Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10
Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23

Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.
On the blog ...
Women Branching Out: Sally Hope
Today I’m thrilled to feature a Q and A interview with love and life coach Sally Hope.
Last year Sally toured the U.S. in an RV as part of Girls Gone Moto (GGM) , coaching and spreading love with random acts of kindness.
Enjoy getting to know Sally, and her gunslinging, rockstar ways, and be sure to connect up with Girls Gone Moto’s Facebook page for details on a free call on Tuesday, February 21 and to follow their adventures this year.
Q: Tell us about your coaching practice. Who do you love to help and why?
My coaching practice is full of amazing women doing amazing things (and some REALLY cool dudes). People that don’t follow the norm. Entrepreneurs, small business owners, rebels, movers and shakers, lovers, and risk-takers.
I tend to attract the people that want a “thing” (a more successful business, a mobile lifestyle, a better relationship, etc) but what they’re actually searching for is how to become the kind of person they need to be in order to have that “thing.”
Which usually turns into a lot of talking about how to get through their fears. Why do I do this?
I absolutely love inspiring people to live the kind of lives they want to be living. To realize they can create their own happiness. To know that no matter what they’ve learned or what other people have told them, they can achieve their dream lives. To value their ideal life more than their fears.
I love the moment when someone starts believing that they can have what they want, and their possibilities are endless. I feel like it’s an honor to be able to be with someone during those moments.
Q: We know you really are a rockstar, what other jobs/careers have you had?
Aww…well thank you my dear. Before coaching, I was a touring musician/crossword puzzle writer. I bet you didn’t know those two things could go together! 🙂 I’ve also been a nanny, bartender, denim specialist at a boutique and worked PR. I’ve never been very traditional in my work.
I’ve always created jobs where I had a lot of flexibility and could have a mobile lifestyle. Which is why it’s not surprising to me that I chose coaching!
Q: What inspired Girls Gone Moto?
Honestly, at first it was simply a personal lifestyle choice. Natalie (my GGM partner in crime) and I were living in the same city, with no real ties to anything, and both had jobs that are mobile. Last year was a time of experimentation and exploration and we started to want to try out different kinds of lifestyles. In a spontaneous turn of events, we decided to move to Costa Rica to see if we could (and would like) the travel/work lifestyle and what we found was not only did it work, but that it was absolutely fulfilling and fun and easy and inspiring to people. We got to live in a beautiful and tropical place, going to to beach, living in the jungle and still run our businesses successfully as though we were in an apartment in a so-so city. That inspired us, and we wanted to keep it going.
We loved our working and living/traveling together dynamic and we knew we wanted to continue and build something with the two of us. So when we got home, we decided to put all our stuff in storage and get in RV. We had no real plan. We just knew we had five weeks. So we started driving and let our intuition guide us. And what we found while we were out was that we’d meet people everywhere that were really inspired by our story: Two young, successful girls with their own businesses traveling around and living this whimsical life of freedom, full of amazing experiences.
So on that trip we decided we wanted to go out again, with a more pointed purpose…to inspire as many people as we possibly can to live their most ideal lives, and spread kindness to complete strangers, as a way to pay-it-forward. We knew that part of this impact was through videos, so we got an amazing videographer on board, and thus Girls Gone Moto was born.
Q: What was the biggest challenge of driving across the US?
There were a lot of challenges, but I think for me, it was having to manage all the personal lessons that showed up along the way, under really stressful situations. We had extreme weather, lots of technical difficulties, a breaking-down RV, a shooting schedule, our own businesses to run, our new business (GGM) to manage, volunteering opportunities to schedule, Random Acts of Kindness to do, finding clients to coach on camera, speaking opportunities to filter and set up, long drives to be had, and on top of that, we’re people. Three of us and a dog all in one very small space, having to get along and make sure that we’re all feeling our best so that we can keep going.
I feel like I came home a different person. Stronger. More capable.
Q: What is your favorite aspect of running your own business?
The freedom!! I make my own schedule so I spend my time exactly how I want to spend my time. Also, everything is done exactly how I want it to be done. No one to answer to.
Q: I love that you are completely Sally 24/7 (guns, guitars, cowboy hats, Costa Rica, unwavering support of your clients/friends) what advice do you have for women just starting out in their online businesses about putting their “real” selves out for everyone to see?
