
Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10

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The Brand Workshop

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23



Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.

On the blog ...

Online Resource Roundup: April

Check out this awesome list of online classes, programs, and resources offered by entrepreneurial women to help you live your best life. If you have an online offering available in April that supports women entrepreneurs please share in the comments. If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!


This month we are shining the spotlight on Christyna Lewis’s SquareOne launch.

With: Christyna Lewis
Price: $167
Description: In 5 weeks, establish a clear weekly, step by step, financial ritual that gives you clarity to move forward with confidence. Surprises no longer need to be crises. Wouldn’t a different relationship with your money make your path lighter?
More Info:
Sales Close: April 4, 2012

And now, on to the full list…have fun, grow, learn, explore, live!


Business Growth & Personal Development

Open Office Hours

With: Christie Halmick
Price: Free
Description: Brainstorming one-on-one with Christie Halmick of Jewels Branch Creative {on Skype}. Let’s shine a light on your brilliance and explore the best ways to showcase that brilliance in a polished, authentic online brand.
More Info:
On: April 3, 2012


Lucky Bitch Bootcamp

With: Denise Duffield-Thomas
Price: Early bird $500
Description: 6 weeks of crazy manifesting, miracles and magic with life coach and author of Lucky Bitch, Denise Duffield-Thomas. Discover the step-by-step formula to creating luck in your business, love life and attract money like a mofo.
More Info:
Sales Close: April 16, 2012


Maybe Baby

With: Randi Buckley
Price: $575
Description: Maybe Baby is a 6 week program for women who are ambivalent about motherhood but hear the whisper of ‘maybe’ in their heart. I help you uncover your truth and be at peace with it, whatever it may be.
More Info:
Sales Close: April 20, 2012


The Marketing On-Ramp: A Special Six-Week Program to Steer Your Business Onto the Road to Success

With: Jan Schochet
Price: $597
Description: A 6 week program consisting of 4 one-on-one 60 minute private coaching sessions plus 6 worksheets, 2 checklists, 3 special reports, and a 7 point website analysis.
More Info:
Sales Close: April 30, 2012


A Month Of Endless Possibility

With: Heather Thorkelson
Price: $76
Description: A month-long group coaching experience, designed to get you moving confidently towards your goals…with my support, and the encouragement of a select group of incredible peers. Consider this your catapult…your opportunity to make a quantum leap forward.
More Info:
Sales Close: April 30, 2012


Health & Wellness

Cleanse with Style–Spring Cleanse

With: Holli Thompson
Price: $297
Description: The “What’s your cleansing style?” quiz, Virtual and live classes, an E-Recipe book, meal plans, shopping lists, beverage lists, the salad-styler, and more, all on a members only site geared towards your cleansing style.
More Info:
Sales Close: April 18, 2012


Motivation: find it, keep it and rock it your way

With: Sarah Yost and Christie Inge
Price: Free
Description: Free teleclass to help you find the motivation you need to create the life, body and business you crave.
More Info:
On: April 19, 2012 (mp3 will be available after call)


5 Week Get Up & Go, Eat for More Energy Bootcamp

With: Laurie Erdman
Price: $347 early bird, $447 full price
Description: We all need it want more of it – energy. Learn how to eat for more energy so you can live your life to fullest.
More Info:
Sales Close: April 23, 2012


Selfish for 27 days

With: Susana Frioni
Price: $150
Description: For 27 days we’ll gather in our digital temple…a sacred space created just for the selfish ones…where supreme self care, deep self inquiry and genuine self expression matter. We’ll soak in the the deep wisdom + raw revelations of 8 inspiring Feature Guests as we honour our own commitment to putting our health + happiness first. This is our time to pause, breathe + recalibrate.
More Info:
Sales Close: April 23, 2012



Business Growth & Personal Development

Fly Away Travel Writing Class

With: Tracey Ceurvels
Price: $325
Description: Fly Away Travel Writing Class is a thrilling 5-week course in which you’ll discover ideas for stories, how to write a winning pitch letter, tips on landing your first assignment, and much more. Just imagine: you wake up in a different location each month, armed with your MacBook Air and ideas for stories…excited for your next adventure once you file your story.
More Info:
Sales Close: May 4, 2012



