
Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10

Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here


The Brand Workshop

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23



Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.

On the blog ...

Online Resource Roundup: April 2015

If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!

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Business Growth & Personal Development

Get Legally Covered: How to Write a Mini-Disclaimer

With: Lisa Fraley
Price: Free
Description: Need a disclaimer for your e-book or course? Get the exact language you need from attorney Lisa Fraley in this free legal call: Wednesday, April 8 at 7pm Eastern.
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Join By: April 8, 2015

EFT Mini-Sessions

With: Joanna Byrne
Price: $25
Description: Learn how to use EFT and experience mental shifts and stress relief, allowing you to unleash your creative, confident, successful self. 20 minute mini-sessions to help combat nerves and negative thoughts; break down blocks and unhelpful beliefs; and build a positive, confident successful mindset.
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Join By: April 10, 2015

Business Love Boat: 30-Day Business Makeover Workshop

With: Cigdem Kobu
Price: $297 (use code JEWELS at checkout for 10% off)
Description: The Business Love Boat is a 30-day intensive program for solo and small business owners that walks you through 30 different ways of improving (and empowering) your business. It’s not another information product. It’s a guided workshop where each participant will receive guidance and support throughout the entire program.
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Join By: April 15, 2015 (The bonus Business Clutter Begone course can be claimed only if you register before the 10th.)

Write Joyfully

With: Parrish Wilson
Price: $50 (Early Bird before Apr 17)
Description: This online workshop is your chance to “batch write” your blog posts with the support of Parrish Wilson, Content Strategist & Writing Coach. You’ll experience her simple yet effective writing process and then be able to use her as a resource for editing, brainstorming and writing support throughout the day.
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Join By: April 23, 2015

‘Your Other Baby’ Online Business Coaching Programme – Designed for Ambitious Modern Mothers

With: Saskia Gregory
Price: £3000 (approx. $4400 // €4175)
Description: A group online business coaching programme for just 10 ladies. Helping them conceive, build, and birth a service-based business into the world in just 9 weeks. This themed programme is designed to make the process swift, supported, and enjoyable, with plenty of personalised feedback, workbooks, to-do lists and group Q&A calls.
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Join By: April 27, 2015

Photo Picking Power Hour

With: Christie Halmick of Jewels Branch
Price: $35
Description: Frustrated with trying to find stock photos that capture your brand? Get one-on-one help during a Photo Picking Power Hour. We’ll meet and walk through the photo searching process for an hour on Skype or Google+. You can look over my shoulder (via screen sharing) and I’ll help you find the free and paid stock photos sites that are best for your brand style.
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Join By: April 30, 2015

Health & Beauty

21 Day Real Food Reset

With: Anastasia Hendryanto
Description: You’ll leave this program with a fully stocked kitchen, an increased shopping IQ and a new way to nourish your body that leaves you feeling fabulous. Shed those extra pounds and get back into your favourite jeans. Prepare easy meals that your family will eat. Ditch the overwhelm and get overwhelm and get your energy back today!
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Join By: April 20, 2015

Soul Work & Creativity

Connect To Nature: Connect To Self. A Series of Creative Adventures

With: Morwhenna Woolcock
Price: £66
Description: A 4 week online coached creative adventure into nature combining art and mindfulness to explore your creativity gain a sense of peace and connection in nature within your busy or stressful life and unleash your playful inner child! It will be fun and colourful. 😉
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Join By: April 4, 2015

Grow: an online writing retreat

With: Sara Barry
Price: $97
Description: Grow is a month-long, online writing retreat. Grow draws on the energy and renewal of spring. We’ll tap into our creativity and nurture seeds of ideas. We’ll focus on growth and change in and around us with daily exercises and encouragement to help you develop a regular writing practice that refills you. Come grow with me!
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Join By: April 18, 2015

The Art & Science of Creating Sacred Space

With: Christy Harvey
Price: $99
Description: Connect to your brightest, truest self by opening the channels of communication inside your own heart and mind. Learn to expand this internal sacred space to create safer, more nurturing environments in your outer world. Start trusting your inner wisdom, find the support you crave and take powerful action to help you feel alive!
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Join By: April 20, 2015


