Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10
Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23

Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.
On the blog ...
Online Resource Roundup: October
Check out this awesome list of online classes, programs, and resources offered by entrepreneurial women to help you live your best life. If you have an online offering available in that supports women entrepreneurs please share in the comments. If you’d like to be included in the October roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!
This month we are shining the spotlight on Bianca Filoteo’s Video For Shy People Masterclass.
Price: $597/$1597
Description: The Video For Shy People Masterclass is a 4-week, 30-Day online group program that’s meant to help you, the shy entrepreneur, shift from your struggles, fears and self-limiting beliefs with online video to having more courage and confidence of being in-front-of and behind the camera. You’ll also walk away with the skills needed to create compelling videos to better market your business.
Sales Close: October 22, 2012 or at 20 sign-ups
Congrats Bianca on your launch!
And now, on to the full list…have fun, grow, learn, explore, live!
Business Growth
Hustle Your Business Boot Camp
With: Erika Lyremark
Price: $995
Description: This 8-week course helps women entrepreneurs ditch fear, doubt, and excuses about selling. And then teaches them how to be confident world-class business hustlers so they can wallpaper their houses with cash. Starts October 7, 2012
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Sales Close: starts October 7, 2012, at 25 sign-ups
E-book Brainstorming
With: Christie Halmick
Price: Free
Description: Want to learn how to create your first PDF e-book/freebie get feedback on your current PDF e-book/freebie? Spend 15-minutes with digital publishing expert, Christie Halmick. You’ll have concrete actions steps to move your business forward with awesome content and design.
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Sales Close: October 10 and 11, 2012
How To Clone Yourself
With: Amber McCue
Price: $395
Description: How to Clone Yourself is a 6 week program on how to better leverage your expertise and your time while leading a revolution through others.
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Sales Close: October 14, 2012
Be Heard + Be Hired: The Online Summit for Entrepreneurs
With: Jan Schochet
Price: Free
Description: 9 Women Entreprenuers sharing content including break through your blocks to success, how to deal with spouse and friend pushback to your business, infiltrating the blogosphere, fearless launching, how to love your videos and tons more. We’re changing the way we do summits–short presentations. Only 25 minutes each. Join us!
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Sales Close: October 16
How to Be More Productive Online: Blogging & Social Media Tools to Save You Time
With: Leanne Chesser
Price: $197
Description: Overcome online overwhelm by setting up your foundation right and creating and implementing tools, plans and systems to save you time with your blogging and social media activities.
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Sales Close: October 30, 2012
Introduction to Photo Book Design Workshop
With: Stacey R Wiseman
Price: $40
Description: This 4-week workshop instructs and inspires the design of your family photo book. I will primarily use the free online program, Bookify, from Blurb to illustrate the best and most efficient way to design your photo book. This is perfect timing to have your book ready for the Holidays!
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Sales Close: October 24, 2012
Health & Wellness
FLOW into Freedom. Love. Oneness & Wonder
With: Barbara Coon
Price: $210
Description: Follow your body’s unique nature by slowing down, listening, & quietly witnessing what is trying to emerge. In 6 Tele-workshops you will open to more acceptance and healing. Discover the solution to your body’s symptoms with F L O W into Freedom.Love.Oneness.Wonder. Free FLOW Call 10/10 @ 7pm PT. Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/oT9-1
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Sales Close: October 16, 2012
Slim Sexy and Smart 28 Day Program
With: Cathy Sykora
Price: $249.99
Description: You will enjoy a highly nutritious eating plan and combines fun exercise & proper supplementation that will slim you down naturally. This program was developed to help you feel great while you gain a better understanding of what you are eating and why.
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Sales Close: October 31, 2012
Personal Development
Maybe Baby
With: Randi Buckley
Price: $475
Description: 6-Week Coaching journey for women uncertain about motherhood but don’t want to live with regret later. I gently uncover your truth and help you to make peace with it.
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Sales Close: October 8, 2012 last day to register (start Oct 6, 2012)
The Ravishing Renegade
With: Kimberly Riggins
Price: $495
Description: A 30 Day journey where I help you slash through the jungle (the place where you obsess over your body hang-ups, insecurities, and so-called flaws)to discover self-love and start being the ravishing woman you are capable of.
