Take Charge of Your To Do List for the Rest of 2014

Got “To Do List” Overwhelm?

Every online business lady I know (me included) has a business To Do List several miles long. These lists include big projects like: branding, product development, retreat planning, website maintenance, learning new skills, getting a VA, finding an accountant, etc., etc.

What about you? How long is your To Do List?

We’re halfway through the year and it’s time to make some decisions about what the rest of the year holds for our businesses.

Why? Because I don’t want you, or me, to reach the end of 2014 without crossing some of those projects off our list. No crying about business on New Year’s Eve on my watch!

Grab a pen and notebook and let’s do some planning!

#1: Brainstorm all the big projects you have in mind for the rest of 2014.

The ones that are already on your to do list and all the ones you’ve been contemplating adding to the list. Write them down!

#2: Ask yourself these questions about these big projects:

  1. Which 3 projects have the potential to be game changers for your business in 2014 and going forward? (for example: professional website, new product development, partnerships)
  2. Which 3 projects are directly connect to, or closest to revenue? (for example: sales pages, webinars, collecting on past due accounts)
  3. Which 3 projects excite you most?
  4. Which 3 projects will help your clients the most?
  5. Which 3 projects are crucial to business operations? (for example: accounting, legal, website maintenance)
  6. Which 3 projects will help you position your brand most effectively for 2015?

#3: Look at your answers to the 6 questions above and rank the projects in order of priority.

  • Projects that are listed more than once get priority.
  • If you’re in revenue crunch put those revenue producing projects higher on the list.
  • If one project needs to be done before you can start another (website maintenance before next launch, payment processing set up, etc.) put those in the order they need to be completed.

#4: Grab a sticky note and write the top 3 projects on it.

Post it at the top of your computer screen for a constant reminder of your priorities when Facebook calls your name!

#5: Put time in your calendar this week and throughout July to make progress on at least one of these projects.

Download this printable calendar for July to help you stay on track. Even the tiniest bits of progress will make a huge difference.

#6: Make a note in your calendar to revisit this post in late July to plan your top 3 projects for August.

In the comments….

Share the top 3 business projects you’ll be working on the rest of this year!

Still feeling overwhelmed by organizing your list? Get one-on-one help here.


  1. Sally on at

    Great advice! Here are my top 3 projects for 2014:

    1) Launch my new website. DONE!
    2) Build my email list by attracting my dream audience and HELPING them. In Progress.
    3) Launch my first 2 online products. In Progress

    • christie on at

      Way to go on your new website Sally! Want to share what your first online product will be?

  2. Liz on at

    I love the actionable steps broken down like this. My head is so scrambled sometimes, it certainly helps to see things in bite chunks. My top 3 project for 2014 is:

    1) Revamp and repackage my services
    2) Create a sales page for my first online product (a social media for humans course) 😉
    3) Launch special offer for coaching taster session with a free webinar


    • christie on at

      Great projects to finish out 2014 with Liz! You’ve got a great start on your social media course, just with your blog post! 🙂

  3. 1-Blogging three time a month
    2-Talking to people about Chaos to Clarity
    3-Getting offline more often during the week 🙂

    • christie on at

      Great projects Cindi! Excited for your new direction… and #3, I’m still working on how to accomplish that!