
Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10

Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here


The Brand Workshop

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23



Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.

On the blog ...

Online Resource Roundup: December

Check out this awesome list of online classes, programs, and resources offered by entrepreneurial women to help you live your best life. If you have an online offering available in December that supports women entrepreneurs please share in the comments. If you’d like to be included in the January roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!


This month we are shining the spotlight on Andrea Lewicki’s Groundwork

Price: $125

Description: A foundation class in mindfulness where you’ll learn to cultivate your attention and create a special form of balance (useful for stress management!). You get 4 weeks of guided practice with me followed by 4 weeks of support for practice on your own. Note: Class starts January 7th, 2013.

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Sales Close: December 28, 2012

Congrats Andrea on your launch!

And now, on to the full list…have fun, grow, learn, explore, live!


Business Growth & Personal Development

Give It Up: Delegating Your Invisible Time Theives

With: Erica Cosminsky
Price: $197
Description: This 6 week course teaches women how to delegate, hire, and manage employees, as well as how to be able to afford their help and legal red flags to beware of while working with employees or contractors.
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Sales Close: December session: December 5, 2012 and January session: January 11, 2013


The Oolala Business C.A.F.E.

With: Tina Pruitt
Price: Early Bird $97, Regular $147
Description: You Know You Have Something Special, In Fact, You Have An Undeniable & Unique Brilliance…But You Just Don’t Seem To Be Getting It DONE! Join the women entrepreneurs at The Oolala Business “CAFE” – Where You Order Up Your “Clarity, Accountability, Focus & Execution” To Begin 2013 With An Upgraded, Gorgeous Bang In Your Fabulous Business!
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Sales Close: December 5, 2012


Health and Wellness

Whole Food Holiday Reboot

With: Claudia Olivie
Price: $97
Description: Overdid it over Thanksgiving? Get back on track between the holidays with a 7-day Whole Food Reboot, a program that uses real food to help you get back on track, so that you don’t need to play catch up when January hits, and so that you can move through the holidays without guilt, deprivation, or the “traditional” extra pounds.
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Sales Close: December 9, 2012



Business Growth & Personal Development

Soul*Full eCourse

With: Catherine Just
Price: $215
Description: This eCourse is for women READY to create the life of their dreams. Starting from the inside out. Let go of limiting beliefs, use the tool of photography to transform the way you see yourself and the world around you, embrace your greatness.
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Sales Close: January 7, 2013


Ignite Your Biz!

With: Emmanuelle Lambert
Price: Beta Special $77 – standard price $195
Description: A 4-week program to support you in getting s**t done! Are you starting your business? Do you have a big project that’s been cooking? Are you preparing a big launch? Need velocity, support and accountability? Then Ignite Your Biz is for you.
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Sales Close: January 11, 2013


Morning Whip

With: Erika Lyremark
Price: $795-$995
Description: Kickstart your fame + fortune in 8 weeks!
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Sales Close: January 13, 2013, limited to 50 Women



The Nuts And Bolts of Your Abundance–Broke No More edition

With: Eryka Peskin
Price: $80
Description: In this 4 session class, we’ll go through the concrete things to do to make a safe container for your abundance–everything from organizing your bank and credit card statements, how to create your dream financial team, how to educate yourself about how money and abundance work together–and we’ll also spend some good, quality time on the inner work to make sure you believe at your CORE that you deserve abundance…and if you don’t, starting the process where you transform that limiting belief!
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Sales Close: January 13, 2013


Health and Wellness


With: Brittany Becher
Price: $97 before 2013
Description: Yoga*Life*Spark is a 21-day guided yoga + wellness course designed for the beginner and near-beginner. This program is perfect for anyone looking to renew their health, fitness, and wellness goals with the new year.
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Sales Close: January 11, 2013


WHI: The Women’s Health Intensive

With: Melanie St. Ours
Price: $397
Description: Step-by-step program that helps women suffering with complex hormonal issues like infertility, PCOS, fibroids, PMDD, and endometriosis to use healing foods and herbal medicine to regulate their hormones and reclaim their freedom.
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Sales Close: January 14, 2013


Soul Work & Creativity

Vision: Create Your 2013

With: Jo Crawford
Price: $99 – $350
Description: Kickstart 2013 with creative alignment and embrace the possibilities of the new year! We’ll be leaving behind our resolution lists as we set intentions and access our desires through creative exploration, journaling, coaching calls and intuitive exercises.
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Sales Close: January 3, 2013



Business Growth & Personal Development

JumpStart CHANGE

With: She Creates Change
Price: $1500
Description: She Creates Change empowers women to create a career where they are fully engaged in life, claim their calling, and making a meaningful contribution in the world. The JumpStart CHANGE virtual program will help you gain clarity around what you want out of your career & life and how to go get it. We’ll help you put a plan in place to set you up to win and actually experience real change & transformation in 2013.
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Sales Close: February 25, 2013