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Sales Close: October 13, 2012
YES! Energy 8 Week Coaching Program
With: C. Anne Tipton
Price: $497
Description: If you want to learn how to tap into infinite, productive energy; extreme optimism; and calming, clarifying spirituality to improve your life in any way . . . this is the course for you! We will go step by step through the YES! Energy equation which you can employ to attract abundance to all areas of your life.
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Sales Close: October 25, 2012
Business Growth
The PDF Workshop
With: Christie Halmick
Price: $350
Description: The PDF Workshop is a five week digital workshop that will teach you how to conceive, write, design, and produce your own short PDF documents in iWork Pages (Mac) or Word (PC). Join the early bird list for special pricing when you purchase by Oct 13th. Pre-work begins Oct 30th. Workshop begins Nov. 4th.
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Sales Close: November 4, 2012,
Video Rockstar University
With: Share Ross
Price: $595 or $795
Description: Learn how to rock your videos in 37 days! Look good, feel good about your videos and get results!
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Sales Close: November 9, 2012
Clean Up the Mess Around Your Finances
With: C. Anne Tipton
Price: $497
Description: IThis course will help you enjoy spending/ saving/ and investing your money (even if you have debt). It will help you work past your emotional ick around money and help you love your financial life.
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Sales Close: November 15, 2012
SquareOne Financial Coaching
With: Christyna Lewis
Price: $550
Description: Begin at the beginning! Bring peace and ease into your financial landscape in 5 weeks. Step by simple step to we walk through creating a weekly, nurturing, even joyful, habit of being with your money. When you clear away worry, you have space for what really matters for you.
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Sales Close: November 30, 2012
Business Growth & Personal Development
Be&Biz Sessions
With: Emmanuelle Lambert
Price: $299/$149 for applications received before August 9!
Description: A special 90-minute coaching session designed to give you tools and foundations as a solopreneur and integrate seamlessly your biz into your life and not your life into your biz. By the end of the session, with laser-focused coaching from me, you will define your message and how to communicate it effectively, your next steps to rock your biz YOUR way, and you will have a clear action plan designed for *you*.
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Business Planning for the Average Human
With: Amber Goodenough
Price: $349
Description: The Business Planning for the Average Human video ecourse is an 8 week online course that covers all the stuff you need in business plan in a fun, creative, exciting format! Everything is in plain english! No confusing jargon, no complicated spreadsheets…just the essentials. And visual aids and templates galore.
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Editor On Call
With: Lauren Forest
Price: Monthly Packages start at $97
Description: Make sure your online content is as professional as it can be – have it edited and proofread by your own “Editor On Call.” Send your weekly blog posts, guest articles, whatever you need…even Facebook updates and tweets and they’ll be polished and refined – usually within 72 hours (for short pieces); monthly package prices are based on word count.
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Inner Sparkle: 21 Days of Inspiration eCourse
With: Tia Sparkles
Price: $21
Description: Inner Sparkle is designed to help you shift from overwhelmed to overjoyed, recharge your batteries, and reclaim your inner sparkle by taking 21 small-but-strong steps towards the life you truly want. Delivered via 21 email prompts in 21 days, starts the day you sign up.
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Love Potion: Creating Wild Customer Attraction
With: Stephanie Peterson
Price: $39
Description: The messages your business projects out into the world determine exactly what you get back. Learn how to demonstrate the true, unique value of your products, and you can realistically have the profitable, fun, fulfilling business you signed up for.
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With: Jennifer Peek
Price: Starts at $1,000
Description: The MASTER PLAN :: a business immersion for high-octane entrepreneurs —
complete with a custom-cut strategy, for the next 6 months of your evolution.
It begins with a massively productive one-day strategy session, and rolls into 30 days of consulting + collaborative creation. The MASTER PLAN is ideal for action-driven, highly-independent entrepreneurs. People who don’t need a lot of hand-holding — just brilliant ideas, strategic how-tos, and practical steps.
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more EVOLution
With: Leona Mizrahi
Price: $136
Description: More evolution sessions are personalized private one-on-ones that reframe the self-help concept. Your private session is accompanied with straight forward and provocative questions that are results-oriented to help keep your heart warm and mind calm.
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With: Jessica Kupferman
Price: $199
Description: An online course that helps business owners get started using Pinterest for business, branding, SEO, website traffic, and more!
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SAHMrelationships: You & Yourself
With: Shannon Rinckey
Price: $9.99
Description: SAHMrelationships: You & Yourself is an eBook describing the personal struggle of what it takes to become a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM) that is actually happy. Role-playing, losing your identity, and feeling ashamed of being a SAHM are talked about in real and honest ways; suggestions for finding your own way out and be fulfilled at home are offered.
