
Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10

Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here


The Brand Workshop

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23



Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.

On the blog ...

Wishing and Sweeter Sweet Spots: Building Businesses That Support Our Dreams

I’m taking an online class called The Wishing Experience with Andrea Lewicki. One of our first assignments was to spend five minutes writing down all of the wishes we’d like a genie to grant us. Sort of like an extended birthday cake wishing session.

Looking at my wishing list was a bittersweet experience.

Because The Wishing Experience is about being curious about ourselves I started thinking about the “why” behind my bittersweet feeling. Why, when all that I’d wished for is well within my grasp, did my wishing list make me both happy and sad?

When I was little and wished out loud for something my Dad would say: “Wish in one hand and sh*t in the other and see which fills up first.”

Which I’m realizing now I carved into my brain as the limiting belief that “wishes are stupid.” But now what I really think Dad was getting at is that wishes require action to have a chance of coming true. Wishes grow and flourish and live in the sweet spots that we create for them.

Crafting Sweeter Sweet Spots

We all started our businesses for our own reasons. Money is a primary motivator, of course, but there’s so much more to it than that. 

We have skills. Skills that can help other people. When our skills meet up with another’s pain or wants there’s a special connection, a sweet spot where skills and money are happily exchanged.

But beyond that, beyond the “why we do what we do for our clients and customers” … for many of us there are deeper, precious, personal reasons why we started our own businesses.

In the rush to build our businesses and learn social media and launch products it is easy to forget what we were wishing for from our entrepreneurial journey in the first place. It’s easy to lose track of our own dreams.

These dreams are so important to our life and to creating a business that serves us. When we can choose to align our dreams with what we do well and someone else’s dreams we can create an even sweeter sweet spot.

To get to that sweet spot we have to keep reminding ourselves of those deeper personal reasons behind launching our own businesses.

I started my own business to share my skills with the world (I help women build beautiful online businesses). Because there is a need for my set of skills there’s a really sweet spot where I can do what I love and help other women build their dream businesses and get paid well to do so.

There’s also a place where I get to do what I love and get paid well AND have a business that supports my bigger life goals. For me this means building a business that honors the level of flexibility I need. A flexible workload and consistent income stream so I can manage a chronic illness, have time to devote to writing fiction and be able to spend quality time with my parents, children and hubby.

After my wishing session I felt bittersweet because I realized I’ve been spending a lot of time circling around this sweeter sweet spot. I keep telling myself that the sweeter sweet spot isn’t always possible, that I should be happy when two of the three requirements align. That flexibility isn’t that important.

In fact, I told myself that some of my deeper wishes are downright selfish.

How selfish is it to think we could take our kids and travel around the world? How selfish is it to want to write fiction every day? What will the neighbors think? What will my parents think?

We hold up the dreamers, the doers, we applaud their adventurous lives, but we don’t allow ourselves to move into that sweeter sweet spot for ourselves. We stand in our own way. We don’t believe in the magic of a wish or in our ability to look at those bigger life goals and make choices that pull us into alignment.

In retrospect we can always see where we could do better. I’m the person who chose to spend 10 more minutes on Facebook instead of 10 minutes writing fiction. I decided to watch another webinar while snacking at my desk instead of stopping to take a walk and enjoy my lunch.

When I’m making those kinds of choices, which take me farther away from where I really want to be, I’m ignoring those deeper reasons why I went into business in the first place.

When we don’t honor our whys we find ourselves veering off track and wishing, wishing, wishing for a genie to make it all better, when the power is right there with us.

So what can we do to keep ourselves on track? I made myself a little cheat sheet that I keep by my computer. It’s a list of those deeper wishes, those deeper personal whys behind my entrepreneurial journey. When it comes time to decide if I’ll take on another project or spend another 10 minutes on Facebook, I’m training myself to stop, look at my list and see if what I’m contemplating matches with where I want to go.

I know I’m going to continue to make decisions that sometimes leave me feeling bittersweet. I’m human. I know that I’ll keep circling around that sweeter sweet spot. But I also know that many times I’ll be living right there, I just have to stop and smell the roses.

What are you wishing for in your life?

Do you want to be working from a cafe in Paris this time next year? Do you want to spend afternoons hanging with your kids at the park? Do you want an art studio in your basement so you can sneak down and paint in every free moment? Do you want to buy a yacht and head out on a round the world adventure?