Business Growth & Personal Development

20 for 20

With: Allegra Stein
Price: $20
Description: Twenty minutes of laser sharp coaching around your travel dreams or relocation opportunity. Your most pressing roadblock solved. Time devoted entirely to you, your big question, travel wish, relocation situation, and how to make that transition smooth, enlightening, and completely transformative.
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Ask a Business Question . . . It’s FREE

With: Kat Bouchard & Susan Wiggins
Price: Free
Description: Do you have a question about your business? Staffing issue, customer worry, marketing question, target setting issue? Give us your best sleepless night inducing question and we will give you our best problem solving answer. . . it’s FREE
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Be&Biz Sessions

With: Emmanuelle Lambert
Price: $299
Description: A special 90-minute coaching session designed to give you tools and foundations as a solopreneur and integrate seamlessly your biz into your life and not your life into your biz. By the end of the session, with laser-focused coaching from me, you will define your message and how to communicate it effectively, your next steps to rock your biz YOUR way, and you will have a clear action plan designed for *you*.
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Delegate to Accelerate

With: Alyssa Middleton and Amy Wright
Description: A 5 module, go-at-your-own-pace e-course to find, hire and train a virtual assistant to take tasks off your plate and let you enjoy your business again. Videos, handouts, checklists and fill in the blank templates teach you to delegate tasks to your team to accelerate your business growth and profits.
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Editor On Call

With: Lauren Forest
Price: Monthly Packages start at $97
Description: Make sure your online content is as professional as it can be – have it edited and proofread by your own “Editor On Call.” Send your weekly blog posts, guest articles, whatever you need…even Facebook updates and tweets and they’ll be polished and refined – usually within 72 hours (for short pieces); monthly package prices are based on word count.
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How to Be More Productive Online: Blogging & Social Media Tools to Save You Time

With: Leanne Chesser
Price: Regular $197, Holiday Sale Price $147
Description: Tips, tools and strategies to help you save time online with blogging and social media.
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Love Potion: Creating Wild Customer Attraction

With: Stephanie Peterson
Price: $39
Description: The messages your business projects out into the world determine exactly what you get back. Learn how to demonstrate the true, unique value of your products, and you can realistically have the profitable, fun, fulfilling business you signed up for.
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With: Jennifer Peek
Price: Starts at $1,000
Description: The MASTER PLAN :: a business immersion for high-octane entrepreneurs —
complete with a custom-cut strategy, for the next 6 months of your evolution.
It begins with a massively productive one-day strategy session, and rolls into 30 days of consulting + collaborative creation. The MASTER PLAN is ideal for action-driven, highly-independent entrepreneurs. People who don’t need a lot of hand-holding — just brilliant ideas, strategic how-tos, and practical steps.
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With: Jessica Kupferman
Price: $199
Description: An online course that helps business owners get started using Pinterest for business, branding, SEO, website traffic, and more!
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Packable Business

With: Shannon Lynberg
Price: $1200
Description: This 12-week program is a full-on business immersion! We’ll plan, plot, strategize, and we’ll change your life. By the time we’re done, you’ll have launched a passion-infused business you can take with you anywhere in the world.
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Shift into Genius

With: Lauren Forest
Price: $1197
Description: A genius doesn’t fight her current situation: she shifts out of it and into a place that’s above & beyond it – she shifts into her own place of personal genius. This 6 week process teaches women entrepreneurs how to use this system to solve problems, overcome obstacles, and free themselves from self-defeating thoughts & feelings so that they can create the relationships, life, and businesses of their dreams.
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The Simple Art of Hiring

With: Kat Bouchard
Price: $47
Description: The Simple Art of Hiring is a self paced workbook designed to help you create a customized hiring guide for you business. It makes hiring any employee easy and stress free.
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A Soulful Cleanse

With: Rebecca Mullen
Price: $129
Description: Is your closet a disaster zone? Replace shame with personal respect and watch your closet, your schedule, or your inbox point the way to personal freedom. Become a detective of your individual patterns and find out who you are under all your clutter.
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Sales Close: This class runs several times a year.


Superluxe Naming Experience

With: Victoria Prozan McGlinn
Price: $295
Description: The right name begins with you. Together you and I conjure a brand story that will tell and sell.
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Take Flight with Facebook

With: Sophie Bujold
Price: $197 CAD
Description: An online program designed to help travel professionals kick their Facebook shame to the curb and start engaging like a pro.
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Track This!