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Shift into Genius
With: Lauren Forest
Price: $1197
Description: A genius doesn’t fight her current situation: she shifts out of it and into a place that’s above & beyond it – she shifts into her own place of personal genius. This 6 week process teaches women entrepreneurs how to use this system to solve problems, overcome obstacles, and free themselves from self-defeating thoughts & feelings so that they can create the relationships, life, and businesses of their dreams.
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The Superluxe Naming Experience
With: Victoria Prozan McGlinn
Price: $275
Description: You can’t sell it if you haven’t named it. Stop wasting time and start making money!
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Take Flight with Facebook
With: Sophie Bujold
Price: $197 CAD
Description: An online program designed to help travel professionals kick their Facebook shame to the curb and start engaging like a pro.
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Track This!
With: Brittni Mehlhoff
Price: $27
Description: Track This! is packed with actionable worksheets, charts, and questions designed to help you figure out what your true (and very specific) goals are when it comes to your business, and how to stay on track and accomplish those goals once they are set.
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Tech Quickie Session
With: Jessica Williams
Price: $15
Description: Instead of spending HOURS researching on Google, you can jump on the phone with me and get major clarity around your tech problem in 15 minutes.
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Website in a Day
With: Heather Thorkelson
Price: $597
Description: Easy one day web design (and training!) so you no longer feel hostage to technology. You get a clean, professional site built on a WordPress + Thesis platform, 5 pages of your choice (i.e.; Home, About, Contact, etc), social media icons, super easy video tutorials on how to use your website, a business email address, Mailchimp integration so you can start building your mailing list right away, and key plugins installed.
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WordPress Play Day
With: Loralee Hutton
Price: pay what you can
Description: A light and carefree place to spend time with like minded people who are also working on their WordPress websites. It’s a great place to focus on this 1 project for a few hours with no other distractions. We meet every Thursday evening, and every 2nd Tuesday during the day.
Accountability + Support = WordPress Play Day.
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Mindful Parenting Strategy Session
With: Natanya Lara
Price: Free
Description: Are you feeling overwhelmed by parenting? Ready to have calmer family dynamics and confidence as a parent? Let’s talk about what’s happening in your family and explore what you need to become the confident parent you are ready to be!
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Tailgate-Licious Menus
With: Lindsay Diven
Price: FREE (Demo/Testing Year)
Description: By signing up for our Tailgate-Licious Menu plans, we will send you weekly gameday menus that include a snack/appetizer, entrée, side dish, treat/dessert and cocktail. Each recipe is easy to follow using a combination of easy to find and partial store-bought ingredients. We also include suggestions of what you can prepare ahead of time as well as ideas on how to store and transfer your food to your tailgating spot. This season is FREE because we are testing. Sign up now before we start the subscription prices. 12/1/2012
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Conscious Bookkeeping Method: Home Study Program
With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $300
Description: This self-guided, step-by-step and comprehensive online home study course is packed with Tools for Financial Transformation. Charged with practical action steps, teeming with deep reflection cues, and guided by a nurturing curiosity – you’ll be guided your relationship with money on every level, at your own pace.
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Getting Started With Conscious Spending
With: Mindy Crary, MBA, CFP
Price: FREE
Description: The single-greatest indicator of your future wealth is clarity around cash flow. Since budgeting SUCKS, find out the little-known steps to getting more satisfaction from every dollar.
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Tools for Financial Transformation: Introductory Video Course
With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $45
Description: This 4-part video series presents Bari Tessler Linden’s Conscious Bookkeeping method in lively, bite-sized morsels of transformative genius. If you’re ready for a jump start into a more conscious and fulfilling relationship with money, you won’t want to miss it!
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Wake Up With Mint Course
With: Bari Tessler Linden
Price: $65
Description: This multi-media training course has everything you need to start a money practice with the hip & handy web-based personal finance app, Mint.com. You’ll get a comprehensive video training guide to Mint, plus a soulful guide through the psychological, emotional, and spiritual considerations of tracking your finances.
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Health & Wellness
12 Day Detox
With: Cathy Sykora
Price: $49
Description: You will… Lose up to 5 lbs. Have brighter skin. Have a lighter mood. Experience carb & sugar cravings disappearing. Have a body that is cleansed of old toxins.