22nd Annual Women’s Weekend Retreat Dance and Desire

With: Paulette Rees-Denis
Price: $340
Description: 22nd Annual Women’s Weekend Retreat Dance and Desire with Paulette Rees-Denis, Lynea Gillen, and Elena Lipson. April 24-26, 2015 at Breitenbush Hot Springs, Detroit, Oregon. Don’t YOU desire to feel freakin’ great, in your body, in your skin, in your soul, in your mind, in your business? Join us …a retreat just for you!
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Join By: April 13, 2015


Business Growth & Personal Development


With: Kristi Southard
Price: $2000
Description: Want to travel more, work from a laptop on location, or just make more memories? There is a way to travel the world literally for free. Yes, I said free! I am going to give you the EXACT tools that you need so that you will be able to do just that, anytime you want. I’ll be teaching you all of the same tips and tricks I use.
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Join By: May 6, 2015

Soul Work & Creativity

Reiki Practitioner Certified Crystal Healer Program

With: Sierra Koch
Price: $275 USD before April 10, then $375 USD until May 2
Description: Remember your first spine-tingly intimate experience with crystals? Breathless when you picked up…the one. The glorious mouth watering desire to have it. Join me and learn how to tap into the enchanting energy of crystals for healing in the Reiki Practitioner Certified Crystal Healer Program. Coming revitalized in May 2015.
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Join By: May 2, 2015

Desire Map Funshop

With: Rosmer
Price: $197
Description: This Is a two days Funshop where you together with a group of other soul searching amazing women will devote their resources, time, and energy getting clear on what exactly they need, to live the joyful, fulfilled, lives they want to live.. This is an amazing funshop that will transform your life. You can’t miss it!
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Join By: May 27, 2015


Women’s Redwood Soul Retreat in Northern California

With: Laura Gates
Price: $1,250
Description: Four days and three nights spent with 8 other women in a deep dive into our soul’s purpose. We harness the power of our energy while deeply exploring our dreams and goals as we are nourished by the Redwoods, nature, the Pacific Ocean and healthy lovingly prepared food in eco-luxury cabins overlooking the lush valley.
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Join By: May 31, 2015


Business Growth & Personal Development

21 Days from Chaos to Order – The Clutter Free Movement

With: Vatsala Shukla
Price: $49
Description: A 21 day Clutter Challenge with a difference – we get rid of the clutter and you do the Inner Work required to understand your inclination to clutter and hoard with the support of a Coach and other participants.
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Baby Proof Your Business – For Pregnant Mom Entrepreneurs

With: Flesche Hesch
Price: Free
Description: Pregnant & Running A Successful Business? Stressed about making enough money so you can be home cuddling with your newborn? Do you want to create a business that runs itself and your own paid maternity leave? I am Flesché, the Business Advisor for Moms, and I would like to share with you the powerful strategies I’ve developed.
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Define Your Blog Voice Course

With: Daniela Uslan
Price: $27
Description: You need to have a unique voice to stand out online. But you don’t need to write for months to figure it out. This course walks you through 5 simple yet powerful modules that help you define your voice NOW.
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The Courage to be Seen & Heard

With: Wokie Nwabueze
Price: Free
Description: The Courage to be Seen & Heard is a sacred space created to connect and support women who struggle with self-promotion and desire to push their edge of visibility and own the power of their voices while building businesses they love. If you are ready to be seen & heard in your business, please join us.
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Cosmic Clarity Session

With: Ashleigh Johnson
Price: $347
Description: Deep down you have this gut feeling you should be working for yourself. Get confirmation from the one place you haven’t looked–your natal chart. In a Cosmic Clarity Session, I’ll interpret your natal chart, you tell me your struggles with your business, and I’ll give you astrologically customized action steps to take.
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Email Marketing Planning Kit

With: Kate Barrett
Price: £97
Description: The Email Marketing Planning Kit is a 3 module Do-It-Yourself (DIY) package that will not only give you valuable information and ideas about the types of emails to send and what to include, but also gives you the space to take action immediately to plan out communications for your business.
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Email Marketing Starter Kit

With: Meg Appleby
Price: Free
Description: If the idea of sending out a regular email newsletter for your business is doing your head in, then the free Email Marketing Starter Kit is just what you need. Its designed to make getting started with email marketing stress free and simple.
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Freedom Framework

With: Aerlie Wildly
Price: From $97
Description: Are you overwhelmed by all of the information that you need to keep track of? The freedom Framework is a Done-For-You systems built in Evernote and customised for your business, your family life or your personal life – or all 3! Find the structure, systems, templates and checklists you need to control the chaos, reduce stress.
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Love Your Career 90-Day Formula