With: Brittni Mehlhoff
Price: $27
Description: Track This! is packed with actionable worksheets, charts, and questions designed to help you figure out what your true (and very specific) goals are when it comes to your business, and how to stay on track and accomplish those goals once they are set.
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Tech Quickie Session

With: Jessica Williams
Price: $15
Description: Instead of spending HOURS researching on Google, you can jump on the phone with me and get major clarity around your tech problem in 15 minutes.
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The Busy Parent’s Guide to Photosanity

With: Alethea Fitzpatrick
Price: $397
Description: Stop taking disappointing photos, and start capturing the fleeting moments of your children’s lives, so you can save time, be more present, and more fully experience every precious second! Includes 12 video lessons and a 200+ page e-book.
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Gentle Sleep Coaching Package

With: Kate Gardes
Price: $325
Description: Help your baby or child learn to sleep peacefully through the night, in a gentle, family-friendly way. A 90 minute coaching session to develop an individualized plan that works for your family and your parenting philosophy. Six 20-minute follow-up calls to tailor the plan to your child’s progressing needs and to support you as you help your child learn this essential life skill. Get your family the sleep you need to be happy and healthy!
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Mindful Parenting Strategy Session

With: Natanya Lara
Price: Free
Description: Are you feeling overwhelmed by parenting? Ready to have calmer family dynamics and confidence as a parent? Let’s talk about what’s happening in your family and explore what you need to become the confident parent you are ready to be!
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Conscious Bookkeeping Method: Home Study Program

With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $300
Description: This self-guided, step-by-step and comprehensive online home study course is packed with Tools for Financial Transformation. Charged with practical action steps, teeming with deep reflection cues, and guided by a nurturing curiosity – you’ll be guided your relationship with money on every level, at your own pace.
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Getting Started With Conscious Spending

With: Mindy Crary, MBA, CFP
Price: FREE
Description: The single-greatest indicator of your future wealth is clarity around cash flow. Since budgeting SUCKS, find out the little-known steps to getting more satisfaction from every dollar.
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Tools for Financial Transformation: Introductory Video Course

With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $45
Description: This 4-part video series presents Bari Tessler Linden’s Conscious Bookkeeping method in lively, bite-sized morsels of transformative genius. If you’re ready for a jump start into a more conscious and fulfilling relationship with money, you won’t want to miss it!
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Wake Up With Mint Course

With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $65
Description: This multi-media training course has everything you need to start a money practice with the hip & handy web-based personal finance app, You’ll get a comprehensive video training guide to Mint, plus a soulful guide through the psychological, emotional, and spiritual considerations of tracking your finances.
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Health & Wellness

12 Day Detox

With: Cathy Sykora
Price: $49
Description: You will… Lose up to 5 lbs. Have brighter skin. Have a lighter mood. Experience carb & sugar cravings disappearing. Have a body that is cleansed of old toxins.
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28-Day Fat-Blaster Challenge

With: Shay de Silva
Price: $149
Description: A comprehensive program that will get you in tip-top shape in just 28 days. The challenge includes a workbook for changing your habits, three workout videos (each one less than 25 minutes long and requiring no weights or other equipment), a meal plan, a day-by-day guide, and a tracker so you can chart your progress.
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Balance your Belly

With: Angela Privin
Price: $50 a session
Description: A one on one or group coaching program that helps people troubleshoot their digestive issues
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The Cut The Crap 7 Day Guided Cleanse

With: Carol Galanty
Price: $45
Description: Cut the crap out of your diet, give yourself a big energy boost, improve your focus and sleep like a baby by cleansing your mind, body and soul for 7 days. (There is an optional juice delivery service or you can make your juices yourself).
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The Deluxe Mix & Match Meal Chart

With: Lacy
Price: $9.95
Description: A PDF chart designed using the Mix and Match Rule to help solve or prevent a picky eating problem for kids. The chart contains almost 400,000 different healthy, balanced meal combinations!
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Fast Fitness to Go

With: Shay de Silva
Price: $99/month
Description: Get fit and firm in 25 minutes anytime, anywhere…no equipment needed! This unique program delivers three new 25-minute workout videos directly to your inbox each month.
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HRL Sugar Recovery System

With: Claudia Olivie
Price: $175
Description: If you struggle with sugar addiction, and want to kick your sugar addiction to the curb, this program is for you. It’s a 2-week program that includes everything you need to kick the sugar habit for good, including the most important part which is so often forgotten: how to reintroduce sugar without starting the addiction cycle all over again.
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Inspired Running

With: Christy Lambert
Price: $10 a month
Description: Inspired Running is an online community of beginning runners/walkers, offering personalized support, motivation & feedback. The intent is to inspire as many people as possible to reach their fitness and life goals using inspiration to pave the way.
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Paleo Power Lunch