I LOVE this question because I struggled with this a lot in the beginning of my business. At first, I thought I needed to be ‘professional” (whatever that means) in order to be taken seriously as a young coach. I thought I needed to tone down all those things that make me unique. I remember I even went into my first class of coaching school having straight-ironed my hair and wearing this super conservative (for me) outfit. The more time went on, the more I realized that the more ME I was, the better my business did. This day and age, people don’t really buy services. They buy YOU. They hire you because they like YOU.
I mean, what else sets you apart from the billions of other people in your same profession? It’s that you’re you. So the more you, you are from the beginning, the better. You have something unique that no one else in the world has. Your experiences, stories, passions, ideas, perspectives, thoughts, etc. Don’t hide them. They’re why I’m going to hire you.
Q: Who are your business role models and why?
I love Gwen Stefani. I think she very flawlessly walks the line between complete badass business girl with her band, clothing line, personal life, and total sweet heart/down to earth-ness. She is the kinda girl that hangs with the guys, but also gets her nails done and wears lipstick. She sings about real life situations in a very honest and real way. And she is always pushing the envelop with her persona. She is always HER. I also have a lot of respect for Marie Forleo. I love that she teaches extremely valuable information to people in a way that her audience absolutely resonates with. She’s sassy, fun, smart, and absolutely KILLER at marketing. One other girl I love is Ashley Ambirge. She’s has a potty mouth and a stellar work ethic. She’s been running her successful business from the beach for years. She is one to watch out for. This girl is big time.
Q: What did 7 year old Sally say she wanted to be when she grew up?
A ROCKSTAR!! No joke. I even designed my own outfits on paper dolls back then and imagined myself on stage.
Q: What’s next for you? What wildest dreams are you taking on next?
Such a great question!! This year I’m doing a re-vamp of Sallyhope.com, that will include an advice column, a brand new bucket list to complete (CANNOT WAIT!!), some books, and a TON of collaboration with really amazing people doing really amazing things. More guns. More writing. More dancing. More videos. More specific help for readers.
GGM is also going to be collaborating with some amazing people to put on an epically fun get-together/camping trip/live event that will combine all the best from your most fond memories of summer camp, your favorite self-help live event, and your most helpful business event (all in one!). Think RHH Live meets Summer Camp. It will be Labor Day Weekend and is called Camp Renegades. So keep an eye out. I will be making announcements in the next couple months.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like us to know about rocking our own lives?
Yes. Absolutely. If you can dream it, you can have it. Seriously. I know it’s cheesy but it’s true.
The best thing you can possibly do for yourself is to BELIEVE that you can have the life you want. Imagine it, in as much detail as possible. Think about it as though you already have it. Then…take risks. Do the scary thing. Do the exciting thing. Start out small, taking one step at a time, and then ramp it up.
That will happen naturally the more you step out of your comfort zone. And mostly, be kind to yourself. Don’t expect to have everything all figured out right now. Don’t let the fact that you don’t, stop you from moving forward. You can do it.
Sally Hope is a Blogger/Love and Life Coach who loves hot-pink lipstick, guns, crosswords and cowboys. A former Rockstar, she has taken her show from the stage to the road by traveling around the US in an RV while coaching her clients and inspiring people to live their own Rockstar Lifestyles. Her latest obsessions include traveling, country swing dancing, motorcycles, LOVE, chips and salsa, and adventuring. Whatever it is you are wanting in your life, she will help you get there faster, with a good butt kicking, a wink, and a smile. You can find her at her website or her Facebook page, Twitter, or getting ridiculous on her YouTube channel“
Leave a comment below to share with Sally & the rest of the world how you are showing up authentically in your business and rocking your life in 2012.
Read MoreMining Your Blog for Content Gold
We put undo pressure on ourselves to come up with sparkly new content for our online businesses, all the while ignoring a wealth of information right at our fingertips: the content already on our sites.
Here are two ways to examine your current site and uncover hidden (or forgotten) gems.
Once you’ve found these gems they can be repackaged in a variety of ways. Repackaging saves time, gives great (but neglected) content new life, and helps establish you as the expert you are.
1: Examine your blog post categories and tags
If you’ve been categorizing and tagging your posts use this ability to sort by topic to your advantage. Pick one category or tag and drill down through the blog posts. Look for big picture themes, how-to posts that go together to explain a larger topic, and posts that can be grouped together into a package of content.
Here’s an example:
A fitness coach has posted 30 healthy snack recipes on her blog over the past few years. With a little bit of editing and design she can repackage those into a PDF recipe book to sell or use as a freebie for her opt-in list.
2: Shine a light on your wisdom
Trust me, you’ve said some brilliant things in blog posts that have never seen the light of day. Now it is time to bring these bits of wisdom to light. Go back through your blog posts looking for little phrases, tips, quips, etc. that are totally you. You can turn these into branded tweets or tips to share on Facebook. You also can rescue neglected but powerful posts by pulling them out of the archives and showing them off.
Here’s an example:
Last March I blogged everyday. You probably didn’t see my March 2nd post “Do online businesses need a logo?” because I hadn’t been blogging for very long then. I decided to pull that post out of the archives and sent out this tweet last week:
It got retweeted a couple of times and more people were exposed to that info and me. You can do this with your vintage blog posts, too.
If I wanted to take it even further I can make a branded tweet like this:
“Branching Out Tip: get these files from your logo designer: .eps .tif .jpg .gif along w/color & font info, you’ll need it as your biz grows” Or I could pull a larger chunk of info out of the blog post and make it into a tip for my Facebook page.
What if your website is new?
So if you’ve read this far and are saying well that’s all great for someone with a lot of blog posts, but what about me? Here are a few tips for new bloggers, too.
Fill up the tags and categories
Instead of relying on tags and categories that aren’t quite full, do the work and fill out those categories and tags. Pick a topic and write a series of posts.
Here’s an example: Our fitness coach has a category called “flat stomach” with only one blog post so far. She decides to do a week long blog series on the best exercises to tone your tummy. Seven blog posts later she has a great series on her blog and also enough material to put together a quick PDF ebook for her audience.
Expand questions into content
Look at your social media streams and emails for little bits of conversation. What do you talk about all the time? What questions do you answers over and over? Think about how you can expand those into a blog post or a video response.
Here’s an example: Our fitness coach is always answering questions about how she got back into shape so soon after having a baby. She created a step-by-step fitness plan for herself, but hadn’t thought about sharing it with anyone else. She’s answered that question so many times that she can pretty much recite the answer in her sleep. Now she has perfect material for a blog post or even an ebook.
***Super Cool Bonus***
Post a link to your blog in the comment section below and I’ll go on a mining excursion on your blog. The first 20 to comment will get a reply with my recommendations for quick ways to repackaging their genius.
Online Resource Roundup: February
Check out this awesome list of online classes, programs, and resources offered by entrepreneurial women to help you live your best life. If you have an online offering available in February that supports women entrepreneurs in living their best lives please share in the comments.
This month we are shining the spotlight on Andrea Lewicki of The Lewicki Agency for her exploration of curiosity as a form of self-care.
Real-Time Curiosity Sessions
With: Andrea Lewicki
Price: $27
30 minute session with Andrea. Practical application of your curiosity as a catalyst for change. Immediately useful and a whole new way to experience curiosity.
And now, on to the full list…have fun, grow, learn, explore, live!
Personal Development
Myself 2012 – A “You Versus Your Baggage” Resolution Campaign
With: Akilah S. Richards
Price: $100
Defend yourself against your baggage with this direct approach to lifestyle design! Join “the debates” and let me show you just how ready you are TODAY to define, design, and live your fullest life.
Starts: Feb. 6, 2012
Reclaim Your Time
With: Jill Farmer and Sarah Wagner Yost
Price: Free
Not enough time to get it all done? Join coaches Sarah Wagner Yost and Jill Farmer for a FREE teleclass on February 9. Reclaim Your Time, baby. Learn to Recapture Lost Hours and Heal Your Relationship With Your Clock.
Event Date: Feb. 9, 2012
Soul & Creativity
Your Souls University
With: Hillary Rubin
At a turning point in your life? It’s your time time to rise and take big steps towards your big dreams. It is my goal to help you become realized women who sheds her fear to become undeniable in life. Take a peek into the 3 day fur-hee YSU pre-experience and be poised for greatness in your life, relationships and business.
Starts: Feb. 1, 2012
Unleash Your Wild Creative Daimon
With: Kathleen Profit
Price: $499 or 3 pymnts of $187
A 12 week Embodied Arts webinar program with a private membership site to post expressive art and writing work in. Training in the embodied arts: authentic movement, expressive painting, authentic writing, and the art of witnessing, to unleash the deepest levels of your authentic self!
Sales Close: Feb. 11, 2012
Take Flight Play Camp
With: Alara Castell
Price: $79
Take Flight Play Camp is my offering of tapping into your inner child to open your life to energetically receiving more, as you deserve it, focusing on helping you build a solid practice of play to support you in your life and business. Six weeks of fun, online, at your own pace plus space to share your experience in community.
Sales Close: Feb. 27, 2012
Wellness & Health
Winter Recovery Sessions
With: Jennifer Cooper
Price: Pay what you want 🙂
During this season of renewal, we’ll take a virtual journey together, to recover, to heal, to get ready to re-emerge as our best selves.
Starting February 1, 2012, we’ll take 14 days to recover toward love.
Starts: Feb. 1, 2012
Fresh Start Cleanse
With: Judy Griffin
Price: $20.12
This is a week of vibrant nourishment to get women back on track, open a window to Healthier Living, and your ticket to feeling fit and fabulous. http://nourishingsolutions4life.com/2012-fresh-start-cleanse-for-only-2012
Starts: Feb. 2, 2012
Busy Women Mealtime Makeover
With: Betsy Moore
Price: early bird special of $95 by January 26th, $125 after that
This program is perfect for you if you are a busy woman and you want to get a decent meal on the table! We’ll cook together. You in your kitchen. Me in mine. 12 new recipes for real, whole, fabulous food. You are better than processed food. 4 weeks. Join me.
Sales Closes: Feb. 5, 2012
Foundations for Unshakable Joy™
With: Stephenie Zamora
Price: $97
The EXACT Foundational Process That Took Me From a Stressed and Depressed Mess, to Happy, Fulfilled and Living a Life Built Around My Passions and Purpose
Starts: Feb. 7, 2012
Weekly Healing Energy Retreat
With: Barbara Coon
Price: early bird pricing good through Feb. 1: full payment $200 or 3 payments of $77
In 12 healing sessions by phone you will understand your own internal energetic world and develop new relationships with your inner parts that support or block healing. Weekly each Tuesday at 7pm PST is time to connect with the healer within. You will trust your body’s capacity to heal anything while emerging with more awareness, connection, and peace.
Begins: Feb. 11, 2012
Cleanse with Style™ – New Year, Amazing You
With: Holli Thompson
Price: $297, with coupon $197
This powerful 4 week program has everything you’ll need on your journey to health: live, recorded Q&A calls, an e-cook book, quizzes to pinpoint your needs, shopping lists, email assistance and butt-kickin’ action guides to get you on your way faster.
Starts: Feb. 15, 2012
Personal Development
Master Your Life Women’s Group
With: Dr Laura Ciel
Price: $450, payment options and additional private sessions available, also
Master Your Life! Be Part of the 10% Who Actually Achieve Their New Year’s Resolutions! If you are a woman who has made some ambitious resolutions or set high goals for yourself this year and you are committed to seeing them achieved, this is for you. This is also for you if you did NOT make such goals and you WANT to.
Begins: March 6, 2012
Business Growth
Corporate Sponsorship Success E-course
With: Michelle Christie
Price: $495
This 4-week workshop will cover the steps necessary to secure sponsorship, as well as useful tips when faced with some typical challenges along the way.
How to Get Your First 1000 Subscribers
With: Jenny Shih
Price: $67
You’ve heard that “having a list” is one of the best ways to grow your online business, but you’re not sure how to find all those people and get them to subscribe. In this class you will learn exactly how to get your first 1000 subscribers with down-to-earth, practical, specific how-to instruction… superhero style.
Personal Development
Vibrant Life Master Class
With: Maddy Vertenten
Price: $197
The Vibrant Life Master Class is a self-paced course for women delving into the questions, practices and action-steps that culminate in the creation of a Healthy + Beautiful life. Modules include: Heeding the Call to Greater Depth & Meaning; Vibrant Health; Owning the Feminine Art of Creation; Money Savvy, Meaningful Service, and Changing the World; plus two 30-minute private coaching sessions with Maddy.
30-Day Fast-Action Coaching Program
With: Shay de Silva
Price: $697
A one-on-one 30-day program to get you totally clear on where you want to be and how to get there. We’ll work together to create a detailed action plan and I’ll keep you accountable every step of the way!
Please share anyone who would benefit from this information.
If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!
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