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28-Day Fat-Blaster Challenge
With: Shay de Silva
Price: $149
Description: A comprehensive program that will get you in tip-top shape in just 28 days. The challenge includes a workbook for changing your habits, three workout videos (each one less than 25 minutes long and requiring no weights or other equipment), a meal plan, a day-by-day guide, and a tracker so you can chart your progress.
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Balance your Belly
With: Angela Privin
Price: $50 a session
Description: A one on one or group coaching program that helps people troubleshoot their digestive issues
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The Cut The Crap 7 Day Guided Cleanse
With: Carol Galanty
Price: $45
Description: Cut the crap out of your diet, give yourself a big energy boost, improve your focus and sleep like a baby by cleansing your mind, body and soul for 7 days. (There is an optional juice delivery service or you can make your juices yourself).
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The Deluxe Mix & Match Meal Chart
With: Lacy
Price: $9.95
Description: A PDF chart designed using the Mix and Match Rule to help solve or prevent a picky eating problem for kids. The chart contains almost 400,000 different healthy, balanced meal combinations!
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Fast Fitness to Go
With: Shay de Silva
Price: $99/month
Description: Get fit and firm in 25 minutes anytime, anywhere…no equipment needed! This unique program delivers three new 25-minute workout videos directly to your inbox each month.
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Inspired Running
With: Christy Lambert
Price: $10 a month
Description: Inspired Running is an online community of beginning runners/walkers, offering personalized support, motivation & feedback. The intent is to inspire as many people as possible to reach their fitness and life goals using inspiration to pave the way.
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Paleo Power Lunch
With: Stormy Sweitzer
Price: $27.50
Description: Paleo Power Lunch: Easy, Filling & Delicious Workday Meals is a strategic cookbook with a set of how-to videos and quick guides designed to help you create meals that power your active and busy life. Recipes are based on Paleo dietary principles and are naturally free of dairy, grains, legumes, and processed ingredients. All resources are electronic so you can easily download and use them wherever you need them.
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Season to Run
With: Jeanne Andrus
Price: $197/$347
Description: This program is perfect for you if you never thought you could be a runner, if you’ve tried and failed to be a runner, or if a 5k (or longer!) is on your “someday” list! Season to Run is a ZERO to 5k running program that teaches you everything you need to know to become a runner and supports you every step of the way! Minimum age – 9, maximum age – 95!
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Signature Sugar Recovery Program
With: Claudia Olivie
Price: $175
Description: If you struggle with sugar addiction, are fed up with feeling like sugar is in control of your life, and want to kick your sugar addiction for good, this program is for you. It’s a 2-week program that includes everything you need to kick the sugar habit for good, including the most important part which is so often forgotten: how to reintroduce sugar without starting the addiction cycle all over again.
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Your Health Path
With: Wendy Sailor
Price: $28, $98, $224 per month
Description: Three levels of coaching programs and classes: e-course and site membership, the aforementioned as well as email coaching, all of the aforementioned and 4 half hour coaching calls a month. Health and wellness coaching geared to the individual. This is not about what I want for you but helping you to decide what YOU want for you.
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Xen Strength Yoga with Weights Teacher Training
With: Danielle Diamond
Price: $599
Description: This online teacher training program will certify you to teach a level 1 Xen Strength Yoga with Weights class. It contains a membership site with 20 videos and a manual with descriptions of every pose, and instructions on how to teach them. Yoga with Weights is emerging as the hottest new hybrid class, why not be the first to teach it in your area?
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Professional Development
With: Lisa League
Price: Free
Description: Qpractice is a resource to help interior designers study and prepare for the NCIDQ Exam, a nationwide credentialing exam for certification and licensing for interior designers.
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work-ABLE Résumé: your tactical, actionable, and practical DIY résumé guide
With: Amanda
Price: $20
Description: This guide is a self-paced workbook/guide for any job seeker who’s struggling with their résumé. It teaches how to set a foundation and strategy before you sit down to write a single sentence (a resume writer secret) and shows you a system to keep your experience updated.
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Soul Work & Creativity
Bling Your Brilliant Idea
With: Cara Moulds
Price: $275/$1500
Description: Are you stalled with a divine idea that wants to be born? Get individual coaching and consulting to get out of the muck that’s weighing you down. 1 Carat Bling and 6 Carat Bling options for creating an online program or retreat, branding or opt-in ideas, writing an e-book, crafting a speech or presentation, or whatever brilliant idea is swirling within you!