With: Stormy Sweitzer
Price: $27.50
Description: Paleo Power Lunch: Easy, Filling & Delicious Workday Meals is a strategic cookbook with a set of how-to videos and quick guides designed to help you create meals that power your active and busy life. Recipes are based on Paleo dietary principles and are naturally free of dairy, grains, legumes, and processed ingredients. All resources are electronic so you can easily download and use them wherever you need them.
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Recovering Beauty: Sacred Rituals To Clear Emotional Weight

With: Lisa Claudia Briggs, MSW
Price: $47
Description: Digital Home Study program/retreat (145 pages) for women who feel everything and take it “all” on.. a completely different approach to heal emotional eating and body related issues.
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Reinvention Session

With: Paige Lysaght
Price: $25
Description: Feeling stressed, stifled, and stuck? Schedule a Reinvention Session for a powerful week-long coaching experience to learn how to upgrade your routine for health and happiness.
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Season to Run

With: Jeanne Andrus
Price: $197/$347
Description: This program is perfect for you if you never thought you could be a runner, if you’ve tried and failed to be a runner, or if a 5k (or longer!) is on your “someday” list! Season to Run is a ZERO to 5k running program that teaches you everything you need to know to become a runner and supports you every step of the way! Minimum age – 9, maximum age – 95!
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Trail Blazing Live: 30 Days of Wellness Prompts and Sparkle

With: Grace Quantock
Price: $7
Description: Trail Blazing Live: 30 Days of Prompts and Sparkle is a beautifully designed eBook with pages to prompt and support you every day, you get a focus, hot wellness tips, inspiration and me holding your hand, it’s a 30 day group wellness practice project. Maybe you are new to wellness & you are reaching for a roadmap or maybe you are a wellness veteran and you have done it all and the wheatgrass but together, we will implement the wellness shifts; I guarantee at the end of the 30 days, if you have followed the program you will feel lighter, brighter and have your chosen wellness habits in action.
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Your Health Path

With: Wendy Sailor
Price: $28, $98, $224 per month
Description: Three levels of coaching programs and classes: e-course and site membership, the aforementioned as well as email coaching, all of the aforementioned and 4 half hour coaching calls a month. Health and wellness coaching geared to the individual. This is not about what I want for you but helping you to decide what YOU want for you.
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Xen Strength Yoga with Weights Teacher Training

With: Danielle Diamond
Price: $599
Description: This online teacher training program will certify you to teach a level 1 Xen Strength Yoga with Weights class. It contains a membership site with 20 videos and a manual with descriptions of every pose, and instructions on how to teach them. Yoga with Weights is emerging as the hottest new hybrid class, why not be the first to teach it in your area?
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Professional Development


With: Lisa League
Price: Free
Description: Qpractice is a resource to help interior designers study and prepare for the NCIDQ Exam, a nationwide credentialing exam for certification and licensing for interior designers.
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work-ABLE Résumé: your tactical, actionable, and practical DIY résumé guide

With: Amanda
Price: $20
Description: This guide is a self-paced workbook/guide for any job seeker who’s struggling with their résumé. It teaches how to set a foundation and strategy before you sit down to write a single sentence (a resume writer secret) and shows you a system to keep your experience updated.
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Soul Work & Creativity

Bling Your Brilliant Idea

With: Cara Moulds
Price: $275/$1500
Description: Are you stalled with a divine idea that wants to be born? Get individual coaching and consulting to get out of the muck that’s weighing you down. 1 Carat Bling and 6 Carat Bling options for creating an online program or retreat, branding or opt-in ideas, writing an e-book, crafting a speech or presentation, or whatever brilliant idea is swirling within you!
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The Merry Inksters

With: Amy Scott and Shanna Trenholm
Price: $26.95/month (45% off regular price of $49/month)
Description: The Merry Inksters is an online community where writers of all kinds (and those who write, but don’t consider themselves writers) connect and support one another with guidance from a professional writer (Shanna) and a professional editor (Amy). In the Merry Inksters you can share your struggles AND your successes. It’s a place to rediscover the joy of writing, complete your projects, and have fun doing it.
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A Year With Myself

With: Cigdem Kobu
Price: $365
Description: AYWM is the most comprehensive personal growth program for creative women. It aims to help women get clear, eliminate fear, cultivate joy, and change their lives from the inside out. Members receive a 20-25 page new thematic module every 7 days for 52 weeks. The lessons are co-created with more than 100 acclaimed guest experts. The program also has a free section for blog subscribers.
Curator: Cigdem Kobu at
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Please share anyone who would benefit from this information.

If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!

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Thankful 2012

In honor of Thanksgiving, I asked my friends and colleagues to tell me what they are thankful for in business and in life.

Their lovely, heartfelt responses are a testament to the joys of life as an entrepreneur.

What are you thankful for?

