
Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10

Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here


The Brand Workshop

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23



Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.

On the blog ...

Online Resource Roundup: June 2014

Check out these online classes, programs, and resources offered by entrepreneurial women to help you live your best life. If you have an online offering available that supports women entrepreneurs please share in the comments. If you’d like to be included in future roundups, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!


This month we’re shining the spotlight on …


Congrats, Lacy!

And now, on to the full list…have fun, grow, learn, explore, live!


Business Growth & Personal Development

21-day Meditation Challenge for Working & Self Employed Moms

With: Flesche Hesch
Price: Free
Description: Working Mamas! We all work so hard to create balance with our work and family lives. If you feel like to need some more tools to support you in getting more done, being more patient and present, then I invite you to join me for a 21-day Meditation challenge. Join a community of like-minded moms.
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Sales Close: June 10, 2014

Elevator Pitches for People with Big Ideas

With: Michelle Mazur
Price: $150
Description: Have you ever had a difficult time describing what you do? Does a 60-second elevator pitch feel like mission impossible? During this 3-week course, you’ll craft an elevator pitch that describes what you do (and feels natural when you say it), and the stunning results your clients get from working with you.
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Sales Close: June 15, 2014

Health & Beauty

The Body Confidence Cleanse: A Free 3-Day Challenge for Military Wives

With: Mimi Coker
Price: Free
Description: This free challenge is for military wives, to help support them in creating a healthy relationship with food and their bodies, especially during stressful times such as deployments, training periods and just day-to-day military life.
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Sales Close: June 15, 2014

The Tone & Tune UP online workout

With: Elyse Sparkes
Price: VIP = $118, All Star = $49
Description: “Cheaper than the gym and 400x more effective.” Spark new light into your fitness routine as you stretch, reach, expand in your body and your life.
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Sales Close: June 16, 2014

Summer “Style Me Pretty” Challenge

With: Alison Lumbatis
Price: $19.99
Description: The Summer Style Me Pretty Challenge is a personal shopping/virtual styling service for women. You’ll get a summer shopping list of wardrobe essentials plus 21 days of outfit combos featuring those pieces delivered to your inbox daily. It also includes a private Facebook group for participants.
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Sales Close: June 30, 2014

Life & Relationships

Gaining Clarity Bootcamp

With: Toni Eames
Price: $75
Description: A 10 day online program designed to launch you into living the life you desire. Join us as we delve into the five life areas and come out the other side with real strategies that can be actioned immediately.
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Sales Close: June 6, 2014

Soul Work & Creativity

21 Days of Radical Self-Care Rituals

With: Elena Lipson
Price: $97
Description: So…What is this journey all about? Each day for the 21 days of Radical Self-Care Rituals you’ll be challenged and empowered to tap into and notice your energy. You will also be challenged to get still, playful and present. 7 days of Say it, 7 Days of Be it, 7 Days of Do it – to say YES to YOU as your #1 asset.
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Sales Close: June 1, 2014

Mandala Meditations: A 3-Week Painting Journey

With: Desiree East
Price: $89
Description: Hello Summer Solstice!! During these online creative coaching sessions, you will paint your very own unique Mandala from start to finish. You will exercise your creative mind to achieve focus, clarity, relaxation, and general-well-being. No art experience required…just an open heart and warm smile!
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Sales Close: June 26, 2014


Business Growth & Personal Development

Click Love Grow Photography Courses

With: Louise Glendon
Price: $197
Description: Click Love Grow offers beautiful online photography courses for women who want to take gorgeous photos to share their own creativity and offerings. Our class teaches how to get the most from our camera, and how we can use images in our business to tell stories about ourselves, our business and clients through images.
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Sales Close: July 29, 2014

Health & Beauty

Healing From Within

With: Jenn Hand
Price: $697 basic, $997 bonus package
Description: Ready to transform your relationship to food? In this 8-week online program, you will learn to kick the diet/overeating cycle, deal with emotional eating, listen to the body, curb compulsive eating, banish the “perfection” mindset, and so much more! Group coaching calls, a Facebook group, and lots of fun bonuses!
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Sales Close: July 21, 2014


Life & Relationships

Soul Work & Creativity

Business Growth & Career/Personal Development

5-day Loving-kindness Meditation Course for Women

With: Sita Chopra
Price: $10
Description: Do you give up on meditating because you feel like you get too distracted, don’t make it a priority, it’s a chore, don’t know how to start meditating, it’s hard to shut out all your thoughts, and making it a daily habit is just plain hard? Then this course is perfect you!! You will receive tons of support and guidance!!
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Assess & Act Session

