Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10
Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23

Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.
On the blog ...
Online Resource Roundup: September 2013
Check out this awesome list of online classes, programs, and resources offered by entrepreneurial women to help you live your best life. If you have an online offering available that supports women entrepreneurs please share in the comments. If you’d like to be included in future roundups, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!
This month we’re shining the spotlight on …
Create Your Nomadtopia
With: Amy Scott
Price: $97-497
Description: Create Your Nomadtopia is a six-week online group program to help people reach location independence and create the ideal life for their nomadic soul. Through a private forum, weekly group calls, and audio lessons and PDFs, experienced nomad Amy Scott guides people to identify what their ideal life looks like and make it happen.
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Sales Close: September 11, 2013
Congrats, Amy!
And now, on to the full list…have fun, grow, learn, explore, live!
Business Growth & Personal Development
Fuel Your Fame with Guest Posts
With: Maggie Patterson
Price: Free
Description: Demystify guest posting once and for all. In this free course you’ll learn everything from what to pitch, to how to pitch, and what to write. Over four weeks you’ll get valuable content plus cheat sheets to teach you the process and all the secrets of great guest posts that help build your business.
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Sales Close: starts September 5, 2013, then ongoing
Coaching Business Jumpstart
With: Rebecca Tracey
Price: $497
Description: If you’re a coach struggling to get clients and make a full-time income, we’ve got your back. We’ll spend a way workshopping your business to help you market yourself to the exact people you want to attract. Super fun, super impactful, and super results-oriented!
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Sales Close: September 9, 2013
The Push Up Entrepreneur: Create A Business That Lifts You Up, Separates You From The Status Quo, And Fills Your Bank Account
With: Sylvie Matthews
Price: FREE
Description: All over the world, female entrepreneurs are rising up to create their own economy, allowing them the freedom they long for, yet the learning curve is really steep! You will see that this summit has the potential to revolutionize the way you are building your business by filling cracks in your foundation.
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Sales Close: September 9, 2013
The 7 Best Ways to take back control of your Travel Business and start creating your online presence
With: Linda Riel
Price: FREE
Description: In this free webinar learn: How to take back control of your business. • Which (mostly free) online tools to use to create your online presence. • How to plan this out step by step, so you don’t get overwhelmed (Fall eChallenge). The webinar will be held on September 10th at 7pm Eastern.
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Sales Close: September 10, 2013
Freshly Implemented
With: Amber
Price: $1079
Description: Freshly Implemented is an intimate, online mastermind experience, that will change the way you do business. Learning, swag, accountability, real-time consulting, 6 full months so you’ve got time on your side, and so much more. Reserved for just 27 entrepreneurs who are ready to implement and get results once and for all.
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Sales Close: September 12, 2013
The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal
With: Ria Sharon
Price: $247
Description: What if you could actually get off the treadmill of being busy 24/7 with no time left for yourself? Learn how to listen to a deeper source of internal guidance Best selling author, Renée Trudeau provides a simple yet groundbreaking approach to self-care will give you practices to live your life from peace, power and love.
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Sales Close: September 13, 2013
Your Passion-Based Business
With: Stephenie Zamora
Price: $375 in full or two payments of $195
Description: An 8-week group coaching program helping you to build or a grow a business around your passion! If you’re ready to get clarity and start making serious forward progress towards building the business of your dreams, then sign up for this group program today. You will see results in just 8 weeks!
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Sales Close: September 15, 2013
Find Your Mama Groove
With: Megan Flatt
Price: Early bird price until 9/9 $149, retail price $199
Description: What if you could be the awesome mom you want to be while ALSO going after the things that make you excited? Find Your Mama Groove will show you how. This 6 week, online course will help you streamline all your “must dos” to make more time for your “want tos”. Get out of your rut and Find Your Mama Groove. Class Starts 9/30
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Sales Close: September 27, 2013
For the LOVE of Sales
With: Shana LaFore
Price: $197
Description: For the LOVE of Sales is a 7 week e-course designed to give you simple, soulful strategies to sell your work with confidence. It was created because, as much as you need it, business is not taught in art + design school. Why waste years of time on trial + error when you could could learn from someone who knows the ropes!
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Sales Close: September 29, 2013
Stop Overspending: 7 Tips, Tricks and Mindset Shifts to Keep You In Check at the Checkout Line
With: Leah Manderson
Price: FREE
Description: Like devouring a whole Cheesecake Factory dessert, overspending feels SO GOOD while you’re in the act, but leaves you feeling uncomfortable and guilty afterward–vowing you’ll never do it again. I’m holding this FREE teleclass to show you exactly how to stop overspending so that you ACTUALLY never do it again.