I’m thankful to be here now, alive, writing and living. And to be able to use my gifts to support people to heal and see their magic in the world.

I’m thankful for Morning Whip and to know you! I’m thankful for so many things, but to have thrived through our first year as detailed here: so thankful!

~ Grace Quantock

I am thankful for my growing family, my fabulous team and my supportive and fun friends.

I am grateful for health, creativity, opportunity and unbelievable freedom.

~ Cathy Brown Sykora

I am grateful for my family and friends – for the love that embraces me and the souls that remind me who I am and how I want to show up in this world.

I am grateful for work that allows me to witness my clients shape a new, peaceful reality, own their power and step unapologetically into their own skin.

~ Wokie Nwabueze

Looking back on the last year, I see so much I am thankful for; first is for the personal trauma I went through a year ago. It was the basis for me to align my life with my beliefs then have the courage to ask for and get what I need and want.

If you asked me last year if I was grateful for what I was going through at the time the answer would be “no way” followed by a lot of crying.

Now I look back and I want to cry for all that I have achieved in my personal development. I am right where I am supposed to be.

~ Cheryl Bigus

Always and deeply, I am thankful for my awareness to Spirit. For being awake at my wheel. For the gift of knowing how to open my heart, face to the sun, and trust the sail.

The ability to see the wonder in children, the pain on another’s face, the magnificence of our human containers that we call bodies … and the beauty of us being here time and time again, in these incarnations at all.

~ Rosa Conti

I am grateful and appreciate all my clients and students past and present, my followers and friends. Each day they remind me that my passion is to share the power of Happiness in our lives and bring joy to millions, and each and every one is a stepping stone to that goal.

In life in general I each day feel blessed to live here and now and give thanks for technology. I met hubby via an internet dating site and now live in a lovely town where I have met new friends and colleagues. I keep in touch with clients, students, colleagues and friends using social media; as well as getting to meet lovely new people daily.

And the best one yet…I get to Skype with my beautiful daughters and grand-daughters, seeing their faces and sharing love and laughter regularly.

~ Jacqueline Fairbrass

In business I am grateful for the spirit-rich women who show up in my well-nourished woman program trusting me with their deepest desire to elevate their relationship to food and their bodies.

And in life, I am deeply grateful for the improvement in my dad’s health over the past six months. He went from Hospice to greatly restored health. And at ninety one, he’s looking pretty good in “a room with a view” where he is, once again, enjoying chocolate for breakfast.

~ Sue Ann Gleason and

I am grateful and blessed to share this journey of awakening health and wholeness with the beings, young and old, that are my clients. I am grateful that CranioSacral healing helps 3 week old babies with birth trauma feel expansive and safe in their bodies.

Being present daily with my own humanity and multiple sclerosis helps me compassionately support families with a child with muscular dystrophy. I am thankful to support women experiencing loss of a precious physical ability whether it’s hearing or balance due to an accident or illness.

And in my own life, I am grateful to be shown the doorway, right below the surface of my constrictive physical body, into the expansive ocean of F L O W. Now I can feel F L O W in my own body and guide others into the source of pure self love

~ Barbara Coon

In my business, I am thankful for the wonderful people I am able to serve. I am thankful for the freedom my career gives me. In my personal life, I am thankful for my family who give me the freedom to simply be. It’s all about the people in my life and freedom.

~ Theresa Reed

I am so thankful for the love notes that fill my inbox each week from my amazing clients, and for the chance to be a witness to the phenomenal transformations that my clients experience.

I have the best clients — they motivate and inspire me every day!

~ Claudia Olivié

I’m thankful for all the lessons I have learned this year after quitting my day job, for all the connections I have made doing this work, for my Lovely Boyfriend who has been the best supporter ever, for Lulu the Krazy Kitty for bringing such joy in our home, for the roof above my head and the food in my fridge. Thankful for YOU! 😉

~ Emmanuelle Lambert

I’m thankful that I’m finding a way to combine all of the things I love the most, and the strengths which come most naturally to me, into this itty bitty biz I’m building.

Supporting and lifting up others while being authentically myself is deeply meaningful.

~ Allegra Stein

I’m thankful for the freedom in life and business to be able to travel and work from anywhere with my amazing husband at my side.

~ Amy Scott

I’m thankful that I live in a country where I can vote and get education without risking my life, health, or safety.

I’m thankful that I live in an era with the technology to make friends all over the world – including my clients! And that that same technology lets me leverage my skills, passions, and genius into a sustainable business.

I’m thankful for my family and friends and their unwavering support, and my dog that thinks I’m awesome no matter what. And, I’m always thankful for dark chocolate!

~ Michelle Nickolaisen

I am so very thankful that in the midst of great challenges, I was able to bring my business to a place where I can support my family when we need it most.