North Star Sessions

With: Candace Smyth
Price: $197
Description: A 4-week program for women going through separation or divorce. Here to inspire and hold a space for you to navigate your own healing and movement forward from wherever you are in the process.
More Info:
Sales Close: May 2, 2012



Business Growth & Personal Development

3, 2, 1 Launch BOOTCAMP

With: Anastasia Valentine
Price: $497
Description: 3, 2, 1 Launch BOOTCAMP is a hands on program for entrepreneurs and small businesses to guide them through everything from Idea through Launch! Ideation for Profit, Social Media, Online Marketing, Soft Launches, PR and Go to Market all included in the price of this fabulous program!
More Info:


30-Day Fast-Action Coaching Program

With: Shay de Silva
Price: $697
Description: A one-on-one 30-day program to get you totally clear on where you want to be and how to get there. We’ll work together to create a detailed action plan and I’ll keep you accountable every step of the way!
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Corporate Sponsorship Success E-course

With: Michelle Christie
Price: $495
Description: This 4-week workshop will cover the steps necessary to secure sponsorship, as well as useful tips when faced with some typical challenges along the way.
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The Dr Laura Ciel Show

With: Dr Laura Ciel
Description: Anyone have a question they want to ask on radio? If you feel frustrated, depressed, overwhelmed, hopeless and lack energy in your personal life, relationships, career/money and/or your health/body you may be on the edge of an exceptional leap!
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Foundations for Unshakable Joy™

With: Stephenie Zamora
Price: $97
Description: Experience unshakable joy, passion, deep fulfillment and the essential knowledge of what exactly you want and what specifically it takes to make that happen. This program is a work-at-your-own-pace online experience that will help you make positive shifts in your life, FAST.
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The Girl’s Guide to Web Design

With: Amanda Aitken
Price: $397
Description: The fun and feisty online course for creative women who want to ditch their fear of code, unleash their inner designer and create an awe-inspiring WordPress blog or site!
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How to Actually Make Money

With: Jenny Shih
Price: Free
Description: How to Actually Make Money is a FREE course for coaches and other web-based entrepreneurs. It was created specifically for purpose-driven entrepreneurs who are struggling to make money doing what they love.
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How to Get Your First 1000 Subscribers

With: Jenny Shih
Price: $67
Description: You’ve heard that “having a list” is one of the best ways to grow your online business, but you’re not sure how to find all those people and get them to subscribe. In this class you will learn exactly how to get your first 1000 subscribers with down-to-earth, practical, specific how-to instruction… superhero style.
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With: Jessica Kupferman
Price: $99 til March 5, then $199
Description: An online course that helps business owners get started using Pinterest for business, branding, SEO, website traffic, and more!
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Track This!

With: Brittni Mehlhoff
Price: $17
Description: Track This! is packed with actionable worksheets, charts, and questions designed to help you figure out what your true (and very specific) goals are when it comes to your business, and how to stay on track and accomplish those goals once they are set.
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Vibrant Life Master Class

With: Maddy Vertenten
Price: $197
Description: The Vibrant Life Master Class is a self-paced course for women delving into the questions, practices and action-steps that culminate in the creation of a Healthy + Beautiful life. Modules include: Heeding the Call to Greater Depth & Meaning; Vibrant Health; Owning the Feminine Art of Creation; Money Savvy, Meaningful Service, and Changing the World; plus two 30-minute private coaching sessions with Maddy.
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Wealth of the Self Program

With: Evelyn Kalinosky
Price: $997, ongoing enrollment – 12 month program
Description: When you have built your inner wealth, your wealth of the self — when financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, relationship, and creativity are all balanced, congruent and firing on the same cylinders–surprise events that pull at your attention no longer eclipse your well being.
More Info:



Accounting SPOT

With: Holly
Price: Free, $40/one time or $25/month
Description: Making small business accounting simple. Giving biz owners the tools they need to take control of their business finances.
More Info:


Conscious Bookkeeping Method: Home Study Program

With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $300
Description: This self-guided, step-by-step and comprehensive online home study course is packed with Tools for Financial Transformation. Charged with practical action steps, teeming with deep reflection cues, and guided by a nurturing curiosity – you’ll be guided your relationship with money on every level, at your own pace.
More Info:


Tools for Financial Transformation: Introductory Video Course

With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $45
Description: This 4-part video series presents Bari Tessler Linden’s Conscious Bookkeeping method in lively, bite-sized morsels of transformative genius. If you’re ready for a jump start into a more conscious and fulfilling relationship with money, you won’t want to miss it!
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Wake Up With Mint Course

With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $65
Description: This multi-media training course has everything you need to start a money practice with the hip & handy web-based personal finance app, You’ll get a comprehensive video training guide to Mint, plus a soulful guide through the psychological, emotional, and spiritual considerations of tracking your finances.
More Info:


Health & Wellness

Fast Fitness to Go

With: Shay de Silva
Price: $120
Description: Get fit and firm in 25 minutes anytime, anywhere…no equipment needed! This unique program delivers three new 25-minute workout videos directly to your inbox each month.
More Info:


Inspired Running

With: Christy Lambert
Price: $10 a month
Description: Inspired Running is an online community of beginning runners/walkers, offering personalized support, motivation & feedback. The intent is to inspire as many people as possible to reach their fitness and life goals using inspiration to pave the way.
More Info:


Soul Work & Creativity

Intuitive Bridge Alignment Circle

With: Bridget Pilloud
Price: $20 a month (paid quarterly or yearly)
Description: A once-a-month Intention andAlignment Teleconference Call, helping people enact positive change through energetic alignment! In an hour, you’ll feel connected and confident to reach your goals!
More Info:


Intuitive Bridge Healing Circle

With: Bridget Pilloud
Price: Free
Description: A once-a-month teleconference with a guided meditation followed by group energetic healing followed by healing for those who request it. It’s an opportunity for people to feel better spiritually and energetically. Although the call is free, it is only available to people who are part of Bridget’s free Soul-Note Program. When you sign up for that, you’re given access to the healing call as well.
More Info:


Real-Time Curiosity Sessions

With: Andrea Lewicki
Price: $27
Description: 30 minute session with Andrea. Practical application of your curiosity as a catalyst for change. Immediately useful and a whole new way to experience curiosity.
More Info:


Please share anyone who would benefit from this information.

If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!

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Women Branching Out: Kimberly Riggins

I’m so happy to have Kimberly Riggins as the Women Branching Out interviewee today.

Kimberly is a body image expert and creator of The Art of Eating Chocolate Naked, a movement that challenges women all across the world to accept and love themselves just as they are. She’s the author of the book “Love Your Naked Ass.” You can visit to receive her free Mirror Mantra and Body Love Kit.

Q: Tell us about The Art of Eating Chocolate Naked. Who do you love to help, and why?

The Art of Eating Chocolate Naked is actually a metaphor. Although I do enjoy eating chocolate in the buff and often recommend this to my readers and clients because of the profound effect it has on your life, this movement is really about reigniting your senses, dropping your self-defeating behaviors and learning to accept and love yourself for who you are right NOW.

I wholeheartedly believe the path to happiness and pleasure starts with loving yourself from the inside out. I have learned, through my own personal journey, that in order to live a fulfilling life, you MUST let go of the guilt, shame and hang-ups you have around your body, food and relationships and most importantly you have to practice being present every single day.

Obviously, I am completely inspired to help women because I know what it feels like to harbor low self-esteem, crazy body image issues and dull, lifeless relationships. On the flip side, I also know what it takes to shift that completely around and fall madly in love with yourself and your life regardless if you’ve reached your “destination.”

The truth is, as Ralph Waldo Emerson eloquently said, “Life is a journey, not a destination.”

Q: You recently published your first book, Love Your Naked Ass, 80 Gentle Ways to Transform Your Life, Restore Your Serenity & Rediscover Happiness. Can you share one of your tips from the book with us?

Wow. I have so many tips I would love to share. In fact, if anyone would like to get a taste of Love Your Naked Ass, you can get your hands on a FREE excerpt by going here.

One of my favorite tips that I share in my book that has absolutely changed the course of my own life involves learning to become your very own best friend.

I think it’s imperative that you learn everything about yourself first before venturing into a relationship. Become your own best friend and learn to love being in your own company before inviting anyone else in.