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Introduction to Tarot
With: Eliza Fayle
Price: $40
Description: YA common sense approach to learning the Tarot, with no memory work involved. Tarot opens up your intuition and creativity to enhance not just your personal life, but your business life as well.
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The Merry Inksters
With: Amy Scott and Shanna Trenholm
Price: $49/month
Description: The Merry Inksters is an online community where nonfiction writers (and those who write, but don’t consider themselves writers) connect and support one another with guidance from a professional writer (Shanna) and a professional editor (Amy). In the Merry Inksters you can share your struggles AND your successes. It’s a place to rediscover the joy of writing, complete your projects, and have fun doing it.
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A Year With Myself
With: Cigdem Kobu
Price: $365
Description: AYWM is the most comprehensive personal growth program for creative women. It aims to help women get clear, eliminate fear, cultivate joy, and change their lives from the inside out. Members receive a 20-25 page new thematic module every 7 days for 52 weeks. The lessons are co-created with more than 100 acclaimed guest experts. The program also has a free section for blog subscribers.
Curator: Cigdem Kobu at www.WickedAwesomeLife.com
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Please share anyone who would benefit from this information.
If you’d like to be included in the next roundup, please fill out this form for consideration. Thanks!
Read MoreWomen Branching Out: Sammi Johnson
I’m very happy to have Sammi Johnson of Sammi Is Social here on the blog today as part of the Women Branching Out interview series.
Sammi rocks social media with a fun, just do it attitude and straight forward advice for both online entrepreneurs and brick-and-mortar businesses.
Her new Kickstart service helps businesses grow their online presences with custom social media content.
Here’s Sammi…
Tell me about Sammi Is Social. Who do you love to help and why?
Sammi is Social is about teaching, inspiring and encouraging. I love to support people and see that little light bulb go off when I teach an entrepreneur something new. I mostly work with women who have an amazing message, and the drive to get it out in the world, but they just aren’t sure what steps to take. I have an uncanny ability to come up with marketing strategies that aren’t always mainstream.
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When did you first start to recognize the impact social media could play in your own business?
Years ago, about six or seven, I used Myspace to blog and post pictures for family and friends. Then I became the social events director for a singles group at my church. Immediately I put up a website but I quickly learned I had to direct my audience to the website pretty frequently or they would forget to check out the upcoming events. I started using a newsletter and yahoo groups to keep everyone involved and to get feedback — and a crazy seed was planted inside me for all things social media!
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I’ve seen you vlog in pink curlers and talk about social media while putting your makeup on and you always seem so at ease. What advice do you have for women just starting out in their online businesses about putting their “real” selves out in the world for everyone to see?
I was not born with that self-conscious gene I see so many women have. I love to be on camera to share my message and I’m always trying to think of ways I can relate to the women I’m trying to reach. Sometimes a crazy marketing stunt can be just what you need to help your message reach more people.
If you really have trouble with being on camera I always tell my clients: Here’s the deal! (I say that a lot!) People in your life see you all the time. This is not a big deal – it’s only new to you! No one else sees that weird zit on your forehead or that your right eye is bigger than your left. If you are really passionate about your business and helping as many people as possible – use video.
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What is the biggest stumbling block you see women having with incorporating social media easily into their businesses?
When it comes to social media I see a lot of women sweating the small stuff. They worry about saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and somehow ‘messing up’ – although there are some general guidelines with social media – it all moves VERY fast and one post or tweet is not going to make or break your biz. Keep learning from other people in your industry (just by checking out their social media) and ASK your clients! They will tell you exactly what they need from you. Maybe they love inspirational quotes or tutorials or contests. Don’t guess – ask!
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What is your favorite social media management tool?
I’m a huge huge fan of Hootsuite! I use it to bulk schedule promotions and my friends promotions – it’s been a huge time saver and stress reliever. I always know I can stay offline for a day or so and I still have messages scheduled to reach my peeps!
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Where do you tell social media newbies to start first? Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest?
I’m a huge Twitter fan but I know it can be super overwhelming and confusing to a lot of people. Most everyone already has a personal Facebook account and generally know what’s going on over there. So start with that! You can even start by telling friends and family about your biz if you don’t want to open a business page. Don’t stress about content or wording or timing – just tell people – hey I am selling sports memorabilia – anyone interested!
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What is your favorite aspect of your running your own business?