~ Kimberely Arana

I am thankful I’ve created a business doing what I enjoy: traveling, cooking and writing. I am grateful for stepping into my power more and more and watching my dreams unfold.

I am grateful for my daughter, wonderful friends, a thriving life, living in NYC, and after Hurricane Sandy, not sweating the small stuff at all.

~ Tracey Ceurvels

I’m thankful for the INCREDIBLE community I have access to. The warmth, support, intelligence, passion and understanding from like-minded business women has helped me uncover and appreciate my own brilliance, as well as the joy of supporting other women along their own paths.

~ Zsofi Koller

Thankful for love+space to create+abundance+blessings!

~ Bri Saussy

I am so very thankful for the renewing and self-affirming power of the Creative Spirit…the knowledge that we are all Creative Beings, forging unique and awe-inspiring lives for ourselves in this World.

I am so thankful for Art to express myself through and make me feel of serve in my life.

~ Parisa Eithne Roohipour

I am thankful for the daily opportunity to grow beyond my perceived comfort zone and discover new skills, abilities and creative solutions that I would have never discovered otherwise.

~ Carla Golden

I am most thankful for my family!!! And I am thankful for all the people that have touched my life this year, inspired me beyond belief, taught me things, helped me be a better me.

~ Ursula Markgraf

I’m grateful for the chance to squish my kids every day, and to be able to get back to a calm center (eventually…) no matter how much craziness is going on in my outside life. A peaceful heart rocks! LOL

~ Julie Apolinario

I am very grateful I started my revamped business after having my daughter. I am thankful that little voice inside me always reminds me to put family before work.

If I had been successful before being a parent I know I would put ambition above all.

~ Amanda Burris

I am thankful for the freedom to make bold moves: from my marriage, our international transition, and jumping into new friendships with both feet.

I’m grateful for my health, my ability to create, and the people who support and cheer me on.

~ Nathalie Lussier

I’m thankful that I get to co-create with amazing clients – and that I get to support their transformation and growth on a global platform.

~ Michelle Martello

I am grateful to have the opportunity to teach kids about the importance of living a life of confidence, courage and compassion.

I am grateful to be a mom and to help my kids see the good in them and in others, to live fully and to make a difference.

~ Chantelle Adams

I am grateful for my true friends – those people whom I know are there for me regardless of the time or distance that has us physically apart.

I am grateful for all the love in my life. I am grateful that in every raindrop, there is a glimmer of light.

~ Nancy Lamb

I’m thankful for the freedom to build the business I love.

I’m thankful for my family – my kids and my adorable grandkids. And I’m thankful for learning and growth in my life.

~ Leanne Chesser

I am thankful for all the lessons I learned this year. I am truly thankful + honored to have worked with incredible souls as clients.

This provided me a refining of my heart + soul to keep on this path of awakening. Oh, and I’m grateful for all the support I had to make it all happen.

~ Hillary Rubin

In my life, I am thankful for God’s salvation, thankful that His mercy and kindness continue to pour blessings into my life even when I don’t deserve them. I’m thankful for the blessing of my amazing family, my daughters especially and for great friends like the Tribe.

In my business, I am thankful for every experience this year – good and bad. Especially thankful for the blessing of becoming a best selling author and of course for my husband’s never-ending support. Even though he still doesn’t fully understand what I do, he’s always incredibly supportive and willing to invest whatever is needed.

I’m also beyond thankful for all my clients and community of subscribers. Without them, I’d have no business.

~ Rachel Luna

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for? Comment below.

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Women Branching Out: Aimee Prezzano

I’m very happy to have Aimee Prezzano of here on the blog today as part of the Women Branching Out interview series.

Aimee is a Simple Living Consultant on a crusade to show others about a different way to live, one household at a time.

She helps successful men & women simplify their lives so they can have more time and do what they love.

If you’re already feeling a bit of holiday overwhelm, keep reading … in this interview Aimee shares three quick tools Brain Dumping, The Holiday Gut Check, and Aimee’s Top Holiday Simplification Tip For Your Kitchen to help you approach the holidays with more ease.

You can also register for Aimee’s free webinar “How To Simplify Your Holidays.” Available for a limited time only.

Here’s Aimee…

Tell us about your business. What do you do and who do you love to serve? 

I am a Simple Living Consultant. I help successful men and women all over the world simplify their personal life so they can get it all done, and have more time again.  

I work with accomplished, intelligent people, who used to be able to get it all done. They were able to play the super-human role for a while, but now the gig is up. They’ve found themselves totally overwhelmed with juggling, life, work, their family, their home, and their time … and are frustrated that they can’t do everything by themselves anymore.

