
Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10

Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here


The Brand Workshop

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23



Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.

On the blog ...

Online Resource Roundup: November 2013

Check out this awesome list of online classes, programs, and resources offered by entrepreneurial women to help you live your best life. If you have an online offering available that supports women entrepreneurs please share in the comments. If you’d like to be included in future roundups, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!


This month we’re shining the spotlight on …

Congrats, Michele!

And now, on to the full list…have fun, grow, learn, explore, live!


Business Growth & Personal Development

Manifestation Masters

With: Jen Mazer
Price: $497
Description: Manifestation Masters is a 40 Day Online Program for the Serious Visionary. You’ll clarify your vision & get rid of any negative beliefs stopping you from stepping into your abundance. You’ll be given the exact tools and practices for manifesting the life of your dreams. Includes 6 coaching calls + lots of individual attention!
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Sales Close: November 3, 2013

Master The Sales Conversation

With: Krista Martin
Price: FREE
Description: In this {free} teleclass, you will learn… Why You are Better At “Sales” Than You Think, The 5 Steps to a Smooth and Authentic Initial Consult, How to Get to “Yes” More Often (and make more $$), The 10 Most Common Sales Mistakes that Service Based Entrepreneurs Make, and some awesome done-for-you sales scripts!
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Sales Close: November 20, 2013

Soul Work & Creativity

Unleashing the Shameless Woman

With: Kimberley Simon
Price: $500.00 Early Bird Pricing
Description: Are you ready to shed any feeling of unworthiness? Reclaim your sacred dignity and true feminine power to unleash your soul’s expression. This is your invitation to experience wholeness, to rise up as a woman of boundless freedom. The world needs more Shameless Women… including you! If not now, when?
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Sales Close: November 30, 2013 (early bird pricing ends)


Business Growth & Personal Development

Online Spiritual Book Club

With: Julie Geigle
Price: $40
Description: Too busy to read? Join Julie Geigle, International Psychic Medium, for our next Online Spiritual Book Club featuring: “THE GIFTS OF IMPERFECTION: Let go of who you think you should be and embrace who you are” by Brene Brown. Every Sunday for 6 weeks you will receive a 5 minute video in your mailbox that summarizes the book.
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Sales Close: December 9, 2013

Health & Beauty

The Birth Empowerment Course

With: Krystal Trammell
Price: $97
Description: The Birth Empowerment Course is for women who are ready to rethink childbirth: In this unique program, you’ll learn loads about pregnancy, birth & mothering from a holistic perspective–and gain significant insight into yourSelf, as well. Challenge your limiting beliefs, overcome fears, & unlock the power of conscious choices!
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Sales Close: December 5, 2013 (price doubles)


Business Growth & Personal Development


Business Growth & Personal Development

The B Word for Artists

With: Laura C George
Price: $450
Description: The B Word for Artists is designed as an all-encompassing course giving artists the tools they need to build an online presence from the ground up. (Psst – that “B Word” is “business”!) If you’re overwhelmed with building a business around your art and don’t know what to do next, this is the program for you!
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With: Farah Belliard
Price: $429
Description: Want to have a drool-worthy business? Is lack of clarity about what you’re doing kickin’ yo ever-loving butt? Then you need to get some CLARITY LIKE, BOOM! Equal parts rap session, reality check, and verbal vision boarding!
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Creative Ambrosia

With: Victoria Prozan
Price: $99
Description: Creative Ambrosia is your ambassador to kick@ss creativity! Start getting your imagination in gear with creative inspiration from OUTSIDE the internet bubble. Something different. Something high-quality. Something thought provoking. Something innovative. Click to read all about how Creative Ambrosia will feed your imagination!
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Developing Discipline University

With: Trish Funk
Price: $99
Description: Your six week course that will guide you step by step through mastering self discipline in your life for good. Lives too short to live it with the “I wish I…..”. You can move mountains, you just have to start with one rock.
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Free Your Mind

With: Beth Cline
Price: $49
Description: With the Free Your Mind program, create awareness around the energy you bring. Begin to identify your thought patterns and belief systems that may be holding you back. Learn to intentionally choose your thoughts, and believe in the power of them.
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Golden Basket Club

With: Shirley George Frazie
Price: $9 – $97
Description: Starting or growing a gift basket business? Need help with gift baskets or want to learn more about this creative enterprise? Golden Basket Club is your source to make gift baskets for fun or profit. Videos, product sources, marketing support, monthly Q&As, weekly tips, one-to-one support, and much more is here for you.
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Head-to-Paper Course-Building Workshop

With: Karen Sergeant
Price: $49
Description: Stop staring at a blank page and get started building your info-product. This “Workshop-in-a-PDF” has what you need, with fun worksheets to get you organized, get your creative juices flowing, and get those great ideas OUT OF YOUR HEAD and onto paper. If you’re a bootstrapper, this is just what you need.
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The Itchy Soul Holistic Faith & Business Playground

