March 30th.
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Join By: March 8, 2015
Wellness Business Solutions in a Box
With: Rachel Feldman
Price: $147 to $547
Description: Wellness Business Solutions in a Box – Done For You Programs for Wellness Professionals: Make money and build your online/offline practice using 100% Customizable programs that are ready for you to brand for you niche. Instead of spending time creating a program, spend more time building your business with the right tools. If you are a wellness entrepreneur, then these programs are your solution.
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Join By: March 9, 2015
The Mom Entrepreneur Giveaway #MEG
With: Flesche Hesch
Price: Free
Description: Enter to win over $20k in expert services for mom entrepreneurs! Join top mom entrepreneur experts as they share their best strategies for growing a business and family well. Enter the giveaway and receive access to our e-book with resources and inspiration + get access to additional training and support for free.
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Join By: March 20, 2015
#WorkFreeSummer Challenge
With: Amanda Burris
Price: Free
Description: Don’t let your business overrun your family time this summer! Sign up for this free training and you’ll get: strategies to create a manageable workflow, help to implement an action plan, and accountability and insight from an expert who’s been there! Join me for a #WorkFreeSummer and we’ll get to work right now!
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Join By: March 22, 2015
The Cappuccino Experience: Strategy, Structure, and Systems for Growth
With: Kathryn Brown
Price: $249.00 each month for 3 months
Description: I have just 2 openings left tor my one-on-one coaching for the month of March — is one of them yours? If you are struggling with putting all the pieces together in your business and want to start making progress and money in your business, let’s chat and see if we are a good fit!
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Join By: March 31, 2015
19 Day Straightforward Life
With: Lane Kennedy
Price: Free
Description: The 19 Day Straightforward Adventure Challenge is all about giving you small steps for change. It’s a springboard of inspiration for living life on your terms. A wakeup call for that fierce woman who’s been hibernating. A starting point to change the course of your life—even just a notch!
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Join By: March 31, 2015
Health & Beauty
5 Day Meal Planning Challenge for Drop-outs
With: Anastasia Hendryanto
Price: Free
Description: Transform yourself from a meal planning drop-out to a meal planning diva! Each day you will receive a simple action item in your in-box that you can complete in less than 10 minutes. A the end of the 5 days you will have a week’s worth of nutritious meals planned and scheduled. Get extra accountability on Instagram @funfitfood.
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Join By: March 9, 2015
Love Yourself Winter Detox
With: Heather Ferber
Price: $97
Description: Give yourself the gift of self love and get feeling great just in time for the arrival of Spring and Spring break. This is a delicious, 7-day, whole foods, seasonal detox for busy women that will leave you feeling fresh, focused and energized. Includes daily, on-line support in private FB forum for inspirational assistance.
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Join By: March 19, 2015
22nd Annual Women’s Weekend Retreat Dance and Desire
With: Paulette Rees-Denis
Price: $340
Description: 22nd Annual Women’s Weekend Retreat Dance and Desire with Paulette Rees-Denis, Lynea Gillen, and Elena Lipson. April 24-26, 2015 at Breitenbush Hot Springs, Detroit, Oregon. Don’t YOU desire to feel freakin’ great, in your body, in your skin, in your soul, in your mind, in your business? Join us …a retreat just for you!
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Join By: April 13, 2015
Women’s Redwood Soul Retreat in Northern California
With: Laura Gates
Price: $1,250
Description: Four days and three nights spent with 8 other women in a deep dive into our soul’s purpose. We harness the power of our energy while deeply exploring our dreams and goals as we are nourished by the Redwoods, nature, the Pacific Ocean and healthy lovingly prepared food in eco-luxury cabins overlooking the lush valley.
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Join By: May 31, 2015
Business Growth & Personal Development
30 Days to Fame Digital Playbook
With: Lori Nash Byron
Price: $47
Description: Delivered in a fun and friendly PDF playbook, the 30 Days to Fame home study program will walk you step-by-step through the marketing and PR elements you need to become a business superstar. Lessons are simple activities that take only 10 to 30 minutes. 100+ pages! Includes 30 daily action plans, plus Bonus Guides.
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30 Days to Systems Bliss
With: Kathryn Brown
Price: $497
Description: Make this the month you get moving on those biz goals and leave the “I’m stalled” and “I don’t know what to do next” feelings behind you. Start by working with someone who can get you motivated and help you create and implement a plan to break down those goals into bite-sized, actionable steps so you can take action right away!
