Confidence and Your Website

Have you lost confidence in your website?

  • Do you look at your website and worry that it’s not quite as professional as you want it to be?
  • Do you hesitate when someone asks for your website address because you’re ashamed of the way your site looks?
  • Do you have a long list of things you want to improve but every time you login to WordPress you’re afraid you’ll mess something up so you leave feeling defeated and frustrated?
  • Do you feel guilty because you depend on your website for business leads but can’t find time to refresh the look and contents?

Yes? Then, it sounds like you’ve started seeing your website as a problem child instead of a key element in your business.

It’s time to get some outside help.  It’s time to get a pro to help you get your website confidence back.

Get some people on your team who can look at your site and see the goodness that’s there. Who can pull out the parts of you that are hidden and really showcase YOU.

You might need a designer, a web-savy virtual assistant and a copywriter. Or you might need someone like me who does it all.

Doesn’t matter who you decide to work with. Just get out there, get the help you need to start feeling confident about your site.

I promise you that feeling good about your web presence will boost your overall confidence and the good vibes will radiate through all aspects of your business.

Try, Do and See

Today I signed up for a writing conference. Big deal, right? People go to conferences everyday. But, I’ve been thinking about it for weeks and wondering if I should go. If I deserve to go. What will I tell someone if they ask me what I write?

Should I tell them that I feel ashamed about all that I haven’t written? Should I say I feel stupid because I don’t know where to start? Should I say I’m just a beginner and down play the little bits of writing I have done?

All those questions playing over and over in my mind are so different from the words I use with my daughters.

When they are learning anything new, riding a bike, swimming, reading, I encourage them to TRY and to be proud of their efforts. Because I know that in TRYING they DO and the more they DO the better they will be.

So, why is my internal dialogue so screwed up?

In my heart I know I need to be proud of where I am and excited about what I’m working toward, regardless of that little voice that’s telling me I’m not quite worthy.

If I never sign up for conferences or try anything new I’m going to be stuck right where I am. Right?

I want for you the same things I want for my daughters and myself. I want you to be proud of your efforts to build a businesses. I want you to TRY and DO and SEE where it takes you.

Too often we get in our own way. We stop ourselves. We limit ourselves. We don’t let ourselves try.