With: El Edwards
Price: $365/year
Description: The Itchy Soul Faith & Business Playground is for women entrepreneurs who want to build a thriving business at the same time as stretching and growing their faith muscle. Live Q & A calls every week, weekly inspirational audios, daily accountability, monthly book club and lots more.
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Pricing for YOU: How to find the right price for your products + services

With: Nahanni Faith Hartwood
Price: $19.00
Description: As an entrepreneur, pricing can feel really hard! There’s a lot of conflicting info out there, and it’s easy to get stuck on what to charge. In Pricing for YOU, I teach you quick, simple methods for tuning in to your intuition to find the right price (that you feel good about!) for your products + services. Video workshop + pdf.
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Smart Women Make Money

With: Sherold Barr
Price: $298
Description: Smart Women Make Money is a six-week online program that will unleash your ability to make more money by removing your money blocks, and create a new money story that you are eager to step into. You will learn to ask for what you are worth, understand the sales pipeline and how to get clients and ask for the sale.
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The Vortex of Creation

With: Leah Shapiro
Price: $97/month
Description: This virtual coaching group is an amazing, sisterhood of awesomeness where creative, free-spirited women go to unleash themselves from the crap that holds them back so they can fly their freak flags and make their dreams come true.
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Personal Finance Transformation

With: Trish Funk
Price: $129
Description: Your six week course to transforming your relationship with your finances.
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Health & Beauty

Foot Reflexology Long Distance Training Program

With: Jacqueline Fairbrass
Price: Special Beta-testing $885
Description: Reflexology is simple, easy to learn and there’s a growing market for it as a wellness modality. The best part though is that you can now choose to study REMOTELY, no matter where you are in the world. Our NEW distance-learning program brings the classroom to you. You’ll have instantaneous access to your lessons anytime.
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Lighten your Load

With: Chivon John
Price: 19.99
Description: Are you tired of saying that you’re fine, when you really want to admit that you’re not? Lighten your Load is a 21 day self-paced ecourse designed to help you burn your cape, bring ease back to self-care and your permission slip to take inspired action to make yourself the priority.
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Life & Relationships

My Organized Chaos

With: Jo Ebisujima
Price: $497
Description: Busy moms, I can help you organize your kids so that they become more independent and helpful around the home. Freeing up your time so you have more time for the fun stuff! Having more independent kids and a more organized home will also reduce stress, reduce fights and bickering and promote a helpful and more caring atmosphere.
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Soul Work & Creativity

30 Days of Creative Abandon

With: Amanda Howell
Price: $45
Description: This is for women who are tired of creativity being a once-in-a-while happy accident, and who want to live a lifestyle of creativity. It’s 30 Days of action steps to inspire, push, and encourage you to create on a (near) daily basis.
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Creative You 8 Week Online Course

With: Kathie Holmes
Price: $347.00
Description: Supporting women in achieving their dreams of owning their own business. Our course delves deep to identify your unique creative ability and then takes you through step by step to create your online business. In addition, you will be fully supported through our exclusive Facebook Mastermind Group.
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Food School: 31 Day Course

With: Renee Baude
Price: free
Description: Beginning October 1, 2013 I will be have daily posts about food: what is in it, deciphering food labels, promoting individual healthy choices, research on chemicals in our food, sustainable farming practices, the issues surrounding animals as food and the impact on our environment.
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Share and spread the word about these awesome courses!

If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!

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2 Free Tools to Help You Identify Fonts

End Font Identification Frustration

Ever find a font you love and then spend hours trying to figure out what it is, only to end up frustrated? Me, too!

There are so many fonts out in the world and more and more being created as you read this! Even the nerdiest of font lovers can get stumped and spend hours trying to identify fonts.

Here are two free tools I use when I’m having trouble identifying fonts.

1) What The Font!

You can upload an image of the font, or link to an image of the font, and What The Font! will check the image against their database of fonts and show you possible matches. If that doesn’t help, you can also upload your image to their forum where super font nerds will help you out.


2) Identifont

Identifont asks you a series of questions about the font’s characteristics to narrow down the possibilities. They also have a lot of other great font searching options to help you locate where to buy fonts, if you already know the font name, and find similar fonts.


Sometimes even with professional font help, some fonts remain hard to identify. You might have to give up on finding that one specific font. When that happens, think about what you’re trying to convey with your font and start looking for fonts that feel that way to you. Check out MyFonts and Font Squirrel for inspiration.

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Jewels Branch Showcase: Carol Erlam

Jewels Branch Showcases feature work created by folks who’ve taken courses at Jewels Branch.

Cara’s Scrap n Stamp Art

Carol of Cara’s Scrap n Stamp Art creates custom handcrafted paper crafts for life celebrations: birthdays, graduations, holidays, weddings, and more.

Carol used the graphic design knowledge she learned at Jewels Branch to hire someone to update her old logo and translate it into editable formats so that she has more control over her branding. Then, she created a new Etsy shop banner and icon with her updated logo.


Way to go Carol!

Ready for your own showcase?

You can learn how to create your own logos, promotional graphics, e-books, and more at Jewels Branch. Come on over and start telling the story of your business through design.

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