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Sales Close: September 5, 2013
Health & Beauty
The Well-Nourished Woman Inner Circle
With: Sue Ann Gleason
Price: $897
Description: A delicious journey into the life of a well-nourished woman. Expect body wisdom with a splash of science. Reflective moments. A whisper journal. Chocolate. Only the best chocolate. And a wise and wonderful guide at your side, ardently committed to seeing you fall in love with food. And your body.
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Sales Close: September 16, 2013
5 to 9 Jumpstart
With: HeatherLeigh
Price: $149
Description: The three week program that will dramatically improve the way you live when you’re not on the clock. That’s when all the fun happens anyway, right?! We’ll talk about where you are, where you want to be, and exactly how you can get there. I’ll give you my best tips, tricks, recipes, and workout plans!
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Sales Close: September 30, 2013
Soul Work & Creativity
The Tribal Bliss Gatherings (Part 2) Dance and Vision Weaving with the Power of your Creative Feminine Essence
With: Paulette Rees-Denis
Price: $49.00
Description: Dance and Vision. Weaving with the Power of your Creative Feminine Essence … an online movement journey
With Paulette Rees-Denis and Lynea Gillen. We move our body, mind, and spirit with deep dance release using writing, meditations, dance, yoga, and more. Find pleasure, healing, and your creative self with this four week course!
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Sales Close: September 9, 2013
Unleashing the Shameless Woman
With: Kimberley Simon
Price: $250.00
Description: Reclaiming Your Sacred Dignity… Are your ready to shed any feeling of being a victim and own everything that has happened to you, to reclaim your true voice, with a redefined sense of embodiment? Your invitation to experience wholeness, to know that all is well in your soul. Your heart longs to open wide…. if not now, when?
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Sales Close: September 18, 2013
Business Growth & Personal Development
Course-Building JumpStart Package
With: Karen Sergeant
Price: $199
Description: Serious about getting your course out into the world? Stop spinning your wheels and get traction. You get all the help of the downloadable workshop PLUS an hour with me. You bring the subject-matter genius, I bring the curriculum-design smarts, and together we hash out what your product looks like in detail.
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Sales Close: October 1, 2013
Qpractice NCIDQ Study Plan
With: Lisa League
Price: $37 – $327
Description: Qpractice is an online training and prep program to help designers study for the NCIDQ Exam, a credentialing exam for certification and licensing for interior designers in the US and Canada.
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Sales Close: October 2013
Health & Beauty
Fit & Fab in 6 weeks
With: Natalie Neckyfarow
Price: $109
Description: This 6 week program goes beyond the traditional fitness offering. Each week participants will receive coaching assignments, a group online workout, a home exercise video, a group coaching call, and ongoing support via a private Facebook forum. Participants will get motivated, move past personal blocks, and build strong habits.
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Sales Close: October 1, 2013
Life & Realtionships
The Virtual Nudge
With: Clare Fielder
Price: $14.99 {$5 off} the Big Nudge (see coupon code in description)
Description: Whether you’re the local Martha Stewart of the street, or simply a busy gal trying to balance career, client meetings and remember mum’s birthday, the virtual nudge is an exciting and innovative way of keeping track and reminding you in advance of those special days, with helpful hints and product ideas! Code: tvnjb5
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Sales Close: October 31, 2013
Business Growth & Personal Development
Jewels Branch Creative Community
With: Christie Halmick
Price: Starting at $49/month.
Description: As a creative member you get access to a growing library of self-paced digital courses and the Jewels Branch creative community. Learn graphic design software, branding, content strategy, and more at your own speed (no more overwhelm!). Get support from other entrepreneurs on the same journey as you. Get constructive, helpful feedback from a professional graphic designer and content strategist.
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The B Word for Artists
With: Laura C George
Description: The B Word for Artists is designed as an all-encompassing course giving artists the tools they need to build an online presence from the ground up. (Psst – that “B Word” is “business”!) If you’re overwhelmed with building a business around your art and don’t know what to do next, this is the program for you!
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Developing Discipline University
With: Trish Funk
Price: $99
Description: Your six week course that will guide you step by step through mastering self discipline in your life for good. Lives too short to live it with the “I wish I…..”. You can move mountains, you just have to start with one rock.
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Fearful to Fierce…Feminine Fierce
With: Mariah Neeson
Price: $475
Description: I help women step out of the ‘shoulds’ that have led them to a dead end and into the life they’ve been longing for by identifying what’s holding them back and creating actionable steps to move forward.