These people have found that trying to slow down their busy life on their own isn’t so easy. They long for the day to gain some freedom back into their lives, but to them, it seems like it is gone forever. They are craving a simple life.

I help these people figure out what needs to shift and how, so they can start having more fun and stop doing the stuff they can’t stand.
All of my solutions emphasize action, implementation, and accountability, sprinkled with nurturing love. I always draw from my professional and personal experience.

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What does simple living mean in the Aimee Prezzano household?

In our home, Simple Living can be described in five points:
1. We get rid of the crap we don’t need
2. Make sure that everything has a home
3. We don’t buy more crap & maintain as best as we can.
4. We make sure we’re having fun with whatever we’re doing
5. We make sure that what we’re spending the majority of our time doing what we truly love.

It’s simple – it works – and anyone can do it.

But in this fast paced world with so much stimulation and so many shiny objects, it is really hard to actually implement this in many busy people’s lives.

Simple Living, to me, isn’t necessarily about looking like some cover of a magazine or catalog.
And it isn’t becoming a minimalist. It isn’t about cashing in everything and living in a commune. It isn’t necessarily about becoming self-sustainable and living off the land. Rather, it is really about the mindset of how you live. It’s completely an inside job.

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What’s the first bit of advice you give clients who come to you in complete overwhelm with all the life, work, family, home responsibilities they are juggling?

The first thing I suggest to clients is they need to eliminate their mental clutter. Busy, successful people tend to have so many thoughts scrambling through their monkey minds. More than they realize! (I can say this because I am one of them!) And for any changes to be made, we first need to clear the clutter in the mind. This helps set a solid foundation to make other changes.

But, clearing mind clutter can often be very challenging and confronting. It is something that the mind does not want to do. It loves staying busy and obsessing and planning.

Clearing mind clutter can be as easy as pulling out a pen and sheet of paper and doing a brain dump of everything (yes, everything) running through the mind. Not just business stuff, but personal stuff (i.e. tasks, errands, deadlines for everything: finances, holidays, travel, me time, social life, hobbies, family, home, garden, kitchen, vehicles …).

Hey, if you’re reading this interview, and thinking “Oh my gosh, I have to do this!,” then please stop reading this article, pull out a pen and paper, and do this NOW! Go on – right now! You can come back and read the rest of this later.

When I start with my clients, we spend a considerable amount of time uncovering their own mind clutter. Only then can we can get down to brass tax. But, you see, the mind doesn’t want to cooperate. It doesn’t want to change.

Actually, the more overwhelmed/willing to change someone is, the easier it is to get faster and more dramatic results when trying to eliminate mental clutter. So, if you’re feeling really overwhelmed, that is actually a really good place to be to make some significant and permanent changes. Sounds counter-intuitive, and maybe not super compassionate, but it is the truth.

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Where does this feeling of overwhelm wit life come from and how can we start to deal with those feelings, today?

I think I’ll defer to Sigmond Freud for this answer!

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Why do busy folks feel so much dread about the holidays? What can we do to get back our joy?

Here is the reason why most busy people dread the holidays: They feel like they are pulled in so many directions. They say that there is too much to do, and so little time.

You see, busy people don’t take the time to really figure out what they want, and instead, they please everyone believing that this will solve the problem. But it doesn’t. Instead, they are left feeling miserable on the inside. This causes dread every holiday season.

Introducing: The Holiday Gut Check

Newsflash: We do not have to live in misery during the Holidays.

I want to make sure that you have the key to change that feeling for this upcoming Holiday Season and for future holidays.

Let’s do something right now: Close your eyes. Imagine your ideal Holiday Season: Picture who you are with, what you are doing, how you are eating. Do you have it in your minds eye? Take a moment. How do you feel ? What sensations came to you?

Hang onto that sensation. As you meander through this holiday season, check in with your gut. See if what you are doing matches up with that sensation you are feeling now. If you do this, you’re golden.

Now, I can’t guarantee that your ideal holiday (from this visualization) is going to occur this year (but it just might!). However, what I can guarantee you that if you make every decision this holiday season after you do The Holiday Gut Check, you can’t go wrong. If it doesn’t feel right, then don’t do it. Or if you decide to do it anyway, that’s cool. Just know that every time you do, you’re putting yourself into a position where you might start to become overwhelmed. Hey, we need to be realistic here, as there is a lot going on during the holidays. My suggestion is to just make sure that the majority of your decisions are made with this “good feeling” during your Holiday Gut Check.

So, pause and take a moment before you commit to something, before you buy something, before you invite someone somewhere, before you decide on everyone you’re sending Holiday cards to before your convince yourself that you now have the perfect meal planned.

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What’s one thing everyone could do to simplify their kitchen set up this holiday season?

