Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10
Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23

Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.
On the blog ...
Jewels Branch Showcase: Laura Irizarry-Garcia
Jewels Branch Showcases feature work created by members of Jewels Branch‘s creative community.
Let’s Just Celebrate Guides
At Let’s Just Celebrate Laura Irizarry-Garcia helps parents create amazing parties for their kids … without all the researching, planning, and running around.
Let’s Just Celebrate’s party kits include plates, cups, straws, utensils, napkins, and supplies to make a unique centerpiece. Laura creates a pdf guide full of instructions, tips, and party ideas to go along each of her party kits.
She used the design and software skills she learned at Jewels Branch to create a template she can reuse each time. The template allows her to customize each guide to match a specific party kit theme and colors, while still staying consistent with her overall branding.
Check out all Laura’s party kits, including “Classic Carnival” (that kit’s pdf guide is featured here) at Let’s Just Celebrate.
Ready to create your own beautiful pdfs?
You can learn how in Canva, Word, or Pages! Come on over and start telling the story of your business through design.
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Using Mood Boards to Improve Design
Mood boards = better communication
Mood boards are one of the first things I have my branding clients and the do-it-yourself branders at Jewels Branch create for their brands. Whether you’re working one-on-one with a designer to develop your brand, or designing your brand yourself, mood boards make communicating important brand concepts easier.
Mood boards translate verbal descriptions (moods, feelings, values) into a visual presentation. This helps my clients show me exactly what they mean when they say things like: “I want my brand to feel fun.” or “I’m looking for a sophisticated bohemian look.”
My client’s visualization of “fun” and mine could be completely different and I want to see exactly what “sophisticated bohemian” means to them.
Mood boards help designers and their clients speak the same language: This is 100% crucial to the success of all branding and design projects.
Mood boards are a must-have for DIY branders
It’s the same if you’re a do-it-yourself brander.
As a DIY brander you’re both the client and designer of your brand, sometimes this is tough spot to be in! Putting together a mood board can help you translate the images of your brand that you have in your head into reality.
They can help you see more clearly the colors, fonts, types of images, and design elements that will visually show the range of feelings and values you want your brand to convey.
Making mood boards for specific marketing projects
Beyond big picture branding, mood boards play a crucial role in defining the look and feel of specific branding and marketing projects like opt-ins and e-books, product branding and sales pages, course materials, and more.
For these project-specific mood boards, the emphasis is a bit narrower than a mood board you’d create to capture the overall feel of your brand.
Instead, you’ll have more pieces that showcase how you want specific aspects of your project to look and feel.
Opt-in and e-book mood boards
For instance, if you create a mood board (like the one above) for your opt-in freebie or e-book you’ll want to include inspiration from the world of publication design (magazines, brochures, e-books, annual reports, newspapers).
- covers
- table of contents
- anything that has specific design elements you like (divider lines, backgrounds, textures, etc.)
- page layouts
- infographics
- font combinations
- photo and typography combinations
- photo/illustration styles
Build your board on Pinterest
Pinterest is one of the fastest tools for pulling together design inspiration. You can search for “magazine design” or “magazine layouts” to get inspiration for the interior pages of your opt-in, for example.
See my awesome ebook board for more inspiration.
Opt-in Brilliance
We’ll be putting together mood boards, and creating opt-ins from start to finish, as part of Opt-in Brilliance, June 24 – 30 September 23 – 30. Come join us!
Brand and Be Seen: Copywriter
Brand and Be Seen is a series of blog posts offering brand style guides for fictional brands to inspire you to create your own beautiful brand. Feel free to use the font combinations and color palettes as you wish. Happy branding!
About the Brand
Poppy Haydon writes copy for eco brands. She has a thing for the redwood trees, ferns, and moss. Her clients choose her because she helps them craft messages that express their eco passions in modern, hip ways.
Logo: Vast Shadow
Tagline: Oswald
Hex Colors: #8c6043, #d3d568, #ede9ce, #ece690, #ac9979
Floral Elements: Aierbazzi font
More Brand and Be Seen…
Learn how to choose fonts and colors to best tell your brand story and build a website to match in The Brand Workshop Read More