How can you use that big picture view of your future to empower your decision making process today? What action can you take? How can you make decisions that move you toward living in the sweeter sweet spot with your business and life?

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Online Resource Roundup: March

Check out this awesome list of online classes, programs, and resources offered by entrepreneurial women to help you live your best life. If you have an online offering available in March that supports women entrepreneurs please share in the comments. If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!


This month we are shining the spotlight on Shay de Silva’s Fast Fitness To Go launch. Congrats Shay!

Fast Fitness to Go
Shay de Silva
Price: $60
Description: Get fit and firm in 25 minutes anytime, anywhere…no equipment needed! This unique program delivers three new 25-minute workout videos directly to your inbox each month.
More Info:
Sales Close: March 31, 2012

And now, on to the full list…have fun, grow, learn, explore, live!


Business Growth & Personal Development

The Firebrand Academy
Helen Hunter Mackenzie
Price: $395
Description: The Firebrand Academy is a 5 + 22 day digital adventure designed to rekindle your desire for your dreams, ignite your spark of inner brilliance, and get you sizzling HOT for your life + your business so you can get out there and make your mark on the world. (Even if you’re not totally sure what your ‘mark’ is yet!)
More Info:
Sales Close: March 3, 2012

Master Your Life Women’s Group
With: Dr Laura Ciel
Price: $450, payment options and additional private sessions available, also
Description: Master Your Life! Be Part of the 10% Who Actually Achieve Their New Year’s Resolutions! If you are a woman who has made some ambitious resolutions or set high goals for yourself this year and you are committed to seeing them achieved, this is for you. This is also for you if you did NOT make such goals and you WANT to.
More Info:
Begins: March 6, 2012

Influencer Academy
Alexia Vernon
Price: $199
Description: In her 6-week virtual program, women’s communication and leadership expert Alexia Vernon will help you buff up the muscles to make more impact each time you open your mouth. Learn to speak with confidence & competence, close more sales, negotiate for what you want, resolve conflict, give & receive actionable feedback, & move people to action.
More Info:
Sales Close: March 17, 2012

Shiny Object School
Sarah Wagner Yost
Price: $295
Description: 30 days to find and focus your holy mission. We’ll figure out what it is, who it’s for, and what to do with it.
More Info:
Sales Close: March 26, 2012 or after 15 sign ups.

Health & Wellness

Leap into Spring
Claudia Olivie
Price: $397 (Special Early Bird Discount: the first 15 people to join will save $100)
Description: Are you overwhelmed? stressed out? losing track of those goals you set for 2012? This 6-week program is designed to move you towards more energy, less stress, and more joy! We’ll cover some nutritional basics, stress management techniques, and ways to increase your energy levels naturally.
More Info:
Sales Close: March 19, 2012

Soul & Creativity

Living the Creative Life: Fact vs. Fiction
Melissa Dinwiddie and Kelly Hevel
Price: Free
Description: In this 90-min tele-party, Kelly Hevel & Melissa Dinwiddie (the Poobahs of Play) will share our personal secrets for busting out and living the fully creative lives of our dreams, then we’ll brainstorm as a group to pinpoint the lies that keep us stuck, and share tools and techniques that really work to break the chains. A few brave souls will get a chance to get in the “hot-seat” for some one-on-one coaching with Melissa and Kelly!
More Info:
Sales Close: March 6, 2012

Planting the Seeds { an online funshop }
Erin Goodman
Price: $40
Description: Planting the Seeds is an online, creative funshop that will help you gain clarity, get inspired and start moving forward towards living the life of YOUR dreams. Virtual workshop dates: March 12 – April 2.
More Info:
Sales Close: March 10, 2012

Playing Around Online
Melissa Dinwiddie and Kelly Hevel
Price: $297 (Register for our free tele-party on March 7 and get $100 off!)
Description: Shed your inhibitions, try out new techniques, inject your personality into your art, writing, and creative crafts — and learn to use your unique life story as inspiration! Fellow artists & creativity coaches Melissa Dinwiddie and Kelly Hevel are the Poobahs of Play, and your guides for 12 weeks of inspiration, focusing on expression and playful ways to tap into your creativity.
More Info:
Sales Close: March 13, 2012


Business Growth & Personal Development

3, 2, 1 Launch BOOTCAMP
Anastasia Valentine
Price: $497
Description: 3, 2, 1 Launch BOOTCAMP is a hands on program for entrepreneurs and small businesses to guide them through everything from Idea through Launch! Ideation for Profit, Social Media, Online Marketing, Soft Launches, PR and Go to Market all included in the price of this fabulous program!
More Info:

30-Day Fast-Action Coaching Program
With: Shay de Silva
Price: $697
Description: A one-on-one 30-day program to get you totally clear on where you want to be and how to get there. We’ll work together to create a detailed action plan and I’ll keep you accountable every step of the way!
More Info:

Corporate Sponsorship Success E-course
Michelle Christie
Price: $495
Description: This 4-week workshop will cover the steps necessary to secure sponsorship, as well as useful tips when faced with some typical challenges along the way.
More Info:

The Girl’s Guide to Web Design
Amanda Aitken
Price: $397
Description: The fun and feisty online course for creative women who want to ditch their fear of code, unleash their inner designer and create an awe-inspiring WordPress blog or site!
More Info:

How to Actually Make Money
Jenny Shih
Price: Free
Description: How to Actually Make Money is a FREE course for coaches and other web-based entrepreneurs. It was created specifically for purpose-driven entrepreneurs who are struggling to make money doing what they love.
More Info:

How to Get Your First 1000 Subscribers
With: Jenny Shih
Price: $67
Description: You’ve heard that “having a list” is one of the best ways to grow your online business, but you’re not sure how to find all those people and get them to subscribe. In this class you will learn exactly how to get your first 1000 subscribers with down-to-earth, practical, specific how-to instruction… superhero style.
More Info:

Jessica Kupferman
Price: $99 til March 5, then $199
Description: An online course that helps business owners get started using Pinterest for business, branding, SEO, website traffic, and more!
More Info:

Track This!
Brittni Mehlhoff
Price: $17
Description: Track This! is packed with actionable worksheets, charts, and questions designed to help you figure out what your true (and very specific) goals are when it comes to your business, and how to stay on track and accomplish those goals once they are set.
More Info:

Vibrant Life Master Class
Maddy Vertenten
Price: $197
Description: The Vibrant Life Master Class is a self-paced course for women delving into the questions, practices and action-steps that culminate in the creation of a Healthy + Beautiful life. Modules include: Heeding the Call to Greater Depth & Meaning; Vibrant Health; Owning the Feminine Art of Creation; Money Savvy, Meaningful Service, and Changing the World; plus two 30-minute private coaching sessions with Maddy.
More Info:

Wealth of the Self Program
Evelyn Kalinosky
Price: $997, ongoing enrollment – 12 month program
Description: When you have built your inner wealth, your wealth of the self — when financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, relationship, and creativity are all balanced, congruent and firing on the same cylinders–surprise events that pull at your attention no longer eclipse your well being.
More Info:


Accounting SPOT
Price: Free, $40/one time or $25/month
Description: Making small business accounting simple. Giving biz owners the tools they need to take control of their business finances.
More Info:

Conscious Bookkeeping Method: Home Study Program
Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $300
Description: This self-guided, step-by-step and comprehensive online home study course is packed with Tools for Financial Transformation. Charged with practical action steps, teeming with deep reflection cues, and guided by a nurturing curiosity – you’ll be guided your relationship with money on every level, at your own pace.
More Info:

Tools for Financial Transformation: Introductory Video Course
Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $45
Description: This 4-part video series presents Bari Tessler Linden’s Conscious Bookkeeping method in lively, bite-sized morsels of transformative genius. If you’re ready for a jump start into a more conscious and fulfilling relationship with money, you won’t want to miss it!
More Info:

Wake Up With Mint Course
Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $65
Description: This multi-media training course has everything you need to start a money practice with the hip & handy web-based personal finance app, You’ll get a comprehensive video training guide to Mint, plus a soulful guide through the psychological, emotional, and spiritual considerations of tracking your finances.
More Info:

Soul Work & Creativity

Intuitive Bridge Alignment Circle
Bridget Pilloud
Price: $20 a month (paid quarterly or yearly)
Description: A once-a-month Intention andAlignment Teleconference Call, helping people enact positive change through energetic alignment! In an hour, you’ll feel connected and confident to reach your goals!
More Info:

Intuitive Bridge Healing Circle
Bridget Pilloud
Price: Free
Description: A once-a-month teleconference with a guided meditation followed by group energetic healing followed by healing for those who request it. It’s an opportunity for people to feel better spiritually and energetically. Although the call is free, it is only available to people who are part of Bridget’s free Soul-Note Program. When you sign up for that, you’re given access to the healing call as well.
More Info:

Real-Time Curiosity Sessions
Andrea Lewicki
Price: $27
Description: 30 minute session with Andrea. Practical application of your curiosity as a catalyst for change. Immediately useful and a whole new way to experience curiosity.
More Info:

Please share anyone who would benefit from this information.

