Shush Up!
This week two articles with different takes a similar theme caught my eye. Both explore the idea of knowing when to shut up! (or shush up, as my Grandma Marie would say).
Even the introvert in me, who spends quite a bit of time shushed up, wanted to give these posts a shout out.
First up, Peter Shankman, who says that you can make a big impression by paying attention and shutting up.
“Listen to what someone says and make notes about key points. Asking about those key points later, or following up on them, separates you from the rest of the people we talk to on a daily basis.” -Peter Shankman, Five Things People Don’t Do – That You Should
Amen. Paying attention to what my clients say and don’t say is vital to creating content and designs that work for their businesses and audiences. Giving my clients quiet time and space to think through and answer my question about their business means we both come out of our calls with crystal clear goals.
Christopher S. Penn of Awaken Your Superhero, gives a great suggestion on how to slow down your motor mouth: identify your own personal earworm to help you learn The Most Powerful Sales Technique in the World (Shut Up!).
“One of our failures as content generators, as content creators is the mistaken belief that we need to be providing speech as content all the time to keep a prospect engaged. Nothing could be further from the truth, but constant content seem like something we should be doing because of our online culture.” -Christopher S. Penn
Penn’s earworm pick is the hilarious On the Rocks – University of Oregon’s a cappella ensemble’s take on Lady GaGa’s Bad Romance, which you’ve probably already seen. Click on over to Penn’s post to see his take on how zipping it can improve your sales and watch the video, again.
Until next time…Gaga Oooh La La…