
Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10

Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here


The Brand Workshop

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23



Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.

On the blog ...

Understanding Font Licenses for Your Online Business

Let’s talk about what you need to know about font licenses before you buy premium fonts, use Google fonts, or download free fonts for your business branding and website.

When you purchase (or download) a font to use in your business branding or on your website, you are agreeing to specific terms of use. These terms are set by the font’s creator or distributor and included in the font’s licensing agreement, often called the EULA (end-user licence agreement).

Here are some of the most common licenses offered for premium, free, and open source fonts. Use this information to help you find fonts to use legally for all your business branding needs.

Premium fonts

Premium font sites, like the ones listed in this post, offer several different licensing options for fonts. These licenses allow you to use fonts for specific purposes and in specific ways.

  • Desktop: You can install the font on your computer and use it in apps like Photoshop, Pages, Word. (Use these fonts for making logos, graphics for your blog, print documents.)
  • Web: You can embed the font on your website so it will be consistently displayed in browsers.
  • App: You can embed the font into apps for smart phones.
  • Ebook: You can used the font in emags, ebooks for consistent display on Kindles, iPads, etc.
  • Server: You can host the font on your server so that others can use it to make personalized products (For example: This license would be used by an online printer that allows you to choose fonts and design your business cards on their site.)

Trying to decide what license to purchase? Start by listing out all the different ways you plan to use the font. If you’re planning to use a font for your brand identity (logo), on your website, and also want to make sure you can use that font in your apps and ebooks, then you’ll need to buy a license for that font that covers all those different uses.

Free fonts

On free font sites the licenses vary widely.

You have to check each font for its specific license. Some of the fonts may not offer licenses for commercial use (and yes, no matter how small your business is, it’s still considered commercial). The ways you can use free fonts (on your desktop, website, in apps, etc.) may be limited by the licenses.

Open source fonts

Google fonts are an example of open source fonts.

Google’s license: “All of the fonts are Open Source. This means that you are free to share your favorites with friends and colleagues. You can even customize them for your own use, or collaborate with the original designer to improve them. And you can use them in every way you want, privately or commercially — in print, on your computer, or in your websites.”

This freedom of use makes Google fonts a great choice for many branding and business projects.

Be Font Legal!

When you purchase or source any fonts (free, paid, or open source) always check the font usage/licensing agreements to see how you can legally use the fonts.

Most premium font sites will list this kind of information alongside the font so you can choose the best licensing option to purchase. For free fonts always check the “Read-Me” file that comes along with the font when you download it, for the exact usage details.

Looking for more info on fonts? Read: 5 Free for Commercial Use Resources, 2 Free Tools to Help You Identity Fonts, and 8 Premium Typography Resources.

Have fun becoming a font addict like me!

If you’re ready to take your brand up a notch, or two, and learn more about which fonts will best tell your brand story, come join Jewels Branch.

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Finding Fonts for Your Brand: 8 Premium Typography Resources

In this post, I shared 5 free (for commercial use) font resources for your brand. Now, let’s talk about where (and why) to buy premium fonts for your brand.

Why would you want to buy fonts when there are so many free options?

The short answer is: premium fonts are better quality, offer more licensing options, and help you stand out from the crowd. Scroll to the bottom of this post for a breakdown of the biggest differences between free and premium fonts.

8 Premium Font Resources

#1: MyFonts




#3: FontFont


#4: Fontspring


#5: FontShop


#6: Linotype


#7: FontHaus


#8: Adobe


Why Buy Premium?

Here are the biggest differences between premium and free fonts.

#1: Quality

Premium fonts: have full sets of characters, glyphs, and weights. They have more consistent letter spacing. They just look better overall!

Free fonts: often don’t included multiple weights, are missing glyphs, missing punctuation. They can be cheep imitations of classic fonts.

#2: Licensing Options

Premium fonts: offer options to purchase licences for a wider variety of uses: desktop (for use in Photoshop, Word/Pages), web (display on your site), app (in your smart phone apps), and more.

Free fonts: licenses vary, you may not be able to use across all platforms legally.

I’ll explain more about what you need to know about licensing as an online business in a future blog post.

#3: Originality

Premium fonts: there’s less competition, you can find unique fonts that will set your brand apart from everyone who’s using the same old free fonts.