Spend one on one time getting to know YOU. What are your likes, dislikes, personal and professional boundaries, values? What makes you angry, excited, and happy? What turns you on? Turns you off? What gives you pleasure? Brings you joy?

I know this may sound strange but if you can’t meet your own needs and wants, and you do not have clear boundaries, you will never find true happiness. You will always be looking for others to provide you with that “missing piece” when truthfully; it’s not their job. It’s yours!

So how do you become your own best friend? The fastest, most effective to do this is to schedule what I call, “ME Dates.”

A “Me Date” is when you take yourself out and participate in something enjoyable without having to rely on another to keep you company.

Take yourself out to that 5-star restaurant you have been dying to try, take in that movie you desperately have been yearning to see, go to that little coffee shop and enjoy a latte (guilt free) while devouring your favorite book or magazine, hike in the park while inhaling nature, or grab your bike and helmet and hit the trails.

Honestly, it’s irrelevant what you choose to do. The point is to get to know yourself, like you would your best friend. Love her. Talk to her. And most importantly, learn to have to fun with her.

Q: Tell us about the process of writing and publishing your book. What do you wish you’d know when you started? What did you learn about yourself in the process?

Writing and publishing a book is definitely an adventure. There are so many different avenues you can take to get your work into print.

There are also so many questions you have to ask yourself before you take on this kind of endeavor.

Why are you writing this? Who are you writing this for? What is your goal? Do you want the sole rights to your book? Do you want to self-publish or look for a publishing house? Do you want an agent? An editor? A designer? Help with formatting? Do you want it in hardback? Paperback? Kindle? Do you have a time frame in mind? How will you market it? Who will you market it to? The list questions could go on and on.

I honestly didn’t have any expectations going into this. I knew there would be a huge learning curve and I was up for challenge. I actually found the whole process fascinating.

This entire experience taught me that I have the power to do anything. If there is a will, there is always a way.

Q: You have an ongoing interview series with so many awesome women called “Love Your Naked Ass Warrior Series.” What have you learned from those interviews?

The Love Your Naked Ass Warrior Series features fierce female luminaries who dare to defy the social norm in unconventional ways in order to inspire and empower the world one woman at a time.

Honestly, the series has exceeded my own expectations. Initially, my goal was to provide content for my readers, as well as to help these amazing women spread their message. But it has definitely morphed into so much more…

Listening to their stories, reading their books, taking some of their programs has helped me figure out who I want to be and has definitely played a part in how I show up in the world.

Q: Who are your business role models? and why?

My business role models are women entrepreneurs who run their business around their children. I am in awe what they can accomplish while raising a family. They inspire me and give me the strength to keep moving forward. (I currently am building my business around a 3 year old…not an easy feat.)

Q: As a mom how do you think women can best model self-acceptance and healthy body images for their daughters (and sons)?

Learning to truly love yourself is the best gift and lesson you can give/teach your children. Your children watch your every move so be conscious how you treat yourself.

Q: When you are eating chocolate naked (or not), what are your favorites?

Lately I have been devouring homemade chocolate. Yes, I make my own.

The last batch consisted of raw coconut butter, raw cacao powder, pure maple syrup, dash of sea salt, hemp seeds, raw golden berries and chopped hazelnuts.

If I am buying chocolate, my current favorites include Sweet Riot, Dagoba, Endangered Species, NewTree, Good Cacao Superfood Chocolate, and Vosges.

Kimberly Riggins is a body image expert, negative self-talk warrior and a transformational catalyst who inspires women to let go of their body hang-ups and kick their inner critical bitch to the curb. She is the author of the book, “Love Your Naked Ass” and the creator of The Art of Eating Chocolate Naked, a movement that challenges women all across the world to accept and love themselves just as they are. Her primary mission: To have each and every woman she meets be able to look at themselves in the mirror and smile back at what they see. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Leave a comment for Kimberly below and share this post with someone who could benefit from Kimberly’s message today. Thanks!

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Women Branching Out: Jennifer Peek

Today I’m thrilled to feature a Q & A interview with business coach, world traveler, and fellow Missourian Jennifer Peek. Her blog features tons of excellent business resources served up each week in the Groovy Grab Bag.