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With: Lacy Boggs
Price: $59
Description: Planning might be boring, but results AREN’T. Get six months of blog posts planned and ready-to-write with your new secret weapon detailed in this quick, fun guided brainstorming program. You’ll finish with an organized editorial calendar that not only tells you what you’re writing but how your content supports your biz goals.
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Jewels Branch Creative Community
With: Christie Halmick
Price: Starting at $49/month.
Description: As a creative member you get access to a growing library of self-paced digital courses and the Jewels Branch creative community. Learn graphic design software, branding, content strategy, and more at your own speed (no more overwhelm!). Get support from other entrepreneurs on the same journey as you. Get constructive, helpful feedback from a professional graphic designer.
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My Tiny Empire
With: Megan Flatt
Price: $75
Description: A virtual workshop, My Tiny Empire, is a low-tech, high impact system for formulating your next big project, creating your amazing business products and services, and planning out how to get it all done. All with one little office supply power house you probably already have in your drawer.
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Opt-in Brilliance – Self-Study
With: Jewels Branch
Price: $180
Description: Design a brilliant opt-in freebie pdf in Canva. Brainstorm: Find the connections between the problems your potential clients are having and your expertise; Write: Structure your content to make it digestible (small bites!) so your clients can take instant action, and so it’s easier for you to design; Design: Learn the ins and outs of Canva, including how to customize Canva’s templates to fit your brand for speedier design. Learn how to design 3-d promo images and other graphics to promote your opt-in; Promote: Make a promotional plan to get your opt-in into the right hands.
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Polish Your Online Brand
With: Jewels Branch
Price: Free
Description: 5 days of branding inspiration! Build your brand from scratch, select fonts and colors, and create a brand style guide to help you keep your branding consistent going forward.
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Productivity Hacks for Mama CEOs
With: Megan Flatt
Price: Free
Description: You are a Mama CEO. I totally get it. In the 6 years I have been a Mama CEO, I am constantly on the look out for ways to find more time in my day, get more balance in my life and just get more of the important things done. I’ve created 50 Productivity Hacks for Mama CEOs to help you (and me) do just that!
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Baby Proof Your Business – For Pregnant Mom Entrepreneurs
With: Flesche Hesch
Price: Free
Description: Pregnant & Running A Successful Business? Stressed about making enough money so you can be home cuddling with your newborn? Do you want to create a business that runs itself and your own paid maternity leave? I am Flesché, the Business Advisor for Moms, and I would like to share with you the powerful strategies I’ve developed.
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The Courage to be Seen & Heard
With: Wokie Nwabueze
Price: Free
Description: The Courage to be Seen & Heard is a sacred space created to connect and support women who struggle with self-promotion and desire to push their edge of visibility and own the power of their voices while building businesses they love. If you are ready to be seen & heard in your business, please join us.
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Cosmic Clarity Session
With: Ashleigh Johnson
Price: $347
Description: Deep down you have this gut feeling you should be working for yourself. Get confirmation from the one place you haven’t looked–your natal chart. In a Cosmic Clarity Session, I’ll interpret your natal chart, you tell me your struggles with your business, and I’ll give you astrologically customized action steps to take.
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Email Marketing Planning Kit
With: Kate Barrett
Price: £97
Description: The Email Marketing Planning Kit is a 3 module Do-It-Yourself (DIY) package that will not only give you valuable information and ideas about the types of emails to send and what to include, but also gives you the space to take action immediately to plan out communications for your business.
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Email Marketing Starter Kit
With: Meg Appleby
Price: Free
Description: If the idea of sending out a regular email newsletter for your business is doing your head in, then the free Email Marketing Starter Kit is just what you need. Its designed to make getting started with email marketing stress free and simple.
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Freedom Framework
With: Aerlie Wildly
Price: From $97
Description: Are you overwhelmed by all of the information that you need to keep track of? The freedom Framework is a Done-For-You systems built in Evernote and customised for your business, your family life or your personal life – or all 3! Find the structure, systems, templates and checklists you need to control the chaos, reduce stress.