I recently surveyed busy successful people who are looking to simplify their holidays, and the top area where these people were lacking confidence to simplify was in the kitchen. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed in the kitchen, you’re not alone.

Aimee’s Top Holiday Simplification Tip For Your Kitchen:

(drumroll please….)
Stop thinking that your meal needs to look like it belongs on the cover of Bon Appetit!

Hey, I know you want to cook from scratch, and try new recipes that you found on, and make everything fresh that day from items that you’ve picked up from the farmers market, and use all of your new colorful Le Creucet pots and pans that you’ve been stockpiling from Sur La Table.

Brace yourself, I am going to tell you something you don’t want to hear: You’re just setting yourself up for over-exhaustion. Trust me, and the thousand people who have come before you – we’re tried it, failed miserably, and raised the white flag. Don’t get me wrong, your meal may be the most delicious thing ever, and you may get massive props to you to the chef from your guests … but ask yourself: Is all that work really worth it?

Here is the real question you need to ask: What is your gut saying to you regarding the most important part about your holiday meals?

When you get your answer (and only you know your answer) make sure that you are putting your most time and attention into that area, and then build your meal around this awareness.

So we usually find out that what we want really isn’t the initial image that we had been holding space for in our minds.

So, my bottom-line kitchen suggestion: Make simpler recipes (ones that you feel more comfortable with, or make sure when choosing recipes that you can cook parts of the meal advance).

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What effects can simplifying our personal lives have on our business lives?

Oh my goodness: A simple personal life = a kick ass business. I am working with a successful entrepreneur right now, and we are just starting to clear the clutter (physically, emotionally & spiritually), and she is already seeing a new fire being re-kindled in her business. And it is all just happening organically. It is such an amazing honor to witness this metamorphosis every time I work with business women.

You see, when you build an entirely new foundation for your life, it seeps into every avenue of your life. Whether your personal life practices are simplifying or cluttering, it affects everything. Cluttering has negative effects, simplifying has positive effects. That is a fact. Not just because I said so, but this goes all the way back to the mystics (sorry if this feels too “woo woo.” But it’s true!)

Here’s the deal. When businesswomen simplify their lives, they are more equipped to get to the truth about their business, which allows them to take off and fly. They can more easily spot their bottlenecks. They can more easily serve their client, which means happier customers. They have more time to do marketing, outreach, and making solid connections with prospective clients. They’re more easily able to get out of their own way.

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What did 7 year old Aimee say she wanted to be when she grew up?

Wow, this is a bit embarrassing. I was obsessed with magic. I cried tears of joy when I was 7 when Santa brought me my first magic set. (Yep, true story). So yeah, I guess I was/am a bit like Job Bluth on Arrested Development.

But I have one more story, so I can hopefully redeem myself a bit.

Ever since I was a little kid, I loved business and running things/heading things up. I was always the one heading up our neighborhood Lemonade Stand on Linda Lane. I designed and did the artwork for the posters, I assigned someone to go to the corner and jump up and down to flag people down, I trained someone to be our cashier, I developed complimentary products to sell alongside the lemonade (like candy bars that my Dad brought home from work – he worked at Nestle, and mini-flower pots – Dixie cups filled with soil, and a broken off flowering branch off the bushes on the neighbors yard… a very classy move indeed.)

But the seed was planted. I got the “I want to run my own business” bug.
And I was definitely good at getting things done. So, I’d like to think I was/am a bit more like Michael Bluth in my family of origin.

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What is your favorite aspect of running your own business?

Wow, good question. I tell ya, I absolutely love being an entrepreneur and running my own online business. It has definitely been a long time coming. I have always had a sweet spot in my heart for marketing, as I was marketing major in college and I love figuring our people and what they see/need. I love selling, because I believe in my service/product, and I am absolutely certain that I only deliver the best. And, I really dig being able to hand-pick my dream team of co-workers, consultants, and clients. It is the best of all worlds.

If I had to pick my favorite? Hmm. I’d say it is just that – being able to set up my business and life in a way that best works for me. And I am happy to say that I have it set up exactly the way that I have always envisioned it in my minds eye. And here is the cool part: I am totally open to that vision changing in the future – and that is the amazing part about running my own business. My business can change with me as I grow and expand. Isn’t that wonderful? Okay. I’ll stop gushing. Entrepreneurship simply rocks.

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Is there anything else you’d like us to know about Simple Living for Busy People?

Set aside everything you think you know. You don’t have to do it alone anymore. Join the tribe at!

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Aimee Prezzano is a Simple Living Consultant who helps busy men and women simplify their kitchens, homes, and lives. You can learn more about Aimee and sign up for her newsletter “The Nudge” at You can also find Aimee on Facebook and Twitter.

How do you simplify your life? How do you deal with overwhelm during the holiday season? Please comment below!

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