Jennifer combines 20+ years of corporate experience with a passion for serving creative solopreneurs to help her clients create businesses that support their life goals. She’s consciously structured her own businesses to support her family’s love of travel and adventure.

Here’s Jennifer…

Q: Tell us about your coaching business, Find Your New Groove. Who do you love to help, and why?

I love working with creative businesses, usually solo business owners, to help them get a structured business foundation in place so they can more easily bring their creative juices to the world.

The biggest thing I’ve seen hang up the more right-brained geniuses is that they have so much going on that they can’t focus on what needs to be done to build their business. As a result, most of them are not making enough money, and they are burning out.

They may try taking courses to fill in the gaps but that is a struggle itself because their minds just don’t work like that.

They need just a little direction, a simple plan that fits their thinking style and a dash of strategic pixie dust to take off like a rocket.

Q: What was the biggest challenge(s) you faced when making the transition from more than 20 years working in corporate American to the entrepreneurial world?

Not having a staff – LOL! Seriously, I had a team of 12-15 people that worked for me. That allowed me to do several things: focus my strengths on what I did really well and have them do the same. It is amazing how much difference this makes.

As an entrepreneur, you have to make the decisions about who does what, what gets done first and what is costs in time and money nearly every day in different contexts than in the corporate world. It’s not better or worse – it was just an adjustment.

The second big thing is relationships. I worked for a Fortune 50 company with about 40,000 employees. That means that nearly all of my professional relationships were inside the company. I didn’t have an extensive professional network when I left, so I’ve had to build that up. Fortunately, it hasn’t been difficult, but it still takes time.

Q: Along with Find Your New Groove, you are also a partner in a commercial real estate company, with your husband. What are your favorite aspects of running your own businesses?

Getting to make the rules! The biggest one really is related to that. My husband’s job is very demanding, and he travels frequently, in the US and globally, for that. Even as a senior manager in the corporate world, I was the go-to parent for the kids’ sports, school activities, etc. I still am, so having the flexibility to manage the family aspect is really important. We had consciously planned for me to make this move back when the kids were still in diapers (they are 9 and 12 now).

A close second place is the variety of what I get to do every day, every week, every month. I am multi-passionate and cannot have just one thing going at a time. It’s why I had the role I did in corporate and why I do what I do now. Of course, there can be a curse to having too many ideas too!

Q:In your coaching practice, you emphasize the importance of creating businesses that work for us. How can women who are just starting to build a business keeping focus on their bigger life/family goals, when there’s so much work to do?

It’s going to sound like a broken record, but you just have to decide what is important to you and build on that.

For example, leading weekend retreats or seminars might be one of the big things that you want to have in your business – whether because you love it or because that’s where the money is for you right now. AND you have two little kids at home. That will tear some people apart – and they will feel like they have to choose. Seminar or kids. Kids or seminar. Either way, there will be this piece of them that suffers.

Unless they make a different choice. There are lots of possibilities on how to make that work if you look at it from the “how do I make this work” view instead of the “either/or” view. Those options might depend on the kids’ ages, but let’s say they are 3 and 5. You could…

    • Incorporate them into the seminar in places. Everyone loves to get a peek at people’s private lives, and kids are usually fun. If your seminar is uber-serious, this may not work, but even then, you need a humor break or some light-hearted portions.

    • Hire a nanny, bring a spouse, friend or family member to watch the kids. Make it exciting for them – not “it sucks that Mom has to work.” You’d be surprised how affordable it can be – and the kids get a weekend vacation in the process. How awesome for them to get a new experience AND to get to see their mom doing what she loves.

    • Leave the kids at home with a nanny, spouse, friend, etc. Again, it can be affordable and they can still have fun while being in surroundings they know.

    • Create a kid-friendly watch area as part of the seminar. Who knows how many people attending have the same issue – or are even not coming because of that? My gym has a child watch area with games and staff. I can guarantee you that more people join and come because of that…it is full of kids for all of the hours that it is open.

Those are just some quick examples and a little corner of what I help the business owners I work with uncover. I am a master at seeing lots of possibilities that will work and helping my clients find the ones that fit them best.