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Head-to-Paper Course-Building Workshop
With: Karen Sergeant
Price: $49
Description: Stop staring at a blank page and get started building your info-product. This “Workshop-in-a-PDF” has what you need, with fun worksheets to get you organized, get your creative juices flowing, and get those great ideas OUT OF YOUR HEAD and onto paper. If you’re a bootstrapper, this is just what you need.
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The Itchy Soul Holistic Faith & Business Playground
With: El Edwards
Price: $365/year
Description: The Itchy Soul Faith & Business Playground is for women entrepreneurs who want to build a thriving business at the same time as stretching and growing their faith muscle. Live Q & A calls every week, weekly inspirational audios, daily accountability, monthly book club and lots more.
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The Fiscal Flamingo
With: Taynia Aarnink
Price: $67 to $147
Description: The Fiscal Flamingo is a smart + sassy financial program to navigate your journey from big spendah to dynamite saver. This is not your typical finance get-out-of-debt program. Because finance doesn’t have to be boring.
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Personal Finance Transformation
With: Trish Funk
Price: $129
Description: Your six week course to transforming your relationship with your finances.
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Health & Beauty
21-Days of Vitality
With: Cheryl Bigus
Price: $47
Description: My 21-Days to Vitality eCoaching program is designed for you to work on each day, on your time and at your pace. Here is what will be covered: Weight Management, Cravings, Energy and Mental Clarity, Emotional Balance, Stress Management, Mindset for Success
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Life & Relationships
My Organized Chaos
With: Jo Ebisujima
Price: $497
Description: Busy moms, I can help you organize your kids so that they become more independent and helpful around the home. Freeing up your time so you have more time for the fun stuff! Having more independent kids and a more organized home will also reduce stress, reduce fights and bickering and promote a helpful and more caring atmosphere.
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Soul Work & Creativity
Creative You 8 Week Online Course
With: Kathie Holmes
Price: $347.00
Description: Supporting women in achieving their dreams of owning their own business. Our course delves deep to identify your unique creative ability and then takes you through step by step to create your online business. In addition, you will be fully supported through our exclusive Facebook Mastermind Group.
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Please share with anyone who would benefit from this information.
If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!
Read MoreFinding Image Styles that Work for Your Brand
Showing your distinct sense of style
Know anyone with a very distinct sense of style? You can pick them out of a crowd anywhere with just one glance at their outfit. This might even be you.
That’s what you want to create for your brand: a signature style that everyone will recognize, a style that invites your ideal clients in.
You can do this in part by selecting images to use on your website and in your branding that capture how you want your ideal clients to feel when they interact with you.
Conveying different emotions
Images of the same subject, shown in different styles, can convey very different meanings and make you feel different emotions. Take the images of apples, below, for instance. They are a mix of photos and hand drawn and computer generated illustrations. Some feel fun and playful, some feel welcoming, some feel a bit like something you’d see in a health magazine at the doctor’s office. Each image has a slightly different style.
Figuring out what works for your brand
To get started figuring out what image styles work best for your brand, the first step is to do a little bit of detective work. The second step is to do a little bit of party planning.
1) Be a detective of YOU
Create a completely selfish Pinterest vision board that’s just about you and what you like. This can be photos, illustrations, quotes, colors, fonts, designs of any kind, anything and everything that speaks to you. Don’t question why, just notice and gather.
(If you are not on Pinterest, you can bookmark interesting things you find online, or create a vision board from images/words out of magazines).
2) Plan a party for your ideal clients
How well do you know the folks who buy your products/services? If you were throwing a party for your ideal clients/customers what would that party be like?
Make a Pinterest board that shows the atmosphere of your ideal client party. Include images (photos, illustrations, quotes, colors, fonts, designs of any kind) that capture how you want your ideal clients to feel when they are at your party. What are the guests wearing? What’s the atmosphere of the party? What kind of food are you serving? What kind of music is playing?
Take some time to put together your completely selfish board and your client party plan. I’ll be back next week to show you how evaluating them can help you pick out the best image styles for your brand.
Bonus Accountability
Want some accountability to do this? Share a link to your vision boards below!
Read MoreJewels Branch Showcase: Brittany Becher
Jewels Branch Showcases feature work created by folks who’ve taken courses at Jewels Branch.

Brittany combined her love of travel and yoga with graphic design skills she learned in The PDF Workshop to create The Traveler’s Back-Pocket Guide to Yoga.
The Traveler’s Back-Pocket Guide to Yoga features more than 30 step-by-step descriptions and full color photos of Brittany demonstrating yoga poses for jet-setters, road-trippers, and business travelers.
Ready for your own showcase?
You can learn how to create your own logos, promotional graphics, e-books, and more at Jewels Branch. Come on over and start telling the story of your business through design.
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