I love, love, love being home when my kids are home. I can meet them for lunch at school and drive them to the bus stop when it’s raining. The whole reason I work from home is so that I am home. It’s unbelievable to have the freedom to set my own schedule.
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Who are your business role models and why?
My most recent inspirational business role model is Leonie Dawson. I’ve only just started following her a few months ago but she has helped me so much with encouraging me to build my own business model and not just copying someone else. She also seems to have started working from home for many of the same reasons as me – freedom to raise my kids and be there for them when they need me – not just when I can schedule time off work.
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What did 7 year old Sammi say she wanted to be when she grew up?
I always said I wanted to be a school teacher. I would make my sister play “school” all the time. She was super smart by the time I was finished with her but I think I was pretty bossy which she didn’t like. I also remember laying in my bed at night fantasizing that there was a secret door in my closet that led to an underground office where I ran a company. Seriously? What kid wants to sit in an office? I think from a really early age I knew I would run my own business – it just took me a few decades to have the guts.
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Is there anything else you’ve like us to know about kickstarting social media for our businesses?
The best thing I’m finding out by working with so many women entrepreneurs – is that they just need a plan. I’ve been writing 30 days of content for the past month or so, and the relief and excitement about receiving pre-written Facebook posts is unbelievable! Once they see it all, the whole marketing thing seems a lot less cumbersome, and maybe a little bit FUN! Although I would be more than happy to help you with taking that first step, it really is something you can do on your own by creating a spreadsheet and just filling it in with links to your blog posts, quotes from your own writing or someone you find inspirational, links to your products, and questions to your audience. You can do this, start creating your biz buzz now!
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Sammi Johnson is in love with mind maps, launching, and strategizing social media coups. She lives in Middle America with her three kids but travels all the time. When she’s not working to help entrepreneurs grow their biz, you can find her with a plate of Mexican food or at the soccer fields screaming her head off! Right now she is creating custom social media content so head on over to Kickstart! You can find her at Sammi Is Social, on Twitter, and Facebook.
Read MoreWomen Branching Out: Alethea Cheng Fitzpatrick
I’m very happy to have Alethea Cheng Fitzpatrick of nestingNYC and Photosanity here on the blog today to start up another session of the Women Branching Out interview series. Alethea is a family photographer and photography coach. She’s offering a free workshop Quickstart your Photosanity on September 18th, 2012, at 9 p.m. Eastern. You can sign-up for a replay of the workshop, if you’re reading this after that date! Her fall workshop begins on September 25, 2012.
Here’s Alethea…
Tell me about nestingNYC and Photosanity. Who do you love to serve and why?
I’m a family photographer and photography coach for parents and I’m on a mission to help parents more fully experience the precious fleeting moments of their children’s lives through photography. nestingNYC is my family photography business. I also teach an online photography workshop for parents and offer customized one-on-one photography coaching for parents through Photosanity.
I like to say that I help parents who want amazing photos of their kids – taken for them or by them!
I love working with parents of young kids and their families to create beautiful portrait artwork that captures everything they love about their lives and what they want to remember about this time. As a mom myself, I know that the cliche is true – the time really does pass by quickly, and without photography, it’s so easy for the special, every day moments to fade into a blur and be lost for ever.
But more than that, I love to show parents how seeing like a photographer (which anyone can learn to do by the way) can heighten their emotions and memories, keep them in the moment and bring them closer to their kids. Photography does this for me daily and I get such joy and delight from it, I want every parent to experience this!
Photo by workshop participant Susan Malat.
When did you first pick up a camera?
Back in the day, cameras were not as ubiquitous as they are today, but my father was an avid amateur photographer so I’m pretty sure it was at a fairly young age. Certainly my sister and I would “help” out in the darkroom we had in one of the bathrooms of the house. I first got my own camera when I was around 14 years old.
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When did photography turn from hobby to business for you?
Although I went to art school (for architecture – I’m a former architect and interior designer) and took photography classes in college, it absolutely did not occur me to pursue it professionally until I had my first son, Liam, who is now 3.5 yrs old. Although I shot with an SLR many years ago, I actually didn’t get a DSLR until just before he was born… and I fell in love with photography all over again. And when my maternity leave was over, I decided to pursue it professionally rather than return to my career as an architect. I wanted to have my own business and the flexibility it would give me to spend some time at home with my son, and I also wanted a career where being a mom would be an advantage rather than a conflict.