With: Anna
Price: $149/month
Description: “Love Your Career 90-Day Formula” is a training program for ambitious women who feel stuck in a rut and desperately need a career change. If you are ready for someone to take you by the hand, break it down for you step-by-step, and show you how to transition into a career you love, then this is for you.
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Straightforward Adventure

With: Lane Kennedy
Price: Free
Description: Straightforward Living is your invitation to … Breakup with boring. Rise to the occasion. Stop stalling. Set boundaries. Keep it simple. Own the room. Skip the makeup. Laugh yourself into a belly ache. Adjust your focus. Prune your to-do list. Take a leap. 19 Days of Emails and Audio MP3s to ignite your confidence!
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Health & Beauty

28 day Love Your Asana Yoga, Meditation, and Nutrition Program

With: Danielle Diamond
Price: $99
Description: Ready to Crush Your Spring Wellness Resolutions? Each day is mapped out with workout and nutrition guidelines, plus easy mindfulness and lifestyle tips to implement, which will help create lasting change. To keep your workouts fresh I give you a wide variety of fitness videos designed to get you fit in less than a month
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Life & Relationships

5 Teacher Tricks All Parents Should Know

With: Lily Jones
Price: Free
Description: Do you want your child to be brave in difficult situations? Are you not sure if your child is listening to you? It might be time to pull out some teacher tricks. When working with large groups, teachers use a variety of strategies to keep kids engaged and on task. But these tricks can be incredibly useful for parents too!
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Healthy Meals Made Easy

With: Christine Burrell
Price: $297
Description: I’ll teach you cooking tricks & secrets that save time, money, and your waistline. We’re gonna break it down and make it simple! A little planning goes a long ways. Step by step videos guiding you through shopping tips & tricks, Meal planning & prep short cuts for having meals in minutes. PDF Cookbook & downloadable recipes.
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How to lead an IRRESISTIBLE life after divorce

With: Michelle McReavy
Price: $997
Description: I help divorced moms, struggling to get back ‘out’ in the dating game & feel irresistible. We go through a process, that I went through, figuring out what they desire in their lives, so that they can not just get their needs met but be able to declare that they deserve to be treated right.
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The Sleep Edition

With: Dee Trethewey
Price: $89
Description: A course for shift workers and busy, overworked, overstressed ladies (and men) suffering from sleep issues. Learn effective, practical ways to improve the quality of your sleep. Increase the quantity of your sleep. Finally experience that “get up and go” feeling every day. 50% discount when signing up before 20th April.
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Soul Work & Creativity

Daily Dance

With: Erica Ross
Price: $35
Description: Daily Dance is an online, ‘evergreen’, 21-day ecstatic dance program, delivered straight to your inbox, based on my women’s award-winning ecstatic dance practice, Dance Our Way Home. Each day offers a special and unique invitation for one dance, a demo video, song track, and additional inspiration and playlist.
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Women’s Circle of Joy

With: Cigdem Kobu
Price: $199 / year
Description: Women’s Circle of Joy is a virtual private community for evolving women who are committed to lifelong learning, self-discovery and creative adventures. Each month we read, journal, enjoy discussions, and witness each other’s growth around a central theme. The theme for March was MONEY. The theme for April is AVALON.
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If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!

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Reading: Pick Yourself

‘Pick yourself’ and taking responsibility

Pick yourself means we should stop waiting and whining and stalling. The outcome is still in doubt, but it’s clear that waiting just doesn’t pay.

By Seth Goden via Seth Goden

What have you read lately that struck a chord? Please share in the comments.

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Printable: April 2015 Calendar

15 Minutes Per Day = Progress

What tiny step can you take each day to move one (or two or three) of your business projects forward in April?

Click to share with your planning obsessed business friends!


Imagine the Possibilities

Download this printable (PDF) calendar and commit to take one tiny action per day, and see how much progress you can make.

Fifteen minutes of focused action, 5 days per week throughout April = 5.5 hours of work on one or more of your most important projects!

Share your priority projects to win!

Work through the Priority Project Planner and share your top 3 projects for April in the comments! On April 1st one lucky commenter (chosen by random drawing) will win one month of access to all the self-study courses at Jewels Branch.

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