Q: You’re making your businesses work with your family’s love of travel. What’s your secret?

There are three big things: technology, flexibility and the drive to make it happen.

Here’s the big thing: you have to set up your business from the outset with the end in mind.

You have to be willing to take the leap of knowing what you want to create instead of just taking the first path that appears in front of you.

For me, that means that I have created my business to largely be virtual and to have a one-day intensive that works best in that environment. I do have local clients that I meet with in person, but it is still in the one-day intensive model.

I see way too many people think small and short-term then get stuck in a business that they don’t really like. They went into it thinking they would change it once it made money, got big enough, whatever.

Now they don’t know how to change it without losing what they’ve built even though it’s not what they really want. To use a construction adage, it is easier to build a new house than to completely remodel an old one, so do it your way the first time.

From the flexibility side, it means that there are some way early hours and some way late hours. That’s OK with me because I am consciously choosing that trade-off. Sometimes, it is having the kids go get ice cream in the hotel lobby so I can do a quick video. Sometimes, it is getting things done in advance or scheduling them in such a way that it works with the travel, the internet access and the time zone differences (those were big ones for our Australia trip at the end of 2011). The combination of my Midwest work ethic and my love of what I do in my business help, too.

Q: What’s the next travel adventure for you?

It’s going to be hard to top the 3-week holiday to Australia in December and January. We also just got back from our annual ski trip to Copper Mountain. We are doing a week-long RV trip up to Niagara Falls at the end of May, and then a two-week RV trip to Florida over Christmas 2012. We have a couple of other ones throughout the year, but those two are the longest.

Q: On your blog you do such a great job of sharing books and online resources for women entrepreneurs. What books do you recommend women entrepreneurs keep on their shelves?

Wow. It’s going to hard to narrow that down. First and foremost, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I first read this twenty years ago, and I still re-read it today. It has had the biggest impact on all areas of my life, hands down.

Second, The Four-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. He may irritate you or you may find him a little arrogant. I find him entertaining, but most of all I like that he makes you really think about what you want and how to start considering the possibilities instead of the impossibilities – whether you aim to work 4 hours a week or not.

Third, Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk. It is about finding your passion, picking a medium that works for you and working your butt off to make it happen.

Beyond that, just about anything by Seth Godin or Richard Branson. Finally, favorite fiction authors: I am partial to cozy mysteries. You have to have something light-hearted to get out of your own head at times.

Q: What did 8 year old Jennifer say she wanted to be when she grew up?

Hmmm…probably a scientist. I love problem-solving and figuring out how things work. I just don’t have the patience for the length of those experiments and scientific studies. Plus, I am so intrigued by business in general that I couldn’t just sit in a lab while the deals were being made outside of it. Fortunately, I didn’t really know all of that when I was 8 so I could dream about finding a new star or making some other great discovery.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you and your biz?

Here is me and what I do in my business in a nutshell…

Through my 20+ years in the corporate world, I learned lots of things about myself – namely, that I am not the pocket-protector and green eye shade kind of business person. I am structured and creative. I am facts and figures along with endless possibilities. I am a CPA and MBA that loves colored mind-maps and bubble charts. I am able to take the most complex business issue and make it sound like your mom’s favorite cake recipe – with icing. I am creative ingenuity balanced by my Fortune 50 practicality and corporate firepower. I am a firefighting, problem-solving maven who loves, loves the mechanics of business and the beauty of creative businesses.

I am the strategic pixie for your creative business. I am your business brain on amped-up green juice + smoothies. I am the structure you crave without all the boring business baggage.

and I have to ask…Jayhawks or Tigers?

This is bad timing considering the recent upset that busted lots of NCAA tourney brackets…but M-I-Z…Z-O-U!

Jennifer Peek takes stuffy corporate know-how + entrepreneurial experience = a very groovy methodology for creative biz design. She provides left-brained strategic pixie dust for right-brained businesses through her innovative CATALYST sessions. CATALYST is a one-day strategy, business planning + creative business think tank, designed to help you propel your business while keeping a sense of humor and fun about it. Get the full scoop on CATALYST here. ( You can find Jennifer on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+: Jennifer Peek.

How are you structuring your business to support your LIFE? Leave a comment below!

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