Free fonts: the same fonts are getting used over and over again. Boring.

Looking for more info on fonts? Read: 5 Free for Commercial Use Resources and 2 Free Tools to Help You Identity Fonts.

Have fun becoming a font addict like me!

If you’re ready to take your brand up a notch, or two, and learn more about which fonts will best tell your brand story, come join Jewels Branch.

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Online Resource Roundup: December 2013

Check out this awesome list of online classes, programs, and resources offered by entrepreneurial women to help you live your best life. If you have an online offering available that supports women entrepreneurs please share in the comments. If you’d like to be included in future roundups, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!


This month we’re shining the spotlight on …


Congrats, Terri!

And now, on to the full list…have fun, grow, learn, explore, live!


Business Growth & Personal Development

Online Spiritual Book Club

With: Julie Geigle
Price: $40
Description: Too busy to read? Join Julie Geigle, International Psychic Medium, for our next Online Spiritual Book Club featuring: “THE GIFTS OF IMPERFECTION: Let go of who you think you should be and embrace who you are” by Brene Brown. Every Sunday for 6 weeks you will receive a 5 minute video in your mailbox that summarizes the book.
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Sales Close: December 9, 2013

Create Your Own E-Course

With: Sally Haughey
Price: $227 on sale ($399 regular)
Description: Regularly, people ask me how I have created my e-courses. Finally, I am breaking down and offering a course on it! I have had over 1750 teachers go through my courses. I am going to give you everything I have learned to produce amazing results – from how to create your own presentations, ebooks, banners and more.
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Sales Close: December 20, 2013

Health & Beauty

The Birth Empowerment Course

With: Krystal Trammell
Price: $97
Description: The Birth Empowerment Course is for women who are ready to rethink childbirth: In this unique program, you’ll learn loads about pregnancy, birth & mothering from a holistic perspective–and gain significant insight into yourSelf, as well. Challenge your limiting beliefs, overcome fears, & unlock the power of conscious choices!
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Sales Close: December 5, 2013 (price doubles)

Soul Work & Creativity

Unleashing the Shameless Woman

With: Kimberley Simon
Price: $500.00 Early Bird Pricing
Description: Reclaiming Your Sacred Dignity…Are your ready to reclaim your true voice, opening to an untamed life? Your invitation to experience wholeness, to understand what is holding you back from standing in your true power as a woman of boundless freedom. Now is the time.
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Sales Close: December 31, 2013 (early bird pricing ends for January 21, 2014)


Professional & Career Development

Complete Intensive Fashion Design Course

With: Laura Volpintesta
Price: $2,000 includes art supplies and textiles kit for US students
Description: My 16 week fashion illustration and design offers everything that I teach at Parsons School of Design in my on-campus and online courses, and more. I teach model drawing, watercolor (gouache) and technical drawing/design illustration to beginning to more advanced students to hone their technical proficiency and personal vision
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Sales Close: January 5, 2014

Soul Work & Creativity

Tribal Bliss-Dance and Vision- a movement journey

With: Paulette Rees-Denis
Price: $49.00
Description: Tribal Bliss starts January 12th, with Paulette Rees-Denis and Lynea Gillen. This is a course for you if you want to sparkle, move, dance, stretch, shake, write, shine, dig in, breathe, create, and move some more…combining Tribal Bellydance, African Dance, writing, yoga, healing, therapy, trance and meditation.
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Sales Close: January 16, 2014


Business Growth & Personal Development

The B Word for Artists

With: Laura C George
Price: $450
Description: The B Word for Artists is designed as an all-encompassing course giving artists the tools they need to build an online presence from the ground up. (Psst – that “B Word” is “business”!) If you’re overwhelmed with building a business around your art and don’t know what to do next, this is the program for you!
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Creative Ambrosia

With: Victoria Prozan
Price: $99
Description: Creative Ambrosia is your ambassador to kick@ss creativity! Start getting your imagination in gear with creative inspiration from OUTSIDE the internet bubble. Something different. Something high-quality. Something thought provoking. Something innovative. Click to read all about how Creative Ambrosia will feed your imagination!
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Developing Discipline University

