Free Branding Workshop — Starts May 10
Ready to brand and be seen online ... get started here

Build a solid brand foundation, uncover your brand personality, define your visual style, design your own logo, write your website content, and launch your website. Starts May 23

Looking for reliable creative, branding, and technology support for your online business? We’ve got you covered — from the first spark of your big idea to launch. Now booking projects for July.
On the blog ...
PDF Workshop Showcase: Amy Scott
All week I’ve featured the work of participants in the first two sessions of The PDF Workshop. The PDF Workshop is a digital course that teaches women entrepreneurs how to write, design, and produce their own PDF documents (e-books, worksheets, cookbooks, and more).
PDF Workshops Showcase #8: Amy Scott
Destination Nomadtopia
Destination Nomadtopia created by AMY SCOTT of Nomadtopia. Amy’s been living a location independent life for the last nine years. She used her experience, along with photos from her travels, to create to this e-book to help you figure out the ideal lifestyle for your nomadic dreams.
Previous showcases:
Sunday: Terri Ingraham
Monday: Alara Castell
Tuesday: Cathy Sykora
Wednesday: Cheryl Bigus
Thursday: Rebecca Mullen
Friday: Megan Flatt
Saturday: Erin Kurup
Watch for this upcoming showcase:
You can do this, too!
You can learn how to create your own beautiful PDFs in The PDF Workshop. Group session begins Feb. 6th.
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PDF Workshop Showcase: Erin Kurup
All week I’ll be featuring the work of participants in the first two sessions of The PDF Workshop. The PDF Workshop is a digital course that teaches women entrepreneurs how to write, design, and produce their own PDF documents (e-books, worksheets, cookbooks, and more).
PDF Workshops Showcase #7: Erin Kurup
How to Work with an Editor
How to Work with an Editor created by ERIN KURUP of {re}made by hand. Erin used her brand colors and fonts to create to this e-book to help explain what editors do and how they can help your business.
Previous showcases:
Sunday: Terri Ingraham
Monday: Alara Castell
Tuesday: Cathy Sykora
Wednesday: Cheryl Bigus
Thursday: Rebecca Mullen
Friday: Megan Flatt
Watch for this upcoming showcases:
Sunday: Amy Scott
You can do this, too!
You can learn how to create your own beautiful PDFs in The PDF Workshop. Group session begins Feb. 6th.
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PDF Workshop Showcase: Megan Flatt
All week I’ll be featuring the work of participants in the first two sessions of The PDF Workshop. The PDF Workshop is a digital course that teaches women entrepreneurs how to write, design, and produce their own PDF documents (e-books, worksheets, cookbooks, and more).
PDF Workshops Showcase #6: Megan Flatt
Bump to Baby
Bump to Baby created by MEGAN FLATT of Bump Life. Megan used her brand colors and fonts to create to this workbook for her mommy wellness program.
Previous showcase:
Sunday: Terri Ingraham
Monday: Alara Castell
Tuesday: Cathy Sykora
Wednesday: Cheryl Bigus
Thursday: Rebecca Mullen
Watch for these upcoming showcases:
Saturday: Erin Kurup
Sunday: Amy Scott
You can do this, too!
You can learn how to create your own beautiful PDFs in The PDF Workshop. Group session begins Feb. 6th.
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