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Straightforward Adventure
With: Lane Kennedy
Price: Free
Description: Straightforward Living is your invitation to … Breakup with boring. Rise to the occasion. Stop stalling. Set boundaries. Keep it simple. Own the room. Skip the makeup. Laugh yourself into a belly ache. Adjust your focus. Prune your to-do list. Take a leap. 19 Days of Emails and Audio MP3s to ignite your confidence!
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Money First Aid Kit
With: Yiye Zhang
Price: $97
Description: Release your most immediate money blocks at your cellular level through guided meditation and healing technologies. Practical guidance to manifest money (your next $1k, 5k, even $200k+) + move your divine business forward. Develop a loving & healthy relationship with money, stop being scared of numbers, bills or paying suppliers.
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Health & Beauty
Personal Trainer to Go
With: Shay de Silva
Price: $47 to $97
Description: Get unlimited access to over 50 full-body workout videos that you can do on your computer, smart phone, or tablet. Each workout takes less than 25 minutes to complete and requires no weights or other equipment. You’ll also get lots of meal ideas, a tracking system, and a guide for changing your habits one and for all.
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Life & Relationships
Bridging the Gap: Your Divorce Survival Kit
With: Summer Howard
Price: $199
Description: If you feel paralyzed by the pain of separation or divorce, then I created this program just for you! Join this exclusive self-paced divorce coaching program, including: Seven 1-hour lessons with world-class experts on divorce and transitions and one 60 minute Personal Coaching Session with me!
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Happy & Healthy is a Choice: A Spiritual Workbook on Radical Self-Care and Self-Love
With: Rosa Conti
Price: FREE
Description: People often ask how I stay inspired; this workbook shares my how. This 47-page FREE guide explores 8 meaningful self-care areas, and offers practical, loving, and useful examples for protecting your time, your choices, and your personal world.
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5 Teacher Tricks All Parents Should Know
With: Lily Jones
Price: Free
Description: Do you want your child to be brave in difficult situations? Are you not sure if your child is listening to you? It might be time to pull out some teacher tricks. When working with large groups, teachers use a variety of strategies to keep kids engaged and on task. But these tricks can be incredibly useful for parents too!
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How to lead an IRRESISTIBLE life after divorce
With: Michelle McReavy
Price: $997
Description: I help divorced moms, struggling to get back ‘out’ in the dating game & feel irresistible. We go through a process, that I went through, figuring out what they desire in their lives, so that they can not just get their needs met but be able to declare that they deserve to be treated right.
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Soul Work & Creativity
Kakadu – a journey into country in image and small word
With: Narelle Carter-Quinlan
Price: $27
Description: Photo E-book. 56 pages, full colour. During October 2013 I travelled to Kakadu. The end of the dry, what I found was water. And rock. An echo of my own terrain, of bone and fluid. The land etched itself into me, searing my tissues. A visual and visceral encounter. Of Country. Lush vibrant images to take into your heart.
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Life Discovery Session
With: Abbie Mood
Price: $66
Description: The session will start with your one, big, burning question. I will do a pre-work card reading and then we will jump on the phone and get right to it! Sessions average about 45 minutes, depending on the topic and what we are guided to discuss. Think of it as part card reading, part coaching, pure clarity.
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Rookie To Reader
With: Theresa Reed
Price: Free
Description: Rookie to Reader is a free fifteen day e-course with simple, practical lessons designed to get you reading tarot, even if you’ve never picked up a deck before. Comes with a free 200+ e-book: Tarot Card by Card.
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Sensing the Spine – an Audio for you
With: Narelle Carter-Quinlan
Price: free
Description: Sensing the curving river of your spine changes everything! This is the first of a free Audio series, embodying your inner landscape. Come home to your interior wilderness. Sensing the spine – 10 minutes.
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You Are The Temple: The Beauty of Ritual
With: Lisa Claudia Briggs
Price: $149 (includes half day virtual retreat late March)
Description: We all crave more time nourishing and renewing our hearts and spirits. You Are the Temple provides everything you need to create a sacred retreat at every level. Move through the techniques and teachings in Initiation, Purification, Nourishment, and Adornment to bring yourself beautifully into a new way of being in your life.
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Daily Dance
With: Erica Ross
Price: $35
Description: Daily Dance is an online, ‘evergreen’, 21-day ecstatic dance program, delivered straight to your inbox, based on my women’s award-winning ecstatic dance practice, Dance Our Way Home. Each day offers a special and unique invitation for one dance, a demo video, song track, and additional inspiration and playlist.
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