With: Trish Funk
Price: $99
Description: Your six week course that will guide you step by step through mastering self discipline in your life for good. Lives too short to live it with the “I wish I…..”. You can move mountains, you just have to start with one rock.
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Free Your Mind

With: Beth Cline
Price: $49
Description: With the Free Your Mind program, create awareness around the energy you bring. Begin to identify your thought patterns and belief systems that may be holding you back. Learn to intentionally choose your thoughts, and believe in the power of them.
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Golden Basket Club

With: Shirley George Frazie
Price: $9 – $97
Description: Starting or growing a gift basket business? Need help with gift baskets or want to learn more about this creative enterprise? Golden Basket Club is your source to make gift baskets for fun or profit. Videos, product sources, marketing support, monthly Q&As, weekly tips, one-to-one support, and much more is here for you.
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Head-to-Paper Course-Building Workshop

With: Karen Sergeant
Price: $49
Description: Stop staring at a blank page and get started building your info-product. This “Workshop-in-a-PDF” has what you need, with fun worksheets to get you organized, get your creative juices flowing, and get those great ideas OUT OF YOUR HEAD and onto paper. If you’re a bootstrapper, this is just what you need.
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The Itchy Soul Holistic Faith & Business Playground

With: El Edwards
Price: $365/year
Description: The Itchy Soul Faith & Business Playground is for women entrepreneurs who want to build a thriving business at the same time as stretching and growing their faith muscle. Live Q & A calls every week, weekly inspirational audios, daily accountability, monthly book club and lots more.
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Pricing for YOU: How to find the right price for your products + services

With: Nahanni Faith Hartwood
Price: $19.00
Description: As an entrepreneur, pricing can feel really hard! There’s a lot of conflicting info out there, and it’s easy to get stuck on what to charge. In Pricing for YOU, I teach you quick, simple methods for tuning in to your intuition to find the right price (that you feel good about!) for your products + services. Video workshop + pdf.
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Smart Women Make Money

With: Sherold Barr
Price: $298
Description: Smart Women Make Money is a six-week online program that will unleash your ability to make more money by removing your money blocks, and create a new money story that you are eager to step into. You will learn to ask for what you are worth, understand the sales pipeline and how to get clients and ask for the sale.
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The Vortex of Creation

With: Leah Shapiro
Price: $97/month
Description: This virtual coaching group is an amazing, sisterhood of awesomeness where creative, free-spirited women go to unleash themselves from the crap that holds them back so they can fly their freak flags and make their dreams come true.
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The ZAP!

With: Helene Scott
Price: $297.00
Description: When you unleash your unparalleled spark, you become a magnet to your people. Make it easy for them to find you. Without a doubt the most effective way to STAND OUT online is by infusing YOU into your website/brand/message. In this 1:1 session we roll up our sleeves and unleash yours.
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Personal Finance Transformation

With: Trish Funk
Price: $129
Description: Your six week course to transforming your relationship with your finances.
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Health & Beauty

Lighten your Load

With: Chivon John
Price: 19.99
Description: Are you tired of saying that you’re fine, when you really want to admit that you’re not? Lighten your Load is a 21 day self-paced ecourse designed to help you burn your cape, bring ease back to self-care and your permission slip to take inspired action to make yourself the priority.
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Life & Relationships

My Organized Chaos

With: Jo Ebisujima
Price: $497
Description: Busy moms, I can help you organize your kids so that they become more independent and helpful around the home. Freeing up your time so you have more time for the fun stuff! Having more independent kids and a more organized home will also reduce stress, reduce fights and bickering and promote a helpful and more caring atmosphere.
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Soul Work & Creativity

Creative You 8 Week Online Course

With: Kathie Holmes
Price: $347.00
Description: Supporting women in achieving their dreams of owning their own business. Our course delves deep to identify your unique creative ability and then takes you through step by step to create your online business. In addition, you will be fully supported through our exclusive Facebook Mastermind Group.
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Temple of Tales: Persephone and Your Power

With: Hayley ‘Haloquin’ Addis
Price: £59
Description: A four week video-ritual journey into magic to guide you in stepping into your true self and your power to change the world! Become Queen of your life with Persephone, able to choose the shape of your life every day, to know what matters and to weave more of what is truly important to you into your life ever moment.
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Share and spread the word about these awesome courses!

If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!

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