If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!

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Women Branching Out: Cathy Anderson

I’m so happy to have Cathy Anderson of Just Organize Your Stuff (aka JOYS) as the Women Branching Out interviewee today. Cathy has combined her art direction skills with a desire for peace with her own papers to make a beautiful, colorful, inspiring, and functional set of organizing products.

JOYS offers a mix of print-your-own PDFs and physical products to help you organized all your papers, and life. One of my favorite freebies is After School Flow. It’s great for moms, like me, with kids who bring home mountains of stuff from school.

I’ve asked Cathy to share a little bit more about her business journey with us.

Q: Tell us about Just Organize Your Stuff (JOYS). What does JOYS do? Who does JOYS help/serve and why?

A: JOYS is my pursuit to inspire busy women juggling home, family and career to create calm and freedom by making peace with their household papers (aka responsibilities), so they can have more time to enjoy the good life. 

I knew simplifying, getting organized and taking care of responsibilities would help me find freedom and peace-of-mind. I also had a hunch it would make me happier. And it has. 

Q: Is there a secret messy closet at the Anderson household or have you always been organized?

A: Hardly. I have not always been organized. Us creatives like to collect things. Things bring clutter. And, yes there is an area in my house that drives me nuts, my basement. It’s been organized a number of times…  let’s not go there. 

Q: What are the biggest challenges (business, technical, etc) you faced when launching JOYS and what lessons did you learn from these challenges?

A: Technically it would be the website. I had a vision and nothing was coming together. My original site was a completely custom created Cold Fusion site. Actually, you can still see it on the WayBack Machine. Any changes I made would cost me a small fortune.

I had no skills in web development when I started. I had a bit of experience designing sites but very little technical savvy. My html and css knowledge was nil.I was at the mercy of the pros.This was years back when open source platforms like Joomla and WordPress were not nearly as common as as they are now. I have had developers vanish and others over promise.

So, in sheer desperation to build the site I envisioned, I learned Joomla, brushed up on my html and css and got to work. From this experience alone I learned a lot. On the business end, I would have to say the marketing. But I am working on that. 

Q: What is your favorite aspect of running your own business?

A: I can’t help but smile when I read, “Finally, this all makes sense. I made huge progress.” or “I really like your unconventional approach.” I love feeling like I made a tiny little impact on someone’s everyday life. 

I also love the flexibility. The ability to set my schedule and work out of my home. It’s nice to toss in a load of laundry or start dinner and go back to work. The creative freedom kinda rocks too.

Q: What is your best organization tip for women just starting their businesses?

A: Get your books set up. Start right away with a money management program like Freshbooks or Quickbooks. A good chart of accounts will give you a solid outline for your filing system. Then Balance. Balance. Balance.

All businesses are different. Each will require a unique system of information management. Organizing is a process. Remember, there’s always room for improvement and nothing is permanent. Change your systems if they aren’t working for you.

Q: Who are your business role models

A: Steve Jobs and Apple. If I were just out of college, I would have my resume addressed Apple at 1 Infinite Loop.

Q: What other careers/jobs have you had?

A: A good part of my professional life was spent in the design world as an art director for a small design firm. I had a teaching gig at American University, adjunct professor, for about three years until I moved. Loved that job. 

Q: Who in your personal life is/are your biggest supporter(s) and what does this support allow you to do?

A: Easily my guy. He has picked me up and pushed me through, as well as puts a roof over our heads. His support allows me to do all that I do. Grateful I am.

Q: What did 7 year old Cathy say she wanted to be when she grew up?

A: Hum. 7. I’m not sure. Possibly a nun. I did go to catholic school. Maybe a nurse…

Q: Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you and your biz?

A: Just come check out my website. I’m there. All there. 

If you’re ready for paper peace, download Cathy’s first (free) ebook Blueprint:JOYS the Creative Outline for a Home Filing System.

Cathy Anderson inspires busy women to make peace with their household papers, so they can have more time to enjoy life. You can find her at on Twitter: Facebook: and Pinterest:

Leave a comment for Cathy below. If you know someone who would like to know about JOYS, please share!

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