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In your workshops you help parents capture precious moments in their children’s lives. What’s a precious moment you recently captured of your kids?
Liam and my second son Jack (9 months) are at this really fun stage where they can actually kind of play together now, with a lot of supervision and yelling at Liam to be “GENTLE!!!” Actually, I realized that when Liam is a little rough, really all he’s trying to do is get Jack to laugh, which he absolutely loves to do. The other day at the park, I captured this moment where he succeeded – Jack is laughing and looking up at Liam, and Liam is responding, and I just love how this photo captures the very best of their relationship right now. Parents often struggle with sibling photos I think because they are hoping to capture their kids with their arms around each other, smiling and looking at the camera – and if that doesn’t actually ever happen in real life, you’re only going to frustrate everyone trying to make it happen for a photo! So I encourage parents to look for natural interactions and emotions to capture, not only because it’s more likely to happen, but because those photos will be more meaningful.
How has the experience of photographing your own children influenced how you teach your photography workshops?
My experience of photographing my own children is a MAJOR influence in how I teach my photography workshops – I draw heavily from my experience as a mom. It’s one of the things that my workshop participants really like and what makes the strategies I teach accessible and achievable for moms. Most workshops are taught from the perspective of a professional photographer, which is not what my participants are looking for as beginners. Of course, I draw from my experience as a professional photographer as well, particularly for the technical aspects and it’s also given me experience working with kids of all ages, personalities, skin tones etc. But I downplay that aspect because Photosanity is NOT about becoming a professional photographer, or being trained as one. It really is about photographing your own kids.
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In a recent blog post on Photosanity.com you gave some really great tips on “How to turn your iPhone photos from “blah” to “wow”! What’s one tip you can share that parents reading this interview can use right now to start taking better photos of their kids?
As I mentioned above, I think a lot of parents think that they need to get their kids to smile and look at the camera for photos, which generates a frustrating experience for everyone. Your kids don’t want to stop what they’re doing to pose, and you can’t get a good photo. Instead, think about what you most want to remember about this time that your kids naturally do every day and capture that. Shoot first and foremost from your emotions and the technical stuff can follow.
Photo by workshop participant Karine Baczynski.
You’ve worked as an architect and interior designer, how are those experiences reflected in your approach to photography?
I use my background as an architect and interior designer to show parents how they can best display their photos in their home – most parents have no idea where to even begin figuring out the location, size, type of frame, and which images to use. Having photos in your home that show your family naturally interacting at their best can bring such daily joy and pride, not to mention a confidence boost for parents and kids alike.
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What’s your favorite aspect of running your own business?
I love being able to create a business that reflects how I most love to help people.
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Who are your biggest supporters in life and biz and what does their support allow you to do?
First and foremost my husband is my biggest supporter in life and biz! His support has allowed me to create the life I want – running my own business and also spending time at home with my kids. The rest of my family, especially my parents, plus my entire network of friends from various parts of my life have also been big supporters, especially all my mom friends and my growing group of entrepreneur friends. Running your own business and being a mom can be lonely if you don’t reach out and find those connections and support.
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What did 7-year old Alethea say she wanted to be when she grew up?
The funny things is, I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up – I was too interested in too many things! It’s why I ended up studying architecture, which is a really broad and open subject. Becoming a mom was what really enabled me to focus.
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Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Actually, I’m offering a FREE live online workshop – Quickstart your Photosanity on September 18th at 9pm EDT and anyone is welcome to join. I’ll be giving away tips and strategies on taking better photos AND more fully experiencing your children’s lives through photography. If you can’t make the live call, there will be a recording available afterwards, but you do have to sign up to get access.
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Alethea Cheng Fitzpatrick is a family photographer and photography coach for parents. She is on a mission to help parents more fully experience the precious fleeting moments of their children’s lives through photography. She is also an entrepreneur, mom of two adorable if rambunctious boys, Liam (aged 3.5 yrs) and Jack (aged 9 months) and a former architect and interior designer. Born in the UK, she went to Pratt Institute, where she studied architecture, and now resides in NYC.. She is founder and owner of nestingNYC, which specializes in baby photography as interior design, and Photosanity, where she offers online workshops and private coaching. You can find her on Facebook at http://facebook.com/nestingNYC and http://facebook.com/photosanity, on Twitter at http://twitter.com/nestingNYC, YouTube http://youtube.com/photosanity, and Pinterest http://pinterest.com/aletheafitz.
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