With: Lynn Daue
Price: $150
Description: Assess & Act Sessions are 90-minute training sessions on an aspect of your digital or social media strategy. Each session is preceded by a 30-minute initial consultation to discuss how I can help you and for you to ask any questions you may have about your digital/social media plan.
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The Blissful Mama’s Three Month Coaching Biz Plan

With: Kathy Stowell
Price: $147
Description: Want to know the next actionable steps to take to build your coaching biz or online wahm operation over the next three months? This is a five day ecourse that will build you a schedule to follow to zoom in on an area of focus, find more work/mama life balance and self care for this bliss quarter!
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Chaos Cleanse Workshop-of-the-Month Club

With: Shari Beaudette
Price: $44/month or $397 for the year
Description: Want your emotions + daily stressors to work FOR you vs against you? Chaos Cleanse supports you with a statistically validated Emotional Intelligence Assessment + coaching debrief + action steps to get you out of your own way. Plus you get access to brilliant monthly guest experts to help you integrate mindfulness + self-care.
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Class Wrangling e-Course

With: Christen McGee
Price: Free
Description: If you are struggling to keep up with all the awesome online classes you sign up for, the Class Wrangling e-Course will help you set up a system in just 7 days. I take you step by step through the process of creating a list of your classes, deciding how to organize everything related to the classes, and more.
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Content Tamer master class

With: Cindi Schultz
Price: 279.00
Description: This is a unique course. A combination of personalized attention, self paced work & step by step instruction for you and your team if you have one. You come out of the course with your customized content tamer.
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Unleash Your Life Purpose Hand Analysis

With: Leanne Chesser
Price: $197
Description: Want to build the right business and attract the perfect clients to you? You can do that by building a solid foundation of being your authentic self and knowing and living your life purpose. Discover or clarify your life purpose, life lesson, life school, gifts and personal characteristics through a hand analysis.
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Health & Beauty

Closet Clarity

With: Alexandra Greenwalt
Price: $149 regular, $50 using link below through June 30
Description: Closet Clarity: Edit your wardrobe in 8 easy steps. Do you have a crazy overwhelming closet but feel like you have nothing to wear? From closet chaos to clarity with ease!
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From Doritos to Kale Chips

With: Connie Trowbridge
Price: $24.95
Description: From Doritos to Kale Chips is a BEASTLY resource on health and wellness. This ebook provides you with everything you could possibly need to go from sickly to healthy, from uninformed to wellness pro. More than just a food guide, it’s a lifestyle makeover, a health transformation, a second chance.
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Revamp your life 4-week E-course

With: Connie Trowbridge
Price: $95
Description: As we transition through the stages of our lives, there are 4 main areas that the majority of people continue to try to improve. This E-Course will help assist you in these key issues. Best part? You don’t have to do this alone. I am here to help you become the person you want to be and achieve the most optimal life balance.
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Xen Strength 28 Day Love Your Asana Program

With: Danielle Diamond
Price: $149
Description: 28 Days to: A tighter body, a positive attitude, and more energy than you’ve ever had! You’ll have access to 24 videos to get flexible and strong, meal plans, lifestyle tips, and guided meditations- with access for LIFE- for less than the cost of one month at the gym.
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Share and spread the word about these awesome courses!

If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!

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Printable: June Calendar and Project Planner

15 Minutes Per Day = Progress

What tiny step can you take each day (think 15 minutes of focused action) to move one (or two or three) of your business projects forward in June?
Download this printable (PDF) calendar, commit to take one tiny action to take per day, and see how much progress you can make.

Download the Project Planner to focus in on the steps you need to take on your most important business projects.

Imagine the Possibilities

Fifteen minutes of focused action, 5 days per week throughout June = 5.25 hours of work on one or more of your most important projects!


If you thrive on accountability: share the project(s) you’ll be focusing on in June over at the Jewels Branch Facebook page!

Need Help Figuring Out Your Next Step?

I can help. Go here to sign up for 20 minutes of one-on-one consulting and motivation to help you plan out the next steps you need to take to get your BIG branding, marketing, and digital product projects done! It’s free!

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Reading: Moments of Joy

Ordinary Moments

A good life happens when you stop and are grateful for the ordinary moments that so many of us just steamroll over to try to find those extraordinary moments.

Via Jonathan Fields

How to Find Joy That Lasts

You won’t notice happiness when it first appears, because in true presence, the mind’s frantic searching stops. In its place arises a fascination with what’s occurring here and now. Though this feeling is subtle, it’s the opposite of dull. It’s infinitely varied and exquisite.

Via Martha Beck

The short game, the long game and the infinite game

In the infinite game, the journey is all there is. And so, players in an infinite game never stop giving so they can take.

Via Seth Godin

What great business and life wisdom are you